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Object of Insult

abortion abroad absolute abstainer abstention abstract art accountants acquaintance acting action actors

Coggan-1 Crisp-3 RMacaulay-6 NMitford-1 Nietzsche-13 Nathan-10 see ascetic see also modern art; Capp-1 Quinn-1 Bierce-3 see also actors; Hardwicke-1 Mencken-87 Nighy-1 Coleridge-4 KAmis-24 GGlass-1 Hitchcock-1 SJohnson-58 Keats-3 Mencken-91,92,93 RMorley-2 Olivier-1 Wilding-1 American courts foreign policy government justice language literary critics politics justice system presidency Americanism Kingsley Amis Martin Amis Ammianus Marcellinus Julie Andrews Anglo-Catholicism Queen Anne Anon anthropology anticommunism aphorism Apollinaire Appeasement aquaria Arabs archaeologists archbishops Jeffrey Archer Archers architects Arensky Argentina argument Aristophanes Aristotle Michael Arlen armies M Arnold T Arnold

Mencken-5,15,94,95,97,105 HMiller-7 Pound-3 Raphael-3 BRussell-13,41 Shapiro-1 Sihanouk-1 Stapledon-1 Stark-4 AStevenson-6,12 HThompson-1 Tocqueville-2 ATolstoy-1 PToynbee-1 Vidal-5 Ward-1 Weld-1 Wharton-5 Wilde-65 Denning-2 Mencken-94 Mencken-94 Mencken-94 JFCooper-4 Mencken-85 Washington-7 Dershowitz-1 Mencken-105 DHLawrence-39 Bellow-9 Eagleton-1 GGreene-7 Updike-4 KAmis-25 Eagleton-1 Holgate-1 MarsJones-1 Burrow-4 Plummer-1 see Church of England JStrachey-1 EWaugh-32 TMacaulay-74 Coward-1 BDavis-1 WSGilbert-5 ESHicks-2 DParker-1 Tree-1 Woolcott-1 BanksSmith-2 MKempton-1 Kanfer-1 Sewell-3 HBrown-3 Perelman-3 Heppenstall-1 JBishop1 Dix-1 CAnderwson-1 Hornby-2 SMilligan-7 1Anon-29 AlanBennett-36 Charles-1 RDavies-50 SFry-2 Levin-10 Nobbs-3 Rimsky-Korsakov-1 Hadow-1 Bierce-15 Plutarch-4 Popper-12 RWest-6 Eisenhower-10 NFDavies-1,11 RLStevenson-1 Benson-1 SSmith-36 Auty-1 Gill-4 Santayana-19

actuaries Ansel Adams John Adams Adanis Addison Admiralty adolescence adultery advertising aesthete Africans age ageing agents airports Albanians Albee alcohol Alexander the Great algebra Alma Tadema Alpine peoples alternative therapists Althusser altruism Alvarez amateurs America & Americans

Oliver-1 CartierBresson-14 Paine11 EWaugh-4 Connolly-5 Walpole-4 Gilmour-3 Shakespeare-18 Anon-24 Orwell Stefansson-1 Kraus-3 1RichBurton-1 Dickens-21 TrevorRoper-2 Bierce-8 Disraeli-15 Gaulle-4 Horace-6 Mencken-1 Shakespeare-34 FAllen-9 DAdams-6 1Anon-226 JChapman-1 Shakespeare-19 Brann-11 WJames-2 Lebowitz-2 SaintzVictor-1 NBentley-1 Ruskin-17 Brigham-1 Goldacre-2 ADaniels-1 ARand-1 Raine-7 Whistler-5 see also Baltimore, Boston, California, Maine, New York, Philadelphia, Washington; HBAdams-8 Beecham-8 Beerbohm-1 AlanBennett-34 Brann-7 Clemenceau-2 CDickens-1,8,19,40 BDisraeli-12 Drabble-4 NFerguson-2 SFreud-17 Fussell-1 GeorgeIII-3 HJames-28 Jefferson-13 SJohnson-

