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1 STANDARD 2: CIVIL WAR AND RECONSTRUCTION-Understand the causes, course, and consequences of the Civil War and Reconstruction and its effects on the American people. BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.2.1 Review causes and consequences of the Civil War.


nadir, popular sovereignty, reservation system, sharecropping, states rights, suffrage PEOPLE/ORGANIZATIONS: Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Jefferson Davis, Ulysses S. Grant, Andrew Johnson, Robert E. Lee, Ku Klux Klan, carpetbaggers, scalawags, Freedmens Bureau, Radical Republicans, Rutherford B. Hayes, William Tecumseh Sherman

1862 Homestead Act Anaconda Plan Freeport Doctrine Civil Rights Act of 1866 Fugitive Slave Act Compromise of 1850 Gettysburg Address Compromise of 1877 Jim Crow laws Dawes Act Kansas-Nebraska Act Dred Scott Decision Ostend Manifesto Emancipation Proclamation Radical 15th Amendment Reconstruction Plan 14th Amendment 13th Amendment SAMPLE HIGHER ORDER QUESTIONS What role did the concept of compromise contribute to causes leading to the Civil War? How would you compare and contrast the goals of Radical and Moderate Reconstructionists? How did Constitutional changes impact democratic ideals after the Civil War? How did major political parties and leaders influence controversial social and economic ideals before and after the Civil War? How did the Civil War and Reconstruction impact the Presidency? What role did prewar social and cultural differences in the North and South play in causing the Civil War? How did American settlement patterns impact Native Americans from 1865-90? READING APPLICATION QUESTION STEMS

STUDENT SCALE QUESTIONS How have I used concepts from this benchmark? How did the benchmark help me better understand __________? Where is my learning on the scale?
4.0 I can evaluate critique the social, political, and economic impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction. I can effectively identify and/or evaluate the causes and consequences of the Civil War and Reconstruction. With help, I can partially identify the causes and consequences of the Civil War and Reconstruction. Even with help, I struggle to identify the causes and consequences of the Civil War and Reconstruction.






What caused to_____? Why did happen to _____? How did the conflict between____ and_____ begin? What is the main reason/cause that ____happens? Which factor forces/influences______? Why is _________ a significant event? What was the effect of _________? What were the results of _________? What effect did _______ have on ____?

After studying ___________, the evidence from the lesson that helps me understand and answer the essential question is ____________. This relates to the essential question because __________________.

Cognitive Process: Cause/Effect Product: Multi-Flow Map

The student will: Identify and/or evaluate the causes and consequences of the Civil War Identify the economic, political, and/or social causes of the Civil War. Identify varying points of view regarding the main causes of the Civil War Evaluate the constitutional issues relevant to time period Identify the economic, political, and/or social consequences of Reconstruction. Identify and/or categorize the influence of significant people or groups on Reconstruction Describe the issues that divided Republicans during the early Reconstruction era Identify the significance and/or impact of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments Explain how Jim Crow laws circumvented the intent and meaning of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments Analyze and/or explain the various components of Jim Crow legislation and their effects on Southern minorities Identify settlement patterns in the American West, the reservation system, and/or the tribulations of the Native Americans from 186590 Content Limit: Limited to addressing broader social, political, and economic issues Stimulus Attributes: Historical documents, maps, graphs, charts, posters, photographs, and political cartoons

Teaching and Learning, Lake County School District

US HISTORY BENCHMARK ACCOUNTABILITY CARD SS.912.A.3.1 STANDARD 3: Industrial Revolution-Analyze the transformation of the American economy and the changing social and political conditions in response to the Industrial Revolution. BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.3.1 Analyze the economic challenges to American farmers and farmers responses to these challenges in the mid to late 1800s.


TERMS: agrarian, surplus, monopoly, industrialization, regulation, urbanization, populism PEOPLE/ORGANIATIONS : Grange, Farmers Alliance EVENTS/DOCUMENTS/LEGISLATION: Interstate Commerce Act (1887) Homestead Act (1862) Granger laws SAMPLE HIGHER ORDER QUESTIONS STUDENT SCALE QUESTIONS How have I used concepts from this benchmark? How did the benchmark help me better understand __________? Where is my learning on the scale? TEST ITEM SPECIFICATION NOTES

How did the gains and losses of individual rights correlate to the philosophies of various reform movements of the time period? What role did westward expansion play in the changing social and economic landscape of America? How did technology change farmers way of life?


Based on all information given, how does each part add to the idea that _____? How do ___and ____suggest the central idea that ______? According to the information given (including the chart, graph, photograph caption, etc) about, explain ________? People who read this passage will learn that _____? How does the concept in the article ____relate to the concept in the article_____? Use details from each article to support your answer. What information supports the conclusion that____________? What leads the reader to believe that_____________?

The student will: Analyze and/or explain the causes of the economic challenges faced by American farmers 4.0 I can analyze the economic Identify strategies used by farmers challenges faced by farmers and synthesize information to identify to address the economic alternatives. challenges of the late 1800s 3.0 I can explain the strategies used by farmers to deal with economic . Content Limit: challenges. Limited to interpretation of 2.0 With help, I can identify and partially explain strategies used broader economic concepts by farmers to deal with economic Complex application or challenges. 1.0 Even with help, I struggle to interpretation of economic graphs identify and/or explain strategies (i.e.-supply and demand) NOT used by farmers to deal with economic challenges. required STUDENT SUMMATIVE WRITING Stimulus Attributes: Historical TASK documents, maps, graphs, charts, After studying ___________, the evidence from the lesson that helps me posters, photographs, and political understand and answer the essential cartoons
question is ____________. This relates to the essential question because ______________________.
THINKING MAPS CORRELATION Cognitive Process: Sequencing Product: Flow Map

Cognitive Process: Cause/Effect Product: Multi-Flow Map

Teaching and Learning, Lake County School District

US HISTORY BENCHMARK ACCOUNTABILITY CARD SS.912.A.3.2 STANDARD 3: Industrial Revolution Analyze the transformation of the American economy and the changing social and political conditions in response to the Industrial Revolution. BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.3.2 Examine the social, political, and economic causes, course, and consequences of the Second Industrial Revolution that began in the late 19th century.
BENCHMARK KEY TERMS, PEOPLE, EVENTS, AND DOCUMENTS/LEGISLATION TERMS: Second Industrial Revolution, Bessemer process, Great Migration, immigration, innovation, market economy, planned economy, political machines, Social Darwinism, Social Gospel movement, suffrage movement, urbanization, urban centers. PEOPLE/ORGANIZATIONS: Henry Flagler, Knights of Labor, Ida Tarbell, National Woman Suffrage Association, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Alexander Graham Bell, Andrew Carnegie, American Federation of Labor, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Staton, muckrakers, National Labor Union, George Washington Carver, binder boys EVENTS/DOCUMENTS/LEGISLATION: Chinese Exclusion Act Gentlemens Agreement Haymarket Riot (1886) Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) Homestead Strike (1892) Pullman Strike (1894) Sherman Silver Purchase Act (1894) SAMPLE HIGHER ORDER QUESTIONS How did the role of government change in relation to business and labor? What were the issues and how were they resolved? What were the motivations of various European and Asian immigrants to make their way to the US? Compare and contrast Americans reactions to these various groups. What was the concept of Social Darwinism? How was it used by both liberals and conservatives? How did the forces of industrialization, immigration, technology, and urbanization change popular American culture and family life? How did American industrial achievements and developments influence the rest of the world? READING APPLICATION QUESTION STEMS SAMPLE ITEM

