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Chapter 2: Essential Chemistry for Biology Book Notes

Some Basic Chemistry Matter: elements & compounds 92 elements (natural) 25 are used for life O, C, H, and N = 96% of your weight

Elements + other elements = compounds

Atoms The structure of atoms Protons (+), neutrons (=), and electrons (-) Protons and neutrons are located in the nucleus together

Isotopes Differ in mass Radioactive isotopes are unstable (nuclei dont stay together) i.e., Carbon-14

Electron arrangement and the chemical properties of atoms 2/first shell, 8/second shell, 18/third shell, 32/fourth shell React with one another

Chemical bonding and molecules Ionic bonds When two molecules bond to build a full valence shell

Covalent bonds When 2 atoms share one or more pairs of valence shell electrons

Hydrogen bonds Hydrogen & oxygen Electrons are more attracted to the oxygen Therefore, water molecules are polar Polarity causes opposites to (weakly) attract Attractions = hydrogen bonds

Chemical reactions The change of a reactant to a product Cannot create or destroy matter, only rearrange Changes in the composition of matter

Water and Life Waters life-supporting properties Cohesion of water i.e., in plants and trees Surface tension

How water moderates temperature Hydrogen bonds make it harder to cause temperature change More bonds = cold Less bonds = hot Evaporative cooling water left = cooler

The biological significance of ice floating in water

Less molecules in ice than in water

Water as the solvent of life Solvent in blood, sap, and cells

Acids, bases, and pH More H+ = acid More Cl- = basic Moderated with buffers pH 7 = neutral

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