Telephone & Telegraph Turing-1

Bookbinder-1 Chandler-1,16 Fincher-1 Fitzgerald-1 Anglican church

Albanian national anthem ORourke-18

Burke-48 JCameron-10 Chomsky-2,6 WChurchill-22 armaments

36,59,87 FKing-1 Kipling-10 Lapham-1 Luckman-1 art

artists art students art writing ascetic Herbert Asquith Sir Arthur Aston W W Astor astrologers astronomy atheists` Athenians athletics Clement Attlee W H Auden St Augustine Jane Austen

Burgess-4 Sewell-2 Eno-1 Bierce-1,35 Camus-1 LAmery-2 AJBalfour-5 Clarendon-3 Brann-1 Augustine-21 Milton-13 GHWBush-3 Demosthenes-1 Meier-2 see also exercise, sport; Santayana-10 Bevan-6 WChurchill-42 Orwell-4 PKavanagh-1 Larkin-3 Norfolk-1 Orwell-2 JBPriestley-1 Jarman-1 Austen-1 CBronte-1,6 GEliot-2,3 Emerson-19 Twain-17,28

Beerbohm Beethoven

Beerbohm-6 PJKavangh-3 LStrachey-7 Wilde-10 1Anon-38,60,70,133,134 Beecham-1,2 Britten-2 JGuinness-1 Hale-1 Ravel-1 Ruskin-1 Shaw-1 Wagner-5 CMWeber-1 Wellington-6

behavioural psychology behaviourism belief Bellini Hilaire Belloc Bengalis Arnold Bennett Jack Benny Beowulf Bensley Alban Berg Berlioz Leonard Bernstein best-sellers Betjeman Aneurin Bevan Ernest Bevin Bible

Busch-1 Koestler-7 Haldane-10 SSmith-32 TSMoore-1 EWaugh-23 see also Indians; TMacaulay-100 Chapple-1 HaroldWilson-9 Belloc-1 VWoolf-3 FAllen-2,8 Larkin-10 1Anon-55 Boothroyd-1 Chotzinoff-1 1Anon-37 Mendelssohn-2 Ravel-3 Rossini-2 Levant-4 KRichards-1 CalderMarshall-1 Sexton-1 LPSmith-6 Chetwode-1 HMacmillan-16 AJPTaylor-19 see also Old Testament; MArnold19 TSEliot-1 Goldacre-2 Moreau-1 Paget-1 BRussell-87 Selden-2 Stanton-2 Wilde-104

Association of American States LBJohnson-3

Anthony Wedgwood Benn

AAGill-3,5 DWHarding-1 MMitford-1 RRobinson-2 Chuck Berry Australian & Australians PAdams-1 RGPBoyd-1 Cottrell-1 CFreud-3 DHLawrence-30 Melba-1 DPorter-2 O'Rourke-2 Shaw-94 authors autobiography awards A J Ayer B babies J S Bach Bacon Bagehot baldness Baldwin ballet Baltimore Balzac Bankhead banks Barere Clive Barnes Roseanne Barr Barrie barristers John Barth Bela Bartok baseball Charles Baudelaire Bavarians BBC beards Beaverbrook Beckett Hope-1 see lawyers BAppleyard-4 Corder-1 Dent-1 FSFirzgerald-18 Stoppard-21 Sewell-1 LTolstoy-3 Zola-2 Heisenberg-1 RNicolson-2 Orwell-47 Tebbit-1 Caine-1 Baldwin-5 BBaxter-1 Coward-1 RMorley-1 Shulman-1 Smorley-1 John Braine Marlon Brandon RKnox-3 Rosten-1 Victoria-5 Cardus-3 Debussy-2 Platz-1 Scheibe-1 Acton-1 Beckford-1 WBlake-14 Sisson-1 Martial-2 Orwell-13 Levin-9 Wilde-65 Balabin-1 Flaubert-14 Joyce-9 Bankhead-1 Jefferson-10 Keynes-1 Schwed-1 TMacaulay-10 AlanBennett-32 booksellers boredom Ernest Borgnine Bossuet Boston (Mass) Boswell Botticelli Bourbons bourgeoisie bow ties boys Brahms Bolshevism Book of Mormon books see writers Auden-4,23 SFreud-26 Grigg-1 Henahan-1 Stoppard-17 Wilde-38 FRaphael-1 Scruton-2 Lord Birkenhead Birmingham bishops Bismarck Blacks Blackstone Tony Blair biography

