3381 6383 Syllabus

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ART 3381 / 6383 Intermedia Laboratory: Sound Art Instructor: Abinadi Meza (ameza@mail.uh.

edu) Monday and Wednesday, 2:30-5:30pm Room 312C, FAB This class is focused on sound, sound art, phonography, acoustic ecology, sound installation, sound performance, digital audio tools and compositional strategies. Students will produce works for regularly-given exercises as well as 3 self-directed works. Class meetings will include technical demonstrations, readings + discussions, "listenings," and production/studio time. Learning Objectives After completing this course you should be able to demonstrate skills in digital audio editing, recording and production. You will also be familiar with key works of sound art and avant-garde composition. Major Assignments/Exams Field Recording assignment: 20% Spatial Sound assignment: 20% Live Feed assignment: 20% Required Reading Noise, Water, Meat: a History of Sound in the Arts, Douglas Kahn, 2001 Sound Art: Beyond Music, Between Categories, Alan Licht, 2007 Recommended Reading The Soundscape: Our Sonic Environment and the Tuning of the World, R. Murray Schaefer, 1993 List of discussion/lecture topics Field Recording Sound Installation Sound Performance Radio Art, Transmission Arts Noise Generative Sound Software: Max/MSP Ableton Live Logic Soundtrack

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