STUDENT SCALE QUESTIONS How have I used concepts from this benchmark? How did the benchmark help me better understand __________? Where is my learning on the scale?
4.0 I can analyze and critique the social, political, and economic impact of the Industrial Revolution on America in the late 19th century. I can analyze the social, political, and economic impact of the Industrial Revolution on America in the late 19th century. With help, I can explain and partially analyze the social, political, and economic impact of the Industrial Revolution on America in the late 19th century. Even with help, I struggle to explain and partially analyze the social, political, and economic impact of the Industrial Revolution on America in the late 19th century.


The student will:

Analyze and/or explain contributing social and/or political causes and/or conditions in government, society, and the economy Explain and/or evaluate the significance of events, movements, and people in American society Analyze and/or evaluate the human experience Identify the new industries and/or economic innovations and their impact on the economy and society Identify the significant inventors Compare and/or contrast the experiences of Northern European, Southern European, and Asian immigrants Explain the impact of social change and reform movements in the late 19th and early 20th centuries Describe the origin, course, and/or consequences of the labor movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries Explain the impact of key events and peoples in Florida history related to the Second Industrial Revolution




How are ___and ___similar? Why does the author compare ___and___ in this passage? How does the comparison between ___and _____help to illustrate? In what way is____ an appropriate comparison? What do ___and ___have in common? How does the authors impression of _____ and ______ change throughout the passage? What advantage did ____have ___over? Why did have more than ____? In what ways did ______ experience ______? According to the article, which ___helped __? How does____ support the idea that ____? How can the reader prove the idea___ that is the main idea of this text?

STUDENT SUMMATIVE WRITING TASK After studying ___________, the evidence from the lesson that helps me understand and answer the essential question is ____________. This relates to the essential question because ______________________. THINKING MAPS CORRELATION Cognitive Process: Classifying Product: Tree Map

Content Limit:
Limited to the time period from 18651910. Complex application or interpretation of economic graphs NOT required Limited to the interpretation of broader economic concepts in historical contexts Key events and peoples in Florida history are limited to the impact of Henry Flagler and the East Coast Railroad Stimulus: Historical documents, maps, timelines, charts, graphs, and tables

Cognitive Process: Compare/Contrast Product: Double Bubble Map

Teaching and Learning, Lake County School District

US HISTORY BENCHMARK ACCOUNTABILITY CARD SS.912.A.4.1 STANDARD 4: World Affairs through WWI Demonstrate an understanding of the changing role of the United States in world affairs through the end of World War I. BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.4.1 Analyze the major factors that drove United States imperialism.

TERMS: big stick, expansionism, imperialism, yellow fever, yellow journalism PEOPLE/ORGANIZATIONS: Theodore Roosevelt, George Dewey, Rough Riders EVENTS/DOCUMENTS/LEGISLATION: Open Door policy Panama Canal Philippines Platt Amendment Roosevelt Corollary Spanish-American War Teller Amendment Treaty of Paris Treaty of Portsmouth (1905) SAMPLE HIGHER ORDER QUESTIONS Why did the United States expand its role in world affairs in the late 19th and early 20th centuries? In what ways did other nations respond to the expanding American role in world affairs? How did the issue over American ownership of colonies after the SpanishAmerican War influence the nature of American government? How did Floridian cities such as Tampa and Miami contribute to the states economic growth during and after the Spanish-American War? What accounted for the mindset shift in American journalism during the late 19th century? How did the United States justify its expansion into the world as it established colonies overseas? READING APPLICATION QUESTION STEMS What caused to_____? Why did happen to _____? How did the conflict between____ and_____ begin? What is the main reason/cause that ____happens? Which factor forces/influences_____? Why is _________ a significant event? What was the effect of _________? What were the results of _________? What effect did _______ have on ___?

STUDENT SCALE QUESTIONS How have I used concepts from this benchmark? How did the benchmark help me better understand __________? Where is my learning on the scale?



3.0 2.0


I can analyze and critique the impact US imperialism had at home and abroad. I can effectively analyze factors that drove US imperialism. With help, I can identify and partially analyze factors that drove US imperialism. With help, I struggle to identify factors that drove imperialism and I am unable to analyze them.

STUDENT SUMMATIVE WRITING TASK After studying ___________, the evidence from the lesson that helps me understand and answer the essential question is ____________. This relates to the essential question because ______________________. THINKING MAPS CORRELATION Cognitive Process: Cause and Effect Product: Multi-Flow Map

The student will: Analyze the literary works, government policies, social philosophies, geographic factors, and/or economic incentives that motivated American imperialism Compare and/or contrast imperialist and antiimperialist viewpoints Describe the role of the media in promoting the Spanish-American War Trace the origin, course, and/or consequences of the Spanish-American War Identify the issues, challenges, and/or problems that were raised in the governing of a United States overseas empire Identify the motivations and/or obstacles faced by the United States in the construction of the Panama Canal Explain key events and peoples in Florida history as they relate to United States history Content Limit: Economic, military, and security motivations of the United States may reference the growth of the United States Navy or refer to The Influence of Sea Power upon History by Alfred T. Mahan. Limited to the time period 18901920 Key events and peoples in Florida history are limited to the role of Florida in the SpanishAmerican War. Stimulus Attributes: Historical documents, maps, graphs, charts, posters, photographs, and political cartoons

Teaching and Learning, Lake County School District

US HISTORY BENCHMARK ACCOUNTABILITY CARD SS.912.A.4.5 STANDARD 4: World Affairs through WWI -Demonstrate an understanding of the changing role of the United States in world affairs through the end of World War I. BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.4.5 Examine causes, course, and consequences of United States involvement in World

War I.