JArbuthnot-1 MArnold-19 Auden-4 Brougham-5 Carpenter-1 Lyndhurst-1 Wetherall-1 see F E Smith Austen-3 Dix-1 Westmoreland-1 Crankshaw-1 see Negroes JAustin-1 Bingham-10 Costello-1 Dawkins-3 Hulme-1 Mandela-1 LindaSmith-2 DHLawrence-39 Twain-58 Chamfort-4 BDisraeli-19 Emerson-39 1TFuller-2 Hazlitt-69 Luther-1 Mao-2 AMurphy-2 Bridie-1 DRickles-1 Acton-1 Wilde-65 Macaulay-14,15 Monboddo-1 HWalpole-2 Berenson-2 Leonardo-5 Dumouriez-1 Panat-1 Talleyrand-6 1Anon-29 Lenin-7 Caine-1 TArnold-2 Sewell-12 1Anon-46 Mahler-1 Shaw-4,5,6,19,20,24,25,113 Tchaikovsky-1 Wolf-1 ABurgess-21 RReed-3

brass bands bread breakfast food Bertold Brecht Brentford Britain

Beecham-18 Smollett-1 Muir-2 1 Thorne-1

Mrs Patrick Campbell Thaomas Campbell

Froham-1 Shaw-90 Hazlitt-50 Quinton-2 Cartier-1 Colombo-1 Moodie-1 Nash-5 Canning-2 ATrollope-22,26 WJBryan-5 HelenKeller-2 Keynes-26 Thucydides-3 KAPorter-2 Vidal-2,19 TWilliams-3 Butler-1 Butler-1 Tennyson-5 BConnolly-2 Barras-1 Dole-1 BHope-1 EMcCarthy-2 CJames-11 Levin-12 Lancaster-1 DHLawrence-6 see Roman Catholics HMorgan-1 Comfort-2 NDouglas-3 France-1 Sade-1 Shaw-148 IThomas-1 Wells-5 Thornton-1 MAmis-6 Auden-24 JHFry-1 Sickert-3 Zola-3 KAmis-2 Orga-1 `WChurchill-72 JBurns-1 HGRRobinson-1 Bevan-4,11 LloydGeorge-5,9,19 Salisbury-7 RCurtis-1 RDavies-39 Emerson-82,83 Menander-9 Voltaire-12 JWilson-4 TMacaulay-6,26,47,49 LouisXIV-7 TMacaulay-57 Rochester-3 HWalpole-7 Carson-3 Orwell-58 see also celibacy; Voltaire-33 Cerf-1 Byron-5 Larkin-10 LTolstoy-14 Gassow-1 HJByron-1 Chandler-1 SJohnson-52 JWesley-3 TSMoore-1 Pound-14 Shaw-135 Victoria-6 Bierce-8 RDavies-40 Desai-1 Gibbon-1 Southey-1 KAmis-21 Bacon-7 Balchin-1 Bierce-8 Darnton-1 Diderot-1 Emerson-17 Euripides-5 Fielding-7 Hope-

Henry Campbell-BannermanNCBentley-3 Canada canaries

Auden-49 PHall-1 Levin-14 Stoppard-28 Vansittart- Camus

see also England; 1Anon-29 Ausonius-1 Bernieres-1 candour Callaghan-3 Chirac-1 Cicero-1 JFCCooper-6 Dowd- canvassing 1 Edmond-1 LLee-3 Lindbergh-2 Orrery-1 Swift-2 Wilde-34 capitalism capital punishment Capote J Carlyle T Carlyle Andrew Carnegie Carnot Jimmy Carter Barbara Cartland caryatids Casanova Catholics cat-lovers celibacy cello censure census Miguel de Cervantes Cezanne Chablis Chabrier Austenb Chamberlain Joseph Chamberlain Neville Chamberlain change Charles Chaplin Chapman charity Charles I Charles II Queen Charlotte Chevy Chase James Hadley Chase chastity Chatterton Chaucer Chekhov chemists Connor-1 Spiegel-1 Stravinsky-7 Wilde-35 RichardHarris-1 HLeonard-2 Capote-2 Chandler-32 Broke-1 Gibbon-34 chess Lord Chesterfield G K Chesterton childbirth childhood children

