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Brian-Gabriel A. Soan N03 Informative Speech Outline Topic: Fusion Power I. Introduction A.

In a world where technology is growing and advanced, a sustainable and beneficial energy solution is needed to make things easy and fast. B. Thesis Statement: Fusion power is an energy source or power from nuclear fusion that provides a sustainable energy source because it is an efficient energy source, it will be an affordable energy to the consumers, and it will help technological applications to be useful. II. Body A. Energy Efficiency of Fusion Power 1. Advantage : More efficient energy source compared to others 2. Effect: Energy distribution will cover up more consumers, B. Cost Efficiency of Fusion Power 1. Advantage : High rate of energy generation of nuclear fusion 2. Effect: Low-cost energy cost for the consumers. A. Environmental-Friendly Benefits of Fusion Power 1. Advantage : Less combustion of greenhouse gases, and use less materials for energy generation and distribution. 2. Effect: Fusion power contributes for protection and conservation of environment. III. Conclusion A. Implication: Knowing energy sustainability especially in nuclear power can help a person to think and study about energy efficiency, and do more research about it. This topic also help the audience to learn more about the mechanics of the energy source, and to research more for the improvement of this concept. B. Thesis Restatement

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