TERMS: alliance, armistice, convoys, imperialism, militarism, propaganda, reparations, trench warfare, unrestricted submarine warfare, war measures, war bonds, PEOPLE/ORGANIZATIONS: Big Four, conscientious objectors, War Industries Board, Committee of Public Information, League of Nations, Woodrow Wilson EVENTS/DOCUMENTS/LEGISLATION:

Selective Service Act Espionage Act Lusitania Sedition Act Sussex Pledge Fourteen Points Treaty of Versailles Zimmermann Telegram

Why did the United States decide to enter the First World War? In what ways did the United States expand its territory, its diplomatic importance, and its military power? In what ways did other nations respond to the expanding American role in world affairs? How did propaganda play role in US involvement in WWI? Why did US foreign policy impact the efforts for an end to WWI?


What caused to_____? Why did happen to _____? How did the conflict between____ and_____ begin? What is the main reason/cause that ____happens? Which factor forces/influences______? Why is _________ a significant event? What was the effect of _________? What were the results of _________? What effect did ______ have on ____?

STUDENT SCALE QUESTIONS How have I used concepts from this benchmark? How did the benchmark help me better understand __________? Where is my learning on the scale? 4.0 I can examine and critique the causes and consequences of US involvement in WWI and thoroughly understand its overall impact globally. 3.0 I can effectively examine the causes and consequences of US involvement in WWI. 2.0 With help, I can examine the causes and consequences of US involvement in WWI. 1.0 With help, I am able to identify but unable to examine the causes and consequences of US involvement in WWI. STUDENT SUMMATIVE WRITING TASK After studying ___________, the evidence from the lesson that helps me understand and answer the essential question is ____________. This relates to the essential question because ______________________. THINKING MAPS CORRELATION


Cognitive Process: Cause/Effect Product: Multi-Flow Map

The student will: Identify the general causes of World War I Identify the reasons for United States involvement in World War I Identify how involvement in the war was justified to the American public Explain the cause-and-effect relationships that resulted in American intervention in World War I Identify the major events and issues that affected the home front Explain the role of technology and/or the concept of total war in World War I Identify significant individuals and their role in military and/or political leadership during World War I Explain the dichotomy between the Fourteen Points and the Treaty of Versailles Analyze the short and/or long-term social, political, and/or economic consequences of World War I for the United States and Americas role in international relations in the post-war period Content Limit: Items will not address issues related to World War I from a perspective other than that of the United States. Stimulus Attributes: Historical documents, maps, graphs, charts, posters, photographs, and political cartoons

Teaching and Learning, Lake County School District

Teaching and Learning, Lake County School District

US HISTORY BENCHMARK ACCOUNTABILITY CARD SS.912.A.5.3 STANDARD 5: Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression-Analyze the effects of the changing social, political, and economic conditions of the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression. BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.5.3 Examine the impact of United States foreign economic policy during the 1920s.


TERMS: demobilization, disarmament, tariffs, Socialism, Communism PEOPLE/ORGANIZATIONS: anarchists, Communists, flappers, Sacco and Vanzetti, Albert Fall EVENTS/DOCUMENTS/LEGISLATION: Dawes Plan Fordney-McCumber Act Jazz Age Red Scare Roaring Twenties Teapot Dome SAMPLE HIGHER ORDER QUESTIONS How did social reform and changing roles among women influence the motivations that led to Prohibition? How did politics in the 1920s reflect both the advancement and the retreat of important democratic practices?

READING APPLICATION QUESTIONS Based on all information given, how does each part add to the idea that _______? How do and suggest the central idea that________? According to the information given (including the chart, graph, photograph caption, etc) about, explain ________? People who read this passage will learn that _____? How does the concept in the article _____ relate to the concept in the article_____? Use details from each article to support your answer. What information supports the conclusion that________? What leads the reader to believe that__________?

STUDENT SCALE QUESTIONS How have I used concepts from this benchmark? How did the benchmark help me better understand __________? Where is my learning on the scale? I can thoroughly examine and devise 4.0 analysis of US foreign economic policy during the 1920s. 3.0 I can examine US foreign economic policy during the 1920s 2.0 With help, I can partially examine US foreign economic policy during the 1920s. 1.0 Even with help, I struggle to examine US foreign economic policy during the 1920s. STUDENT SUMMATIVE WRITING TASK After studying ___________, the evidence from the lesson that helps me understand and answer the essential question is ____________. This relates to the essential question because ______________________. THINKING MAPS CORRELATION Cognitive Process: Classifying Product: Tree Map


The student will: Recognize that the United States shaped isolationist political policies, expanded its economic ties to Europe, and developed an industrial economy that conducted business in global markets Examine the extent to which United States economic foreign policy led to prosperity at home and abroad Examine key events and people in Florida history Content Limit: Complex application or interpretation of economic graphs NOT required No overemphasis on economics Limited to the interpretation of broader economic concepts Provide balance among social, political, and economic effects of foreign economic policies Stimulus Attributes: Historical documents, maps, graphs, charts, posters, photographs, and political cartoons

Cognitive Process: Part-Whole Product: Brace Map

Teaching and Learning, Lake County School District

US HISTORY BENCHMARK ACCOUNTABILITY CARD SS.912.A.5.5 STANDARD 5: Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression-Analyze the effects of the changing social, political, and economic conditions of the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression. BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.5.5 Describe efforts by the United States and other world powers to avoid future wars.


TERMS: anarchists, demobilization, disarmament, tariffs, Socialism, Communists, normalcy PEOPLE/ORGANIZATIONS: Woodrow Wilson, Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Charles Dawes EVENTS/DOCUMENTS/LEGISLATION: Dawes Plan Four Power Treaty Kellogg-Briand Pact League of Nations Neutrality Acts Open Door Policy Washington Naval Conference SAMPLE HIGHER ORDER QUESTIONS How did the role of public

opinion influence shaping US foreign policy decisions? Why did WWI play a huge role in US political ideology after the war? How did the growth of Communist ideologies impact the lives of Americans?

STUDENT SCALE QUESTIONS How have I used concepts from this benchmark? How did the benchmark help me better understand_____? Where is my learning on the scale? 4.0 I can describe and assess US efforts to avoid wars and its global outcomes. I can effectively describe US efforts to avoid wars and its global outcomes 2.0 With help, I can partially describe US efforts to avoid wars and its global outcomes. 1.0 Even with help, I struggle to describe US efforts to avoid wars. STUDENT SUMMATIVE WRITING TASK 3.0


The student will:

Describe the various domestic and international peace and relief efforts in which the United States was involved following World War I Identify and/or evaluate the social, political, and economic incentives for the development of peace and relief efforts after World War I Use context to recognize the underlying goals and purposes of treaties, conferences, and organizations


Content Limit:
After studying ___________, the evidence from the lesson that helps me understand and answer the essential question is ____________. This relates to the essential question because ______________________.
THINKING MAPS CORRELATION Cognitive Process: Cause and Effect Product: Multi-Flow Map

What caused to ______? Why did happen to_______? How did the conflict between ______and _____begin? What is the main reason/cause that ______happens? Which factor forces/influences ___? Why is _________ a significant event? What was the effect of________? What were the results of________? What effect did _____ have on ___?

