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BIBLIOPOLIS, EDIZIONI DI FILOSOFIA E SCIENZE Via Arangio Ruiz 83-80122 Napoli-Italy Telephone +39-081-664606 Fax+39-081-7616273 URL: R.

Gdel, O. Taussky-Todd, S.C. Kleene, G. Kreisel, Gdel Remembered, pp. 190, dieci tavole f.t., rilegato, 1987 HISTORY OF LOGIC 4 ISBN 88- 7088-141-5 39,00

The present volume contains most of the papers given at the 1983 Gdel-Symposium in Salzburg, held at the Institut fr Wissenschaftstheorie of the International Research Center Salzburg under the auspices of the Austrian Academy of Science and the Institut fr Wissenschaftstheorie. The idea was to bring together scholars who have known Kurt Gdel personally, and who have discussed with him scientific, philosophical and personal matters. The contributers deal with topics concerning Gdel's life and interests from their personal point of view. In particular, they report on Gdel's teachers and friends at the University of Vienna, Gdel's reception at Princeton, Gdel's view on Church's, Kleene's and Rosser's results and the development, over the years of Gdel's interests in intuitionistic logic, but also, more generally, in the foundations of logic and mathematics, and its philosophical background. A letter by Zermelo (to Reinhold Baer) is here published for the first time. It was not known to the participants of the symposium, and shows that Zermelo remained unconvinced of Gdel's achievements after they bad met and talked at Bad Elster. Copyright by Bibliopolis Tutti diritti riservati - All Rights reserved


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