CV Sample

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GENERAL INFORMATION Title: First Name: Surname: Residential Address: Miss Jane Smith Sweet Street 123 Cape Town 4567 Republic of South Africa Postal Address: P.O.Box 123 Cape Town 4567 Republic of South Africa E-Mail Address: Phone Numbers: Date of Birth: Marital Status: Skills: +27 11 123 4567 (cell) +27 11 765 4321 (home) 1. 1. 1977 single computer literacy communication skills office practice data capturing customer care Languages: Afrikaans, English

EDUCATION Year of completion: Educational level: School/College: Course, Examination: Education 1998 Matric Sweet Secondary School Certificate of Secondary

Year of completion: Educational level: School/College: Course/Examination:

2000 National Diploma Capricorn College Secretarial

WORK EXPERIENCE Period: Organisation: Position: Duties: 2005 - 2003 Sweet Company Administration clerk general administration bookkeeping typing receiving and sorting of corespondence receiving calls

Period: Organisation: Position: Duties:

2003 - 2001 Sweet Business Receptionist receiving guests dealing with customers answering calls invoicing data capturing

Period: Organisation: Position: Duties:

2001 1999 Sweet Cafe Waitress serving the customers cleaning the tables making payments

REFERENCES Name: Position: Company: Phone number: Other references are available on request. Alice Snell Administration Manager Sweet Business +27 11 123 4567

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