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30.09.2012 P.T.B.I.



Tutor Name : Mr.Eugene Joseph


1) Janet is a girl who loves to play truant in school. However, every time she sees someone
who plays truant outside school, she points at them and says that they have played truant.
It is as though __________________________________________________________.
2) Margaret is a very fat girl. She constantly eats a lot and she does not care of what others
say and everyone feared her because she was rich. However, soon she was diagnosed
with diabetes. She then realized that ___________________________, not all the money
in the world.
3) Aminah is a very hardworking girl. She studies very hard. However, she became very
disappointed when she received only a B for her English paper. She missed out on an
A by 2 marks. But she did not sulk about it because;
4) Ali and Abu are best friends. This is because; both of them are very good tennis players.
They are very passionate about the game, and most of the time, they are always attending
matches together. It is as though the saying;
5) Uncle Samad loves collecting old furniture. He believes that old antique items have more
value in them, as the saying __________________________________________.
6) Mum warned Harry to take an umbrella when he went out that day. The weather forecast
predicted that there will be a heavy downpour in the evening. As the
7) The teacher was very regretful for scolding Donald for doing something wrong, when he
didnt. The teacher assumed that he was the one who stole the money, but the culprit has
already been caught. She clearly had____________________________________.
8) Being the teachers pet, Sarah was always given first priority in class. The teacher never
scolded her because she was ______________________________________.
9) Dopey lost all his money in gambling. He was left with only his house and a job which
paid very little. However, he was contented and appreciated what he has rather than sulk
about what he doesnt have. This is as the saying,
10) We must always treasure time, because it is very valuable, we must never waste time.
This is because__________________________________________________.

11) We must always practice a healthy lifestyle. If we practice a healthy lifestyle, we will
definitely stay away from sickness. As the saying goes;
12) As teenagers, we should constantly keep ourselves occupied. We have to spend our time
doing beneficial things, so we may not fall prey to negative influences. As the saying
goes; ______________________________________________________________.
13) Ali failed his mathematics very badly. He was very depressed for many days. But he
picked himself up, and he constantly practiced every day. Eventually he became better at
it, because ____________________________________________.
14) Raymond was very happy when he was announced to be competing in the Olympics. He
has to make his country proud. Hence he always remained focused, and he never allowed
anything to disrupt his thoughts. He wanted to win. He remembered his coachs advice;
15) A saying similar to together we stand, divided we fall is;

Based on what you have studied in the month of January, write an essay based on the notes
below. The essay must have at least 5 idioms which you have studied, and as many sequence
connectors as possible.
Ali strong boy loves to have a healthy lifestyle always works out has an
ambition of being the best school runner currently an athlete parents very proud of
him they always emphasize that health is important
Father is a doctor mother a housewife they constantly told him to study hard- but
he must also lead a healthy lifestyle _____________________________________________ remembered his fathers
advice strived for excellence
Changed to high school met some bad apples naughty boys smoke/ drink/
played truant Ali mixed with them his studies deteriorated exam results became
poor started to play truant disobedient towards parents
Playing truant frequently no worries about school very care free attitude not
wise at such a tender age parents were very worried about his condition were to
continue as such he will regret in the future it will be too late

SPM was around the corner had to mug up quick the more he procrastinates, the
harder it will be for him ___________________________________________
he must quit his bad habits parents consulted school counselors for help they
advised Ali constantly
Conclu: .Ali listened to their advice..


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