Recall of names of treaties, conferences, and organizations NOT required Focus on peace and relief efforts that involved the United States Stimulus Attributes: Historical documents, maps, graphs, charts, posters, photographs, and political cartoons

Cognitive Process: Describing Qualities Product: Bubble Map

Teaching and Learning, Lake County School District

US HISTORY BENCHMARK ACCOUNTABILITY CARD SS912.A.5.10 STANDARD 5: Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression-Analyze the effects of the changing social, political, and economic conditions of the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression. BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.5.10 Analyze support for and resistance to civil rights for women, African Americans, Native Americans, and other minorities. BENCHMARK KEY TERMS, PEOPLE, SAMPLE ITEM

TERMS: immigration, nativism, normalcy, quota system, PEOPLE/ORGANIZATIONS: Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, Marcus Garvey, flappers, KKK, National Association for the

Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Sacco and Vanzetti, Seminole Indians, Universal Negro Improvement Association, Irvin Berlin, Langston Hughes, Mary
McLeod Bethune, A. Philip Randolph EVENTS/DOCUMENTS/LEGISLATION: Harlem Renaissance Eighteenth Amendment Fundamentalist Movement Great Migration Nineteenth Amendment Prohibition Rosewood Incident Volstead Act SAMPLE HIGHER ORDER QUESTIONS

How did the image of America as a land of opportunity develop and transform after WWI? What justifications were popularized during this time period to foster sentiments against minorities? How did the various ideologies drive social advancements among minorities?

STUDENT SCALE QUESTIONS How have I used concepts from this benchmark? How did the benchmark help me better understand __________? Where is my learning on the scale?
4.0 I can analyze and critique how Civil Rights issues impacted conditions during the Roaring 20s and the Great Depression I can effectively analyze the way Civil Rights issues impacted conditions during the Roaring 20s and the Great Depression. With help, I can identify and partially analyze the ways Civil Rights impacted conditions during the Roaring 20s and the Great Depression. Even with help, I struggle to identify and/or analyze Civil Rights issues that impacted the Roaring 20s and the Great Depression.






In what ways did ______ experience ______? According to the article, which (person) helped _________? Which sentence best characterizes attitude toward______? How does support the idea that________? How can the reader prove the idea that_____ is the main idea of this text?

STUDENT SUMMATIVE WRITING TASK After studying ___________, the evidence from the lesson that helps me understand and answer the essential question is ____________. This relates to the essential question because ______________________. THINKING MAPS CORRELATION Cognitive Process: Classifying Product: Tree Map

Examine the freedom movements that advocated civil rights Compare the views of Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, and Marcus Garvey Explain why support for the Ku Klux Klan varied in the 1920s with respect to various issues and groups Examine key events and people in Florida history Recognize and/or examine varying points of view related to the desire to expand and restrict civil rights for women and minorities Identify reasons for the rise of nativism in the 1920s and 1930s Analyze how civil rights issues both united and divided society in the United States in the period 191939 Identify and/or evaluate the decisions made by national and state governments related to immigration and civil rights issues Content Limit: Civil rights issues should be limited to the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression (191939) Stimulus Attributes: Historical documents, maps, graphs, charts, posters, photographs, and political cartoons

Teaching and Learning, Lake County School District


STANDARD 5: Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression-Analyze the effects of the changing social, political, and economic conditions of the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression. BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.5.11-Examine causes, course, and consequences of the Great Depression and the New Deal.

economic boom, Recovery, Reform, Relief, Sit-Down Strike, Gross, National Product (GNP), speculation boom PEOPLE/ORGANIZATIONS: Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Social Security, National Recovery Administration (NRA), Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Works Progress Administration (WPA)

Great Depression New Deal Roaring Twenties National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) Smoot-Hawley Tariff Black Tuesday




How did the Depression affect American politics? How did the Depression change assumptions about the nature of federalism and the role of government? How did Franklin Roosevelts New Deal legislation change the role of the federal government in relation to social welfare and individual rights? Why did some of the New Deal agencies become a lasting part of American life and was that Roosevelts original intent? What were the social and cultural consequences of the immigration policies and internal migration?
Why does the author compare____ and in this passage? How does the comparison between___ and _____help to illustrate _____? What do ___and ___have in common? How does the authors impression of _____ and ______ change throughout the passage? What advantage did___ have ___over? Why did have_____ more_____ than? Based on all information given, how does each part add to the idea that ___? How do ___and ___suggest the central idea that ____? According to the information given (including the chart, graph, photograph caption, etc) about____, explain ______?


How have I used concepts from this benchmark? How did the benchmark help me better understand __________? Where is my learning on the scale?
I can analyze and critique the causes and consequences of the Great Depression and the New Deal as it relates to various groups and the long-term historical context. I can analyze the causes and consequences of the Great Depression and the New Deal. With help, I can identify and partially analyze the causes and consequences of the Great Depression and the New Deal. Even with help, I struggle to identify and/or analyze the causes and consequences of the Great Depression and the New Deal.

3.0 2.0




After studying ___________, the evidence from the lesson that helps me understand and answer the essential question is ____________. This relates to the essential question because ______________________.

Cognitive Process: Compare/Contrast Product: Double-bubble Map

The student will: Recognize the cause-and-effect relationships of 20s and 30s economic trends of the 20s and 30s Identify and/or evaluate the impact of business practices, consumer patterns, and government policies of the 20s and 30s Examine the human experience during both the Great Depression and the New Deal Analyze the long-term social, political, and economic consequences of the 20s and 30s on society in the United States and/or Florida Explain the effects of the changing role of tourism in Floridas development and growth (18901930), the land boom and bust (192030), and/or the impact of the Great Depression(192640) Content Limit: Complex application or interpretation of economic graphs NOT required Limited to the interpretation of broader economic concepts Focus on the Great Depression in the United States and Florida rather than the global effects Stimulus Attributes: Historical documents, maps, graphs, charts, posters, photographs, and political cartoons