British army government managers royal family taste tourist C Bronte E Bronte Ruper Brooke Lord Brougham E B Browning Robert Browning Bruckner Brussels Buchan William Buckley bullfighting Bulwer-Lytton John Bunyan bureaucracy Julie Burchill Burgundy Edmund Burke Robert Burns bus George Bush George W Bush business businessmen Busoni Stephen Byers Lord Byron

RCooper-1 MaxHoffman-1 Tuchman-1 RWest-11 Mathias-3 Windsor-3 Shaw-153 Kilvert-1 MArnold-4 Brophy-5 GEliot-9 VWoolf-20 Lorimer-1 WSMaugham-79 FRLeavis-4 Levenson-1 Landor-13 SSmith-54 EFitzgerald-1 TCarlyle-4 GHHopkins-4 Tennyson-18 RYTyrell-1 Wilde-60 Bulow-1 Goodall-2 Schama-7 Conrad-4 PCooke-2 Vidal-17 Lehrer-3 Kaveney-1 Brophy-2 Jefferson-15 MMcCarthy-3 YRoberts-1 KAmis-2 Hastings-1 Paine-2,14 Parr-1 Housman-12 EMuir-1 Curzon-4 Ivins-1 DCole-1 PONeill-1 see commerce Cleese-2 Dunne-3 JFKennedy-7 Northcott-1 MParris-2 JQAdams-2 1Anon-58 Auden-50 ROBolt-3 Cerf-1 GEliot-10 Goethe-19 CarolineLamb-1 TMacaulay19,143 EPowell-4 Wellington-8

William Jennings Bryan DHouston-1 IStone-2

Charles Prince of Wales Littlejohn-1

C cabbage John Cage Hall Caine Michael Caine California Cambridge University

History of English Literature Housman-11

1 Hornby-1 MLamb-1 Larkin-8 Mitchel-1 HMore-5 Raban-3 Schumpeter-1 Victoria-3 China Chinese Chopin Christ Christian god Christianity ADonald-1 PWatson-1 Yu-1 1Anon-150 Philip-4 Chorley-1 Shaw-26 Wilde-95 see Jesus Jefferson-34 see also Church of England; Roman Catholics; Ayer-1 JBaldwin-2 JBurroughs-1 Comfort-1 HHEllis-3 FrederickII-6,7 Diderot-3 JWDraper-1 Gallienne-1 Gibbon-8,9,36 MHastings-4 Hume-3 THHuxley-14 FKing-1 Lecky-4 Loon-1 WSMaugham-49 JSMill-13 Nietzsche-14,24 Voltaire-9 Zangwill-4 Christians Christmas church authorities all Churchills R Churchill W Churchill Ammianus-5 Bierce-43 CDickens-5 Shaw-48 see religions Hume-18 Gladstone-2 EWaugh-3 MAsquith-3 NAstor-1 ABalfour-2 Bevan-3 1RChurchill-5 LloydGeorge-12 FESmith-1 EWaugh-5,35 Church of England Cicero cinema Niccolo Circignani City civilisation civil service Clapham Pope Clement XI Bill Clinton Clive Creston Clarke clergymen cleverness Jean Cocteau Harry Cohn coitus S T Coleridge college education Joan Collins John Churton Collins Cologne colonialism colonials Colosseum comedians commerce Dostoyeevsky-2 GCarey-1 MHastings-4 see also film moguls, Hollywood; Rogers-3 see Pomarancio Austen-21 Mumford-2 JBPriestley-4 Saxby-1 Knox-1 Linklater-1 Samuel-1 Galbraith-7 VictorAmadeusII GRFord-4 TMacaulay-112 Field-1 Emerson-13 Erasmus-3 Jowett-4 GMarx-9 HCecil-1 Mikes-1 1Anon-227 RedSkelton-1 see sex 2SamButler-29 Byron-40 TCarlyle-5 Cerf-1 STColeridge-30 Emerson-60 Naughton-3 Tennyson-9 STColeridge-13 Cobden-1 Conrad-6 JCook-3 RGray-1 SJohnson-132 Swift-1 Morrison-1 Woodward-1 JimmyCarr-1 see also businessmen, companies; StAugustine-3 Bebel-1 Bierce-19,21,32 WJBryan-5 Cannadine-1 Oliver Cromwell Confucius-6 DiogenesL-1 Gandhi-1 OGoldsmith-29 cross-dressing Courbet courtship Noel Coward Creation Cretans cricket Crimean War Cripps critical theory critics consistency Constantine the Great consultants contemporary art contemporary music Calvin Coolidge J F Cooper Nicolaus Copernicus cor anglais Corneille Patricia Cornwell country gentlemen countryside Conservative conservative composers composing conquerors Joseph Conrad companies commercial television committees Common Market communism

