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Putting Politics Aside To Achieve Real Results

The n o my i s Ec o o b On e! J
Paid for by the New York Republican State Committee : Not paid for at taxpayer expense


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Ray Walter is Delivering as Promised!

Ray Walter knows the value of working together to get things done. In just one year, he helped deliver the investment in economic development and the job creation we need:

UB 2020, transforming the university into a major job creator for the 21st century NY Works, investing in job-creating infrastructure projects to repair our crumbling roads and bridges $1 billion for an economic development plan for Western New York
Ray Walter has worked with Governor Cuomo and others to achieve real results for Western New York families.

Ray Walter accomplished all this in one year, imagine what else he will do in two more.
Call or text Ray Walter at (716) 952-4152

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