Teaching and Learning, Lake County School District

US HISTORY BENCHMARK ACCOUNTABILITY CARD SS.912.A.6.1 STANDARD 6: World War II and postWorld War II-Understand the causes and course of World War II, the character of the war at home and abroad, and its reshaping of the United States role in the post-war world. BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.6.1 Examine causes, course, and consequences of World War II on the United States and the world.
BENCHMARK KEY TERMS, PEOPLE, EVENTS, AND DOCUMENTS/LEGISLATION TERMS: Communism, Final Solution, national security, rationing, Fascism, Militarism, PEOPLE/ORGANIZATIONS: Mary MacLeod Bethune, loyalty review boards, United Nations, Franklin D. Roosevelt, A. Philip Randolph, Charles Lindbergh EVENTS/DOCUMENTS/LEGISLATION: SAMPLE ITEM

Atlantic Charter Holocaust Neutrality Acts Lend Lease Nagasaki D-Day Midway Pearl Harbor Salerno V-E Day Yalta Conference

Red Scare Nuremberg Trial Cash and Carry Hiroshima Japanese-American internment Normandy Potsdam Tehran Conference V-J Day


Why did the United States get involved in the Second World War? What effect did wartime economies have on the composition of the American workforce and on the shift from a rural society to an urban society? How did wartime economic innovation and technological developments change the American economy and American society? What was the role of American democratic ideals in the nations entry into the Second World War? How did the policy of isolationism play a role in Americas foreign policy at the outbreak of World War II?


What caused to _______? Why did happen to _____? How did the conflict between ____and ______begin? What is the main reason/cause that ______happens? Which factor forces/influences ______? Why is _________ a significant event? What was the effect of ________? What were the results of _______? What effect did _______ have on ____?

STUDENT SCALE QUESTIONS How have I used concepts from this benchmark? How did the benchmark help me better understand __________? Where is my learning on the scale? 4.0 I can analyze and critique the causes and consequences of World War II and evaluate of the long-term impact on the United States and the world. 3.0 I can analyze the causes and consequences of World War II on the United States and the world with partial evaluations on its long term impact. 2.0 With help, I can identify and partially analyze the causes and consequences of World War II on the United States and the world. 1.0 Even with help, I struggle to identify and/or analyzes the causes and consequences of World War II. STUDENT SUMMATIVE WRITING TASK After studying ___________, the evidence from the lesson that helps me understand and answer the essential question is ____________. This relates to the essential question because ______________________. THINKING MAPS CORRELATION Cognitive Process: Cause and Effect Product: Multi-flow Map

TEST ITEM SPECIFICATION NOTES The student will: Describe the United States response in the early years of World War II Analyze the impact of the Holocaust during World War II Examine efforts to expand or contract rights for various populations Explain the impact of World War II on domestic government policy Analyze the use of atomic weapons during World War II and the aftermath Describe the attempts to promote international justice through the Nuremberg Trials Analyze the effect of the Red Scare Describe the rationale for the formation of the United Nations Examine key events and peoples in Florida history Identify and/or evaluate the social, political, and economic causes of World War II Identify and/or evaluate the causes and consequences of World War II both domestically and internationally Evaluate the significance of specific wartime events Analyze the role played by individuals in the war effort, including the involvement of women and minority groups Identify and/or evaluate the role of technology and the political, economic, and social implications Evaluate the long-term influences of the war on both domestic and international affairs Content Limit: Address international issues from the perspective of the United States Mention battles from the turning point in the cause, course, or outcome of the war Stimulus Attributes: Historical documents, maps, graphs, charts, posters, photographs, and political cartoons

Teaching and Learning, Lake County School District

US HISTORY BENCHMARK ACCOUNTABILITY CARD SS.912.A.6.10 STANDARD 6: World War II and postWorld War II-Understand the causes and course of World War II, the character of the war at home and abroad, and its reshaping of the United States role in the post-war world. BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.6.10 Examine causes, course, and consequences of the early years of the Cold War (Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO, Warsaw Pact).


TERMS: Cold War, iron curtain PEOPLE/ORGANIZATIONS: NATO, Harry Truman, George Kennan, George Marshall, EVENTS/DOCUMENTS/LEGISLATION:

Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan Warsaw Pact Berlin blockade Dumbarton Oaks Conference Nuremberg Trials Potsdam Containment Policy


emerged in post WWII cause a shift in United States priorities and initiatives in its foreign policy? Why did events in Europe provide justification for United States increased involvement in world affairs? How did Americans perception change as a result of the United States increased involvement in foreign affairs?

How have I used concepts from this benchmark? How did the benchmark help me better understand __________? Where is my learning on the scale?


I can analyze and critique the causes and consequences of the Cold War and evaluate of the long-term impact on the United States and the world. 3.0 I can analyze the causes and consequences of Cold War and the world with partial evaluations on its long term impact. 2.0 With help, I can identify and partially analyze the causes and consequences of Cold War on the United States and the world. 1.0 Even with help, I struggle to identify and/or analyzes the causes and consequences of Cold War. STUDENT SUMMATIVE WRITING TASK

What caused to _______? Why did happen to _____? How did the conflict between ____and ______begin? What is the main reason/cause that ______happens? Which factor forces/influences ______? Why is _________ a significant event? What was the effect of ________? What were the results of _______? What effect did _______ have on ____?

After studying ___________, the evidence from the lesson that helps me understand and answer the essential question is ____________. This relates to the essential question because ______________________.
THINKING MAPS CORRELATION Cognitive Process: Cause and Effect Product: Multi-flow Map

The student will: Identify and/or evaluate the social, political, and economic causes of the early years of the Cold War Recognize the significance of events of the early years of the Cold War Identify and/or evaluate the longterm social, political, and economic implications of events and actions of the early years of the Cold War Recognize varying points of view related to the early years of the Cold War (194550) and examine how those points of view shaped public policies and social interactions Evaluate the impact of the early years of the Cold War (194550) on the lives of individuals in the United States Evaluate how events of the early years of the Cold War (194550) influenced United States involvement in international conflicts Content Limit: Address early Cold War issues from the perspective of the United States rather than from perspective of other countries or leaders Stimulus Attributes: Historical documents, maps, graphs, charts, posters, photographs, and political cartoons

Teaching and Learning, Lake County School District


STANDARD 6: World War II and postWorld War II-Understand the causes and course of World War II, the character of the war at

home and abroad, and its reshaping of the United States role in the post-war world.
BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.6.13-Analyze significant foreign policy events during the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations.

TERMS: Cold War, demilitarized zone(DMZ), domino theory, McCarthyism, nuclear proliferation, superpower PEOPLE/ORGANIZATIONS: Joseph McCarthy, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, General Douglas MacArthur, John Foster Dulles EVENTS/DOCUMENTS/LEGISLATION: Berlin Panmunjom Korean War Vietnam War Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) Indochina Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis Tet Offensive Sputnik I

What combination of ideology, economics, historical circumstances, individual viewpoints, and other factors shaped the (Truman-Nixon) administrations role in foreign policy? How did policies toward nations in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East change during the Cold War era? What role has public opinion and public protest played in shaping American foreign policy? How was the role of media significant in shaping the foreign policies of the (Truman-Nixon) administration?


