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The management of affairs concerned with the payment of compensation to employees.

Factors to develop wage & salary structure

a. Formulation and consistent interpretation of policy relating to wage and salary. b. Development and administration of a pay structure. c. Fringe benefits / employee performance appraisal.


1. External Competitiveness > equitable salary - labor market - local / national pay practices / wage levels - present wage / labor contract - cost-of-living formula 2. Internal Competitiveness - compensation programs for employees - guidelines / policies in wage differences based on job description , evaluation of jobs, jobs grading.

Factors in formulating wage levels:

1. 2. 3. 4. Legal requirement Going wage rates Relative strength Company profits / financial ability to pay high wages 5. Productivity of labor 6. Supply of labor 7. Amount required for a living wage cost of living

If wage policy is one which results to too low wage

poor labor equity

high turnover diff. in recruiting workers

Supply of labor > No. of workers able and willing to offer their services in a given market at a specified time. FACTORS: Size of labor force Attractiveness of the job Degree of natural skill and ability required Length of training required

Demand for labor > No. of workers whose services are required in a given market. FACTORS: Labor is a desired demand Marginal productivity of wages Replacing labor with capital

Wages and their Significance

*remuneration of labor in production. Kinds of Wages: 1. Time Wage - raid according to the no. of time units of a fixed no. of hours that the employee is at work. 2. Piece Rates - according to the no. of pieces or units produced. 3. Money Wages - purchasing power. 4. Real Wage - the goods the workers can buy with his money wage.

WAGE SYSTEM - Industrial Revolution - Factory System / Domestic System

*Private Property - a thing belongs to him who produces it. *Natural Rights Theory

*Competition and Wages

to the worker > depends upon the levels of living

*Significance of Wages
to the businessman
1. poverty level 2. min. of subsistence 3. min. health & decency 4. min. of comfort stability

SOCIAL SIGNIFICANCE OF WAGES *socio-economic structure > people with high income > ordinary workers

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