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TASK TWELVE: Music Video Research Your Video Thinking of a concept

SYNOPSIS: This task encourages you to come up with a genre and a song for your music video. This research enables to you track your discussions using only mind-map programmes. TASK: In your pair, have a discussion about what genre music video you want to do and then try to come up with a song. Use the programmes below to help you track your ideas as it wont look great if all of a sudden you have a fabulous idea and you role with it. Complete your thinking of a concept mind map and upload it to the blog by the end of the lesson. PRESENTATION IDEAS: NO POWERPOINT (best one)

DEADLINE Monday 15th October 2012 GRADING: A/A* - the research and presentation will be excellent. Terminology will be used extensively. B/C the research and presentation will be good. Terminology will be used. Audiences will be discussed D The research and video will be proficient. It will be complete but the detail may be limited.

E Work will be complete.

Mrs Fudge & Mrs Madden A2 Media Studies

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