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Many colonists were influenced by the Enlightenment during this time. Great Britain and France struggles for control over territory in North America in the late 1600s to mid-1700. In 1754 the start of a war in between the French (teaming with Indians) and the British.

Why do the French and the British fight so much? Why did the Iroquois League team up with the British? How were the governments during the colonial times organized? How did the Enlightenment influenced the colonist? Why did George III issue the Proclamation?



Fighting between France and Britain Rebellion form Chief Pontiac began in May 1763 Ended when the Treaty of Paris was made North America territory is what they were fighting over Colonist wanted to settle in the Ohio River valley Huron is one of tribes that sided with Iroquois League sided with the British N During the late 1600s to mid-1700s they struggle for control over land Indians mostly sided with the French Algonquian Indians is an example of a type of Indian that sided with France N Washington arrived with more soldiers for the British All French lands east of the Mississippi River was given to Britain, because of the treaty R

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