Hazlitt-1 OWHolmesJr-1 WJames-3 Jefferson-1 StJerome-1 Leacock-2 Nietzsche-2 WRogers-2 Shakespeare-9 Skelton-1 ASmith-3 RLStevenson-26 Syrus-4 Tacitus-5 Thoreau-5 Victoria-2 Vidal-30 NoelBuxton-1 FAllen-2 Carre-2 Harkness-1 Tree-2 see European Union FMatthews-1 Orwell-27 WRogers-4 Rusk-1 FESmith-3 see also businessmen, commerce; Bryant-1 Coke-1 Grotius-1 Hazlitt-1 Manwood-1 Thurlow-1 Walsh-1 MariaT-1 Borodin-1 RMBrown-3 Emerson-30 Lockhart-4 1Anon-131 FMFord-14 GAMoore-3 Nabokov-1 HGWells-9 Winterson-3 see Tory Bierce-9 Doctorow-2 Emerson-40 Galbraith-44 Sahl1 Vanderlip-1 Acton-2 Emerson-13 AHuxley-10 Loon-2 ` ScottAdams-2 CNParkinson-1 see modern art see modern music 2TFuller-8 Garrick-1 Mizner-4 Twain-29,114 Luther-3 Shaw-64 SJohnson-124 DGoodwin-1 JoanSmith-1 Cobbett-9 Aubrey-3 ABrien-3 Congreve-10 Doyle-4 Hazlitt9,13,27 Perelman-1 Shaw-111 SSmith3,18,29,30,31,53 Wycherley-6 Hamerton-1 see seduction AFleming-1 Alfonso-1 2Bible-24 Home-1 Temple-1 Divine-1 MAsquith-2 VBCarter-1 Carey-10 see also AQmerican literary critics; Adrian-1 Auden-20 Beecham-7 Beerbohm-15 Behan-2 AlBennett-14 Bovee-1 Burgess-4 Coleridge-2 Conrad-2,3 BDiraeli-30 GEliot-6 PFleming-5 FMFord-15 Hampton-1 GMHopkins-1 Lichtenberg1 Mencken-29 Nathan-6 JOsborne-4 Rayburn-1 Shaw-103 Sibelius-1 Twain-26 Tynan-1 Updike-1 Ustinov-5 Wallach-1 Whistler-5 Acton-1 1Clarendon-1 Dowling-1

TPaine20 Raven-1 BRussell-76 Shaw-55 Shelley-1,7 conformity

KAmis-26 RDavies-46 RobertHarris-2 Montaigne-4 cooks

crowds crusades Cubism cuckold cucumber Duke of Cumberland E E Cummings Curran Curzon D Dagenham Daily Mail Daily Telegraph Dali d'Annunzio Dante dark races Darwin (Australia) Charles Darwin Robedrtson Davies Moshe Dayan Day-Lewis Deal (Kent) Debussy Defoe Degas Delacroix Delhi Delius demagogues democracy

see also masses; FBacon-69 Inge-24 Livy-7 TMacaulay-7 Hume-20 Runciman-2,3 Sewell-8 FMFord-3 SJohnson-75 1Anon-83 EWilson-1 Peel-1 Lloyd-George-2

divinity books divorce doctors dog lovers do-gooders dogs Bob Dole Domenichino Lonnie Donegan Donne

Hume-10 LeoXIII-1 see also medicine, physicians; Chekhov-3 Connor-5 Franklin-30 Herold-1 1Pliny-2 AHuxley-1 Strindberg-1 Creighton-1 Thoreau-10 JWilson-5 AlBennett-23 Darnton-1 Rosten-1 Sparrow-3 Streatfield-1 JKemp-1 Royko-1 Ruskin-4 Melly-2 JamesI-1 VSPritchett-6 KAmis-14 PKemp-1 Mantel-1 RLStevenson-28 Strakhov-1 LTolstoy-5 Chandler-27 Mencken-65 Whipple-1 WChurchill-6 see medicine Ani-1 Basil-1 Macaulay-16,122 JCameron-7 Eban-3 RBSheridan-1 RBSheridan-1 RFry-2 Hogarth-1 Philip-3 Shaw-34 AWaugh-1

