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Date: 22 June 2011 Programme Code: M101 Year of Study: 2

Qualification Aim: Bachelor of Laws Programme Title: Law

May proceed to next level of same programme 000076149 Adams, Verity L. 000074646 Allen, Kate B. 000070419 Anbahan, Aadhithya 000074748 Andrew, James M. 000077523 Apostolova, Dilyana R. 000081128 Baker, Thomas 000071400 Balaji, Nivedita 000076615 Batterton, Sean C. 000073288 Bennett, Megan L. 000036883 Betts, Thomas E. 000081624 Bickel, Edward C. 000084215 Booker, Charlotte E. 000057376 Bottomley, Richard A. 000076980 Bradshaw, Victoria J. 000072280 Brewer, Luke R. 000074940 Bridger, Alexandra H. 000068882 Brown, Benjamin J. 000075604 Brown, Victoria A. 000070284 Bufton, David P. 000072362 Bult, Sebastian A. 000078121 Cartwright, Alexander 000093446 Chin, Ying Peng 000070564 Chong, Ka H. 000074273 Choudhury, Kiron 000076344 Cooper, Kadie 000039961 Couch, Imogen 000051511 Cox, Andrew J. 000072158 Cullen, Rachel 000057637 Dainty, David S. 000069820 Dempster, Simon D. 000073856 Dixon, Jonathan D. 000034991 Farrell, Yvonne S. 000077706 Field, Georgie R. St Chad's College Josephine Butler College Trevelyan College College of St Hild & St Bede St John's College St Cuthbert's Society Collingwood College St Cuthbert's Society St Aidan's College Hatfield College College of St Hild & St Bede Van Mildert College St Cuthbert's Society University College University College Van Mildert College Hatfield College Collingwood College St John's College St Chad's College St Aidan's College St Mary's College Van Mildert College St Chad's College Hatfield College Hatfield College Collingwood College Collingwood College St Cuthbert's Society Collingwood College St John's College College of St Hild & St Bede St Cuthbert's Society

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Date: 22 June 2011 Programme Code: M101 Year of Study: 2

Qualification Aim: Bachelor of Laws Programme Title: Law

May proceed to next level of same programme (Continued) 000087865 Fielding, Frederick M. 000042277 Garnier, William R. 000073194 Gibbs, Douglas 000068925 Giddings, Ruth E. 000079105 Glanville Harrison, Georgia 000036154 Gorman, Matthew D. 000077160 Gough, Charlotte G. 000078850 Grant, Emily E. 000038429 Hall, Victoria 000086495 Hamel, April J. 000078040 Hanley, Jessica A. 000077739 Harris, Michael 000086863 Harris, Oliver D. 000042186 Harrison, Benjamin T. 000072862 Hayes, Harriet R. 000077627 Haywood, Thomas M. 000080470 Hibberd, Michael J. 000093308 Hodges, Rosina Y. 000083715 Hodgson, Rachel N. 000071904 Holden, Joanna M. 000087819 Horne, Alison E. 000076230 Howorth, David A. 000035112 Hughes, Charlotte E. 000048398 Jayakrishnan, Amritha 000035694 Jenkins, Helen C. 000081334 Johnston, Laura J. 000080874 Kay, Elliot H. 000075906 Kwok, Breanne T. 000084536 Kyte, Adam 000051611 Land, Alexander J. 000071111 Leather, Joseph J. 000093592 Lee, John O. St Cuthbert's Society College of St Hild & St Bede St Cuthbert's Society St Cuthbert's Society Van Mildert College Van Mildert College St Chad's College College of St Hild & St Bede St Mary's College Collingwood College University College Trevelyan College Collingwood College St Aidan's College Collingwood College College of St Hild & St Bede Trevelyan College Grey College Hatfield College Van Mildert College Josephine Butler College College of St Hild & St Bede St Cuthbert's Society University College Hatfield College St Cuthbert's Society St Aidan's College University College Trevelyan College Josephine Butler College University College Josephine Butler College

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Date: 22 June 2011 Programme Code: M101 Year of Study: 2

Qualification Aim: Bachelor of Laws Programme Title: Law

May proceed to next level of same programme (Continued) 000068521 Lim, Jonathan J. 000088205 Little, Naomi I. 000038691 Lui, Jonathan C. 000046157 Macadie, Rebecca J. 000037376 Macris, Alice S. 000077177 Madden, Benjamin D. 000053160 Massey, Roderick 000081623 McCabe, Michael S. 000039300 McCulla, Andrew W. 000071950 Mellett, Benjamin R. 000072410 Mellis, Alexander R. 000079597 Miles, Benjamin R. 000071148 Mohammed Mariey, Karim A. 000078096 Muchemwa, Maya Tsivayi 000073666 Naqvi, Raza A. 000097167 Ng, Sio K. 000077937 Nicholls, David J. 000081558 Novacek, Anna C. 000090147 Ogden, Laura J. 000038845 Ow, Jason Z. 000073058 Owen, Hannah K. 000082786 Parker, Emily S. 000078396 Patterson-Whitaker, Bryan 000042185 Pennington, Jonathan J. 000079055 Perkins, Guy O. 000093965 Pham, Carter C. 000063840 Phillips, Jennifer M. 000073967 Powrie, Matthew 000039671 Quinn, Matthew T. 000072190 Railton, Victoria L. 000085807 Randles, Sian L. 000077002 Ravening, Jack A. 000087663 Read, Karl S. St Chad's College Josephine Butler College University College Hatfield College College of St Hild & St Bede St Cuthbert's Society St Mary's College Collingwood College Hatfield College St Mary's College St Cuthbert's Society Grey College University College St Cuthbert's Society Hatfield College Van Mildert College University College Trevelyan College College of St Hild & St Bede University College St Chad's College St Aidan's College St Cuthbert's Society Trevelyan College Collingwood College Grey College Hatfield College Hatfield College Trevelyan College Grey College St Cuthbert's Society Grey College Josephine Butler College