How have I used concepts from this benchmark? How did the benchmark help me better understand __________? Where is my learning on the scale?

READING APPLICATION QUESTION STEMS How are___ and ___similar? Why does the author compare___ and___ in this passage? How does the comparison between___ and ____help to illustrate _____? In what way is____ an appropriate comparison? How are ___and___ different? What advantage did____ have over_____? How do the authors comments contribute to the development of the document/passage? What is the authors opinion of _____? Which statement best describes the authors approach?

I can analyze and critique significant foreign policy events during the administrations of Truman through Nixon and thoroughly differentiate how these administrations impacted US interactions abroad. 3.0 I can analyze and partially critique significant foreign policy events during the administrations of Truman through Nixon and how these administrations impacted US interactions abroad. 2.0 With help, I can analyze significant foreign policy events during the administrations of Truman through Nixon. 1.0 Even with help, I struggle to analyze significant foreign policy events during the administrations of Truman through Nixon. STUDENT SUMMATIVE WRITING TASK

After studying ___________, the evidence from the lesson that helps me understand and answer the essential question is ____________. This relates to the essential question because ______________________.
THINKING MAPS CORRELATION Cognitive Process: Compare/Contrast Product: Double Bubble Map

The student will: Examine the controversy surrounding the proliferation of nuclear technology in the United States and the world Examine causes, course, and consequences of the Korean War Analyze causes, course, and consequences of the Vietnam War Interpret how the major foreign policy events of Truman-Nixon administrations shaped social interactions and government policies Interpret how foreign policies of TrumanNixon administrations affected international perspective of US and its role in foreign policy Recognize major foreign policy events of Truman-Nixon administrations Identify and/or evaluate the role of nuclear technology in shaping foreign policies during the Truman-Nixon administrations Identify and/or evaluate the influence of the media on public opinion concerning the presidential foreign policy actions (TrumanNixon administrations) Content Limit: Recall minute details of specific foreign policies NOT required Focus on broader implications of foreign policies Stimulus Attributes: Historical documents, maps, graphs, charts, posters, photographs, and political cartoons

Teaching and Learning, Lake County School District

US HISTORY BENCHMARK ACCOUNTABILITY CARD SS.912.A.7.1 STANDARD 7: Modern United States: Global Leadership and Domestic Issues-Understand the rise and continuing international influence of the United States as a world leader and the impact of contemporary social and political movements on American life. BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.7.1 Identify causes for postWorld War II prosperity and its effects on American



TERMS: baby boomers, birth rate, demobilization, suburbs, Levittown, McCarthyism PEOPLE/ORGANIZATIONS: Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Joseph McCarthy EVENTS/DOCUMENTS/LEGISLATION:

Equal Rights Amendment Interstate Highway System GI Bill of Rights Kennedy/Nixon Presidential Debates Sputnik I
SAMPLE HIGHER ORDER QUESTIONS STUDENT SCALE QUESTIONS How have I used concepts from this benchmark? How did the benchmark help me better understand __________? Where is my learning on the scale? 4.0 I can identify, analyze, and connect the various causes for prosperity during post-WWII and differentiate its impacts on various aspects of American society. 3.0 I can identify and analyze the various causes for prosperity during postWWII and its impacts on various aspects of American society. 2.0 With help, I can identify and partially analyze the various causes for prosperity during post-WWII. 1.0 Even with help, I struggle to identify the causes of post-WWII prosperity and unable to analyze its impact on American society. STUDENT SUMMATIVE WRITING TASK After studying ___________, the evidence from the lesson that helps me understand and answer the essential question is ____________. This relates to the essential question because ______________________. THINKING MAPS CORRELATION
Cognitive Process: Cause and Effect Product: Multi-flow Map


How did Lyndon B. Johnson attempt to balance the Great Society domestic reforms while expanding American involvement in the Vietnam War? How did post-World War II prosperity alter the family structure unit and ideals? How did post World War II expand economic opportunities for various social, political, and ethnic groups? How did technological innovations such as the radio, movies, and automobiles affect the lives of ordinary Americans?

The student will:

Identify and/or evaluate how demobilization and government policies contributed to postWorld War II prosperity Analyze the social, political, and economic factors that contributed to postWorld War II prosperity Identify the limitations of postWorld War II prosperity by examining the social, political, ethnic, racial, and cultural groups that were unaffected during that period of prosperity Identify and/or evaluate the long-term influence of postWorld War II prosperity on society in the United States (negative and positive-economic, social, political)


Content Limit:
Focus on significant events relating to prosperity and disparity within society Focus on the post-war period from 1945 75 Complex application or interpretation of economic graphs Limited to the interpretation of broader economic concepts Stimulus Attributes: Historical documents, maps, graphs, charts, posters, photographs, and political cartoons

What caused to _______? Why did happen to _____? How did the conflict between ____and ______begin? What is the main reason/cause that ______happens? Which factor forces/influences _____? Why is _________ a significant event? What was the effect of ________? What were the results of _______? What effect did ______ have on ____?

Teaching and Learning, Lake County School District

US HISTORY BENCHMARK ACCOUNTABILITY CARD SS.912.A.7.4 STANDARD 7: Modern United States: Global Leadership and Domestic Issues-Understand the rise and continuing international influence of the United States as a world leader and the impact of contemporary social and political movements on American life. BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.7.4 Evaluate the success of 1960s-era presidents foreign and domestic policies.

TERMS: domino theory, demilitarized

zone(DMZ), antiwar protests, arms race, conscientious objector, doves, draft, hawks, immigration, migration, nuclear proliferation, superpower
PEOPLE/ORGANIZATIONS: John Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, women in the workforce EVENTS/DOCUMENTS/LEGISLATION:

Great Society War on Poverty Civil Rights Movement Cuban Missile Crisis Equal Rights Amendment(ERA) Gulf of Tonkin Incident Paris Peace Accords Tet Offensive Economic Opportunity Act of 1964

How did wartime economic innovation and technological developments change the American economy and American society? How did Lyndon B. Johnson attempt to balance the Great Society domestic reforms while expanding American involvement in the Vietnam War? Why did media influence public opinion of US foreign and domestic policy during the 1960s?


How have I used concepts from this benchmark? How did the benchmark help me better understand __________? Where is my learning on the scale?