LindaSmith-1 Salisbury-6 Levin-13 Orwell-17,48,49 NParsons-1 Seymour-Smith-1 Tennyson-4 Vega-1 DHLawrence-22 Keating-1 1Anon-189 Barzun-14 Mailer-8 Meir-2 JBPriestley-1 Cobbett-5 1Anon-82 Faure-1 FMFord-2 1Anon-95 Ingres-1 JMorris-3 Levin-3 AJPTaylor-2 TMacaulay-121 JQAdams-1 Aristotle-5 Bismarck-1 TCarlyle-15 CharlesI-1 Chaucer-8 Emerson-23 Galt-2 Gibbon-1 DHLawrence-21,26,27 Mencken-6

dos Passos Fyodr Dostoyevsky Conan Doyle Theodore Dreiser Driberg drugs (medicine) drunkenness Dryden John Foster Dulles Dundas Earl of Dundee Albrecht Durer Dutch Antonin Dvorak Andrea Dworkin E Terry Eagleton Earth econometrics economic forecasting economics

Eagleton-1 Littre-1 NLawson-2 Leontief-1 Galbraith-45 DHealey-8 see also macroeconomics; Basckhouse-2,3,4,5 TCarlyle-59 Eichengreen-1 Galbraith-8,13,51 Healey-3 GHowe-3 Krugman-1 Leacock-5 Meany-1 Middleton-1 Peacock-2 Reagan-4 Ruskin-3 Shaw-32 Thurow-1

Jacques Derrida detective novel developers

Rorty-1 BSPritchett-11 BVaughan-1 ANWilson-5 economists

Diana Princess of Wales Dowd-1 MHastings-3 Littlejohn-1 Pearce-1 Diary of a Nobody dice Charles Dickens KAmis-6 Bierce-13 1Anon-80 AlBenett-8 Brophy-3 AAGill-9 Hayward1 DHoffman-1 HJames-7 Kundera-2 Mantel-1 WSMaugham-75 Meredith-2 Orwell-7 Ravenhill-1 Saintsbury-3 JFStephen-4 ATrollope-29 Wilde-8 diet dinner parties Diocletian Christian Dior diplomacy dirty jokes disc jockey Benjamin Disraeli Dittersdorff Goldacre-5 JosephO'Connor-1 Gibbon-7 Chanel-5 Bierce-14 1TFuller-4 Burgess-16 JBright-1 Shaw-63 education editors Mary Baker Eddy Anthony Eden

Appleyard-6 Bagehot-20 Becker-1 Brann-13 Buchwald-4 JKGalbraith-52 WHeller-1 BOJones-1 MervynKing-1 RMurdoch-2 )Rourke-19,22 LPeter1 JRobinson-1 Schlesinger-1 Shaw-32 Coward-14 WChurchill-3 Macmillan-7 Muggeridge-5 BRussell44 see also journalism; 1Anon-218 Brann-1 Cheever-1 Fontaine-1 GFowler-1 EHubbard-1 Shaw-13 Skelton-2 AStevenson-1 Twain-5

editor of Los Angeles Times Brann-2 see also school, university; Alembert-1 KAmis-1 Beerbohm-3 WBerkeley-1 Bondi-1 Boothby-1 Cobbett-7 2Dumas-2 Edman-1 Galbraith-2,9 Gibbon-2 DHLawrence-10 Linklater-1 JSMill-29 Muggeridge-4 Peacock-1 Saki-6 SSmith-21,25

