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Fundamentals Exam Name

ME 274 – Spring 2009

January 21, 2009

Exam details
• You have 50 minutes to complete this exam.
• This is a closed-book, closed-notes exam.
• The exam has 14 questions. Problems 1-9 are worth 4 points maximum.
Problems 10-14 are worth 2 points maximum.
• Only your final answer on each problem will be graded.
• You are allowed to use a calculator during the exam.
• Usage of mobile phones and other electronic communication devices is
NOT allowed during the exam.

v = x! i + y! j a = !!
x i + !!

= v et ( )
= v! et + v 2 / ! en
= R! e R + R!! e!
( )
!! " R#! 2 e + ( R#!! + 2 R!#! ) e
= R R #

Problem Score
1 (4 pts.)
2 (4 pts.)
3 (4 pts.)
4 (4 pts.)
5 (4 pts.)
6 (4 pts.)
7 (4 pts.)
8 (4 pts.)
9 (4 pts.)
10 (2 pts.)
11 (2 pts.)
12 (2 pts.)
13 (2 pts.)
14 (2 pts.)

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