I can evaluate and synthesize the effectiveness 60s era Presidents on domestic and foreign policies. 3.0 I can effectively evaluate the effectiveness 60s era Presidents on domestic and foreign policies. 2.0 With help, I can partially evaluate 60s era Presidents impact on domestic and foreign policies. 1.0 With help, I struggle to identify domestic and foreign policies during the 60s and I am unable to evaluate the effectiveness of Presidents during this time period. STUDENT SUMMATIVE WRITING TASK

Based on all the information given, how does each piece contribute to the idea that_______________? What is the main goal of ______? In what ways did ____ experience ____? According to the article, which (person) helped _________? How does support the idea that_____? The author uses comparison to _____. What is the most likely reason the author included _____ in the article? The author discusses ______ because_____? What is the authors purpose for writing this passage?

After studying ___________, the evidence from the lesson that helps me understand and answer the essential question is ____________. This relates to the essential question because ______________________. THINKING MAPS CORRELATION Cognitive Process: Describing Qualities Product: Bubble Map

The student will: Analyze the significance of Vietnam and Watergate on the government and Americans Analyze the attempts to extend New Deal legislation through the Great Society Examine key events and key people in Florida History Identify foreign and domestic policy initiatives of the 1960s-era presidents and/or evaluate how those policies affected both foreign and domestic relations Analyze the incentives for 1960s-era foreign and domestic policies Identify and/or evaluate the controversies associated with the 1960s-era foreign and domestic policies Analyze the influence of the media concerning presidential foreign and domestic policies or actions of the 1960s Content Limit: Items should focus on how foreign policy influenced the United States position in foreign affairs rather than on how United States policies influenced the lives of citizens in other countries. Stimulus Attributes: Historical documents, maps, graphs, charts, posters, photographs, and political cartoons

Teaching and Learning, Lake County School District

US HISTORY BENCHMARK ACCOUNTABILITY CARD SS.912.A.7.6 STANDARD 7: Modern United States: Global Leadership and Domestic Issues- Understand the rise and continuing international influence of the United States as a world leader and the impact of contemporary social and political movements on American life. BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.7.6 Assess key figures and organizations in shaping the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement.

TERMS: sit-ins, social activism, non-violence, PEOPLE/ORGANIZATIONS: Black Panthers, CORE, SCLC, SNCC, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Nation of Islam, Freedom Riders, Little Rock Nine, George Wallace, Thurgood Marshall, Earl Warren, Rosa Parks, Ralph Abernathy, Jackie Robinson EVENTS/DOCUMENTS/LEGISLATION: Black Power Movement Civil Rights Movement March on Washington Civil Rights Act (1964) Brown v. Board of Education Voting Rights Act of 1965 Letter from Birmingham Jail I Have a Dream speech Montgomery Bus Boycott Selma to Montgomery March

How did the post-Second World War events affect the movement for racial equality? Why did varying philosophies of leaders and organizations hinder and/or aid progress of the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement? Why were some regions of the United States able to deal with actions related to the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement while others struggled or resisted? How did the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movements become the impetus for other reform movements?


How have I used concepts from this benchmark? How did the benchmark help me better understand __________? Where is my learning on the scale?
I can assess the key figures and organizations in the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements and determine their significance in achieving integration and equal rights I can evaluate and partially assess key figures and organizations in the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements With help, I can identify and partially evaluate the key figures and organizations in the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements. Even with help, I struggle to identify key figures and organizations in the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements and I am unable to evaluate their significance.




READING APPLICATION QUESTION STEMS Which accomplishment/idea was most valuable? Which sentence gives the best summary? What is the primary topic in the article? What is the essential message in the article/story? In this text, what does ____mean? What does the author mean by saying, ____? What does the author imply by saying ____? Read the quotation from the article: ____ What does the phrase reveal about the authors opinion of _______?

STUDENT SUMMATIVE WRITING TASK After studying ___________, the evidence from the lesson that helps me understand and answer the essential question is ____________. This relates to the essential question because ______________________. THINKING MAPS CORRELATION Cognitive Process: Classifying Product: Tree Map

The student will: Compare nonviolent and violent approaches utilized by groups Assess the building of coalitions between African Americans, whites, and other groups in achieving integration and equal rights Examine key events and key people in Florida History Interpret the social, cultural, political, and economic significance of events or actions related to the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement Identify key organizations that shaped the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement and the goals and motivations of those organizations Identify and/or evaluate the effectiveness of tactics used by organizations and individuals in shaping the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement Identify how other reform movements were influenced by the leadership, practices, and achievements of the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement Content Limit: Focus on events and individuals from 195478 Should not demonstrate preference for a particular approach to the Civil Rights Movement or Black Power Movement Stimulus Attributes: Historical documents, maps, graphs, charts, posters, photographs, and political cartoons

Teaching and Learning, Lake County School District


STANDARD 7: Modern United States: Global Leadership and Domestic Issues BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.7.8 Analyze significant Supreme Court decisions relating to integration, busing, affirmative action, the rights of the accused, and reproductive rights.

TERMS: affirmative action, integration, reproductive rights PEOPLE/ORGANIZATIONS: Gray Panthers, United Farm Workers (UFW) EVENTS/DOCUMENTS/LEGISLATION: Brown v. Board of Education (1954) American Indian Movement (AIM) Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Gideon v. Wainright(1963) Regents of the University of California v.Bakke (1978) Wounded Knee (1973)
SAMPLE HIGHER ORDER QUESTIONS Why has the role of the Supreme Court impacted efforts to achieve integration and equal rights? How have landmark Supreme Court decisions affected constitutional rights, political controversies, and the relationships of individuals and groups? How effective have Supreme Court decisions been in providing guidance and resolution to contemporary controversial issues? STUDENT SCALE QUESTIONS How have I used concepts from this benchmark? How did the benchmark help me better understand __________? Where is my learning on the scale? 4.0 I can analyze and evaluate significant Supreme Court decisions from 1954 to the present and assess their impact on society in the United States. 3.0 I can analyze and partially evaluate significant Supreme Court decisions from 1954 to the present with an understanding of their impact on society in the United States. 2.0 With help, I can identify and partially analyze significant Supreme Court decisions from 1954 to the present. 1.0 Even with help, I struggle to identify and/or analyze significant Supreme Court decisions from 1954 to the present. STUDENT SUMMATIVE WRITING TASK After studying ___________, the evidence from the lesson that helps me understand and answer the essential question is ____________. This relates to the essential question because ______________________. THINKING MAPS CORRELATION Cognitive Process: Classifying Product: Tree Map TEST ITEM SPECIFICATION NOTES

READING APPLICATION QUESTION STEMS On which facts are the opinions about ______based? What are the reasons behind the authors opinion that _______? How does the author use (word, phrase, etc.) to strengthen the opinion/argument that ____? According to the information, what is the MOST VALID argument for ____? Which statement from the article best supports the idea that _____? Which statement is best supported by information from the article____? What evidence supports _______? What is the best evidence that _______? The author supports his/her statements about _____ by using____.

