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Gettin it done?

The only jobs Greg Ball has created

are in India.

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A lot of people talk about outsourcing being a bad thing... we want to bring the American Dream to India.
Republican Greg Ball

The Hindu Business Line 3/17/06

Dont we deserve a Senator wholl fight to make the American Dream a reality here in New York, not India?
When it comes to the economy and the tough times so many Hudson Valley families face, Republican Greg Ball has shown again and againon issue after issuehe just doesnt get it:
Ball actually supports outsourcing American jobs overseas. He wont even allow a vote on a proposal to rollback tax breaks for companies that ship call center jobs overseas. Ball opposes raising the minimum wage for struggling families. Ball voted against the Fair Pay Act, which simply requires that women and men receive equal pay for equal work. Ball is so extreme that he was the only vote out of 200 legislators to oppose Wall Street Financial Reform that will hold big banks accountable.

Justin Wagners focus is on helping companies create good jobs here in the Hudson Valley, not handing corporations tax breaks and watching them send our jobs overseas. As our State Senator, hell fight to eliminate those tax breaks. And Justin has a comprehensive jobs plan to get New Yorkers working again that includes tax incentives for small businesses, investments in infrastructure, and raising the minimum wage. Thats Justin Wagner. Mainstream values. Common sense solutions on the economy to help the middle class.

REPUBLICAN GREG BALL: Too extreme for the Hudson Valley.

D E M O C R AT F O R S TAT E S E N AT E Mainstream Values. Common Sense Solutions.



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