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MYP VISUAL ART YEAR 7 UNIT: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words LENGTH OF UNIT: 4 weeks

AREA OF INTERACTION: Human Ingenuity UNIT QUESTION: How can a picture be worth a thousand words? SIGNIFICANT CONCEPT: Art reflects the conditions of the times. Which skills am I going to learn and develop? To use your DW to show the process you went through to achieve your final design. To use your ATL skills by dating, titling and including comments with every entry in your DW. To learn and apply new vocabulary appropriately. To use different media effectively. To learn and apply new skills appropriately for this unit and acknowledge how they can be useful in the future. To use the work of artists throughout the ages to inspire you in your own artwork. To create your own painting using the style of Keith Haring. To reflect upon your work at different stages throughout the process and to evaluate the final outcome. To respond to feedback from your peers, parents, friends and teacher. What activities am I going to cover in this unit? TASKS Look at and discuss art from ancient times Complete criterion A research and investigation task. Source visual and written materials that address a current event or global issue you are concerned or passionate about Create a cave painting multimedia project Practice life drawing in DW Practice drawing from observation in DW Experiment with color and color mixing Design 2 plans for ideas for a Keith Haring-inspired painting Consider possibilities and use feedback to help decide which one to use Complete criterion C task

HOME LEARNING ACTIVITIES Artist research Current events research Reflections and DW organization Design studies/thumbnail sketches Complete evaluation questions - criterion C VOCABULARY Elements of Art: line, shape, color, form, texture, value, space Principles of Design: proportion, unity, rhythm, harmony, movement, variety, contrast, balance Still life, shading, composition, mixed media MATERIALS gouache, colored pencils, markers, watercolor, oil pastel, charcoal, black pens, graphite pencils How will I know that I have been successful? ASSESSMENT Refer to the task specific rubrics. KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING- CRITERION A Research and investigation into art throughout the times APPLICATION CRITERION B process in DW, final outcome of Keith Haring-inspired painting EVAUATION AND REFLECTION CRITERION C comments throughout your process in DW, response to feedback, peer evaluation, final evaluation worksheet ARTISTIC AWARENESS- CRITERION D Show self-motivation, initiative and willingness to take artistic risks.

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