The student will: Identify the significant Supreme Court decisions relating to integration, busing, affirmative action, the rights of the accused, and reproductive rights Evaluate the short- and long-term impact of significant Supreme Court on society in the United States Evaluate how significant Supreme Court decisions both united and divided groups of people in the United States Content Limit: Focus on the significance of Supreme Court decisions and the timeframe in which they occurred, rather than the individuals involved in cases or those judging cases Items will be limited to 1954present Stimulus Attributes: Items addressing judicial activity related to Civil Rights issues will use: Historical documents, maps, graphs, charts ,tables, timelines

Teaching and Learning, Lake County School District

US HISTORY BENCHMARK ACCOUNTABILITY CARD SS.912.A.7.11 STANDARD 7: Modern United States: Global Leadership and Domestic Issues- Understand the rise and continuing international influence of the
United States as a world leader and the impact of contemporary social and political movements on American life. BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.7.11 Analyze the foreign policy of the United States as it relates to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Middle East.

TERMS: apartheid, glasnost, globalization, inflation, terrorism PEOPLE/ORGANIZATIONS: Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, OPEC, EVENTS/DOCUMENTS/LEGISLATION: Nixons Visit to China Camp David Accords Iranian Revolution Iranian Hostage Crisis Iran-Contra Scandal North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Operation Iraqi Freedom Operation Enduring Freedom War on Terrorism

How and why did the United States become the preeminent economic and military power in the world? What combination of ideology, economics, historical circumstances, individual viewpoints, and other factors shaped foreign policy as it relates to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Middle East? What role has public opinion and public protest played in shaping American foreign policy?


How have I used concepts from this benchmark? How did the benchmark help me better understand __________? Where is my learning on the scale?

READING APPLICATION QUESTION STEMS Based on all information given, how does each part add to the idea that _______? How do and suggest the central idea that________? According to the information given (including the chart, graph, photograph caption, etc) about, explain ________? People who read this passage will learn that____? How does the concept in the article _____ relate to the concept in the article_____? Use details from each article to support your answer. What information supports the conclusion that________? What leads the reader to believe that__________?

I can analyze and evaluate the foreign policy of the US as it relates to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Middle East. 3.0 I can analyze and partially evaluate the foreign policy of the US as it relates to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Middle East. 2.0 With help, I can identify and partially analyze the foreign policy of the US as it relates to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Middle East. 1.0 Even with help, I struggle to identify and/or analyze the foreign policy of the US as it relates to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Middle East. STUDENT SUMMATIVE WRITING TASK

After studying ___________, the evidence from the lesson that helps me understand and answer the essential question is ____________. This relates to the essential question because ______________________.

Cognitive Process: Part-Whole Product: Brace Map

The student will: Identify and/or evaluate the significance of events and actions relating to United States foreign policy in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Middle East Evaluate the social, political, and economic impact of United States foreign policy pertaining to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Middle East on society and culture in the United States Evaluate the humanitarian, political, and economic factors that motivated United States foreign policy relating to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin American, and the Middle East Identify the influence of the media on public opinion concerning foreign policy initiatives taken by the United States relating to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Middle East Content Limit: Focus on policies, initiatives, events, and actions that occurred between 1972 and the present Focus on United States involvement, or need for involvement, in foreign affairs, rather than assessing the domestic issues of other countries Stimulus Attributes: American foreign policy events in the late twentieth century to the present will use: Historical documents, maps, graphs, charts, tables, timelines

Teaching and Learning, Lake County School District


STANDARD 7: Modern United States: Global Leadership and Domestic Issues- Understand the rise and continuing international influence of the United States as a world leader and the impact of contemporary social and political movements on American life. BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.7.12- Analyze political, economic, and social concerns that emerged at the end of the 20th century and into the 21 st century. BENCHMARK KEY TERMS, PEOPLE, SAMPLE ITEM EVENTS AND DOCUMENTS/LEGISLATION

TERMS: immigration, jihad, migration, social movement, terrorism PEOPLE/ORGANIZATIONS: al-Qaeda, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), National Organization for Women (NOW), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) EVENTS/DOCUMENTS/LEGISLATION: 9-11 Camp David Accords Iran hostage crisis 2000 Presidential Election North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Conservative Movement Environmental Movement Womens Movement

What role has public opinion and public protest played in shaping American foreign policy? In what ways did the events of the latter 20th century and early 21st century strengthen or weaken American democracy, the American economy, and American military practices? How has the contemporary social, economic, and political movements influenced the economy and society? How has cultural diversity affected education, media, and popular culture? How has immigration policy changed in the contemporary United States? What is the role of political leadership in contemporary politics?


STUDENT SCALE QUESTIONS How have I used concepts from this benchmark? How did the benchmark help me better understand __________? Where is my learning on the scale? 4.0 I can analyze and critique the political, economic, and social concerns that emerged at the end of the 20th century and into the 21st century. 3.0 I can analyze and partially critique the political, economic, and social concerns that emerged at the end of the 20 th century and into the 21st century. 2.0 With help, I can identify and partially analyze the political, economic, and social concerns that emerged at the end of the 20th century and into the 21st century. 1.0 Even with help, I struggle to identify and/or analyze the political, economic, and social concerns that emerged at the end of the 20th century and into the 21st century. STUDENT SUMMATIVE WRITING TASK


Based on all information given, how does each part add to the idea that _______? How do and suggest the central idea that________? According to the information given (including the chart, graph, photograph caption, etc) about, explain ________? People who read this passage will learn that____? How does the concept in the article _____ relate to the concept in the article_____? Use details from each article to support your answer.

After studying ___________, the evidence from the lesson that helps me understand and answer the essential question is ____________. This relates to the essential question because ______.
THINKING MAPS CORRELATION Cognitive Process: Describing Qualities Product: Bubble Map

The student will: Examine how noted global and/or domestic events shaped the political, economic, and social issues and concerns of people living in the United States Analyze the domestic issues that have both united and divided social, cultural, ethnic, religious, economic, and political groups in the United States Identify and/or examine the political, economic, and social implications of the United States role as a global leader Examine both domestic and international consequences of global leadership Analyze various social and political perspectives relating to domestic and international issues Content Limit: Focus on the latter part of the twentieth century to the present Stimulus Attributes: Historical documents, maps, graphs, charts, posters, photographs, and political cartoons

Teaching and Learning, Lake County School District

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