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Species typical behavior Strong Nativist component Simple representative transformations

Gestalt Psychology
Resonance with James The whole is more than the sum of its parts Massively top-down Focus on our direct experience: i.e. our
phenomenology as a distinct domain Example: Phi phenomenon

Cognitive Psychology

Chomsky vs. Skinner on language acquisition: classic nature vs. nurture dispute Computers and information processing models: representative transformations Many strands, slowly returning to pre-behaviorist approaches to psychology

Psychology as the center of the academic universe

(See also figure 1.4 in 6th edition of your Text)

Social Sciences
Cultural Anthropology

Natural Sciences
Physics Chemistry Biology Psychology Sociology
Political Science










Massive structural asymmetry of conscious and unconscious processes Representative transformations between consciousness and the unconscious Strong evidence for his general theory of mind, but much weaker evidence for the overall value of his therapy


Applies Freud-like model of the mind to investigate humans religious and spiritual inclinations Major influence on Humanist psychology Major influence on personality theory Absence from text may be another example of the lingering influence of behaviorism

Humanistic therapy

Emphasis on notions of self and self-integration Simpleminded theory, but with good therapist can be effective

Cultural/Social psychology

Humans as social mammals Salience of hierarchies Conformity, social control, group polarization, groupthink

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