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Date: 22 June 2011 Programme Code: M101 Year of Study: 2

Qualification Aim: Bachelor of Laws Programme Title: Law

May proceed to next level of same programme (Continued) 000087724 Rice, Amelia E. 000072996 Roberts, Aimee K. 000071817 Robinson, Thomasin M. 000076354 Rylott, Harry A. 000069335 Salt, Jonathan D. 000069972 Sayers, Louise J. 000072562 Scott, Laura A. 000086019 Sharpe, Sophie 000071389 Sheridan, Rachel J. 000077972 Stemplewska, Zuzanna K. 000038484 Steven, Sarah B. 000060101 Subpaisarn, Narairak 000035477 Tay, Yew Choon 000084521 Teo, Chui Zhen 000101510 Thomas Vadaketh, Tanya 000076249 Thompson, Clare M. 000093912 Toh, Wan Ting 000075137 Trevelyan, Samuel R. 000076374 Varian, Benjamin W. 000036391 Walker, Stefanie K. 000070628 Walters, David J. 000070205 Ward, Kirsten V. 000071380 Warwick, Benjamin T. 000041124 Webb, Richard N. 000075022 Westmoreland, Daniel 000076334 White, Natalie A. 000087062 Whitehead, Victoria L. 000072326 Whitlock, Tobias J. 000071145 Whittingham, Craig A. 000075476 Wilkinson, Hannah C. 000074678 Wilson, Thomas P. 000104449 Wong, Ching Yin 000069351 Wong, Jack P. St Cuthbert's Society St Cuthbert's Society St John's College Collingwood College Van Mildert College Hatfield College College of St Hild & St Bede Josephine Butler College Josephine Butler College Van Mildert College Grey College St Cuthbert's Society University College St Mary's College Grey College Josephine Butler College St Chad's College St John's College College of St Hild & St Bede St Chad's College St Cuthbert's Society St Mary's College Josephine Butler College Trevelyan College Van Mildert College Van Mildert College St Cuthbert's Society Trevelyan College University College St John's College Hatfield College Grey College St John's College

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Date: 22 June 2011 Programme Code: M101 Year of Study: 2

Qualification Aim: Bachelor of Laws Programme Title: Law

May proceed to next level of same programme (Continued) 000103998 Wu, Weijing 000068444 Wylde, Daniel R. 000067735 Yu, Hao 000089725 Zhou, Ni Have an approved concession to retake assessments 000052495 Abadi, Zahraa M. 000067300 Ahmed, Anam M. 000069343 Botcherby, Elizabeth J. 000078228 Byberg, Jacqueline H. 000077055 Carter, Emma L. 000455570 Dosanjh, Jaron S. 000542500 Gould, Helen R. 000070091 Hutchinson, Lydia F. 000094469 Ip, Vivian C. 000073255 Lake, James A. 000083939 Lam, Ho Ting T. 000093070 Liew, Serenella Y. 000502345 Shen, Kai-Ling 000102220 Yalincak, Hakan Must retake assessment(s) as required 000075183 Carey, Rachael 000071101 Chambers, Nadine S. 000077914 Chung, King L. 000085413 Frazer, Michael S. 000084732 Gong, Liwei 000038836 Hardie, Simon G. 000082753 Healy, Ciara K. 000058193 Hirji, Adil 000556355 Hodge, Tamara 000530658 Hudson, Calum T. 000040947 Kilby, Philip J. 000074920 Murad, Alan St Aidan's College Hatfield College College of St Hild & St Bede Van Mildert College Van Mildert College Collingwood College St Cuthbert's Society St Cuthbert's Society Josephine Butler College Hatfield College Hatfield College University College St John's College St Chad's College St Chad's College St Mary's College Collingwood College Grey College St Mary's College Josephine Butler College Trevelyan College St John's College Josephine Butler College Van Mildert College University College St Mary's College Grey College Van Mildert College St Cuthbert's Society College of St Hild & St Bede

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Date: 22 June 2011 Programme Code: M101 Year of Study: 2

Qualification Aim: Bachelor of Laws Programme Title: Law

Must retake assessment(s) as required (Continued) 000536816 Raine, Jeremy 000095350 Reid, Calum D. Have an approved concession to repeat the year 000092725 Butler, Louise Yet to be considered by the Exam Board 000041708 Gilmour, Andrew S. 000095899 Raheja, Shivam K. College of St Hild & St Bede Collingwood College Collingwood College St Mary's College St Aidan's College

Report Code: Publication Date:

M101-2 22 June 2011 for Registrar and Secretary Printed on 20-JUN-2011 at 16:11

DHB9LFM - Student - SXRORLP v. 1

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