Trevelyan-1 NVansittart-1 Vizinczey-1 Wellington- Europeans 17 Wilde-24 educational reform educational theorists Edward VII egalitarianism Egyptians eighteenth century Dwight D Eisenhower Electorate Elgar G Eliot T S Eliot Elizabeth I Havelock Ellis Emerson Empson England England/the English TDalrymple-1 RDavies-33 Brann-1 Burke-33 AHuxley-5 Anon-30 JAdams-5 poetry Raine-4 Acheson-EmmetHughes-1 7 DMacArthur-4 Sahl-3 1Pitt-4 Shaw-107 2SButler-11 Mantel-1 Yeats-9 ADent-2 TSEliot-5 FRLeavis-7 CSLewis-5 FLLucas-2 VWoolf-19,21 JWesley-6 DLessing-4 TCarlyle-26 HMelville-4 Saki-11 Swinburne-2 ANWilson-1 Brunellaire-1 see also Britain; Agate-1 FAllen-5 1Anon-31,43 MArnold-11 Bagehot-8 WBarnes-1 Berlioz-2 Brunne-1 Byron-9 RByron-2 Capek-1 Chaudhuri-2 Connor-1 Deschamps-1 Drabble-2 Gopaleen-2 32 JPKennedy-3 DHLawrence-1 LLee-2 CLever-1 TMacaulay-18 NapoleonI-2,10 Newman-1,3 JOsborne-3 Peacock-10 Pepys-6 Pirajno-1 Shaw-39 SSmith-1,2 Spaeth-1 Stendhal-3 Walpole-1 Wilde33 WilhelmII-1 English architecture coffee cooking music painting people public schools upper classes Victorian artists enlightenment enthusiasm envy enzian epicurianism Jacob Epstein equality Erith erotica establishment estate agents etiquette Etna eunuchs Euripides FBurney-1 OSitwell-4 Capek-1 GrahamChapman-2 Postgate-2 Heine-9 Heine-9 Heine-16 Sprat-1 RCooper-1 MArnold-11 Jenkyns-3 1Anon-152 Warburton-2 RobtBurton-3 Payton-2 TMacaulay-70 DLessing-4 BDisraeli-58,59 AHuxley-5 FelixSchilling-1 LindaSmith-1 Comstock-1 Macmillan-1 SFry-3 Henahan-1 Marie-1 EWaugh-1 Gibbon-11 Aristophanes-1 TMacaulay-22 F M Ford Gerald Ford James Elroy Flecker Fletcher flutes folk music food football fathers William Faulkner Faure fauvism feminism fiction Henry Fielding field sports film making film moguls films film studios financiers Finnegan's Wake Ronald Firbank fishing E Fitzgerald F S Fitzgerald Flaubert F Fabians facts William Fairchild faith fame family fan vaulting farmers experts Bishop of Exeter existentialism experience Chris Evans evolution exaggeration exercise

JCook-3 CDarwin-15 DGregory-1 Mao-1 Sontag-4 Schama-7 SMilligan-8 1Anon-189 WJBryan-3 Gallup-2 Bacon-4 see also atheletics, sport; NArmstrong-2 Becket-38 2Bible-17 Depew-1 Hutchins-1 OToole-1 WRogers-9 Santayana-10 Twain-89 Wilde-23 SSmith-10 Warnock-4 Antrim-2 Ascham-1 Bierce-16 TCarlyle-19 Inge-3 EarlWilson-2 Bloch-2 EGHubbard-21Teller-1 Salisbury-1

European Union/Common MarketGaitskell-1 Megarry-1 Nicholls-1 Ridley-1

Inge-12 Lenin-9 SSmith-41 BLevin-17 Bierce-17 Mencken-1 FBacon-66 ELeach-1 RMacaulay-4 Strindberg-2 Lancaster-4 Mencken-99 PWalker-2 CChurchill-2 Marie-1 Santayana-11 LPSmith-5 Wilde-40 Chesterfield-22 Fadiman-6 Proust-14 JHFry-1 Habgood-1 Keillor-2 Paglia-10 Victoria-1 Appleyard-1 CBronte-7 SJohnson-74 Krutch-2 Carre-5 Chandler-9 Mamet-1 Chandler-8,18 Perelman-1 Hecht-3 AKorda-2 Pinero-1 VECox-1 EWaugh-21 Jonson-1 Krutch-2 EFitzgerald-1 Bellow-3 1Anon-179 WSMaugham-77 Nabokov-10 RLStevenson-11 Jenkyns-2 OGoldsmith-16 Mozart-1 Box-1 Mendelssohn-3 LLee-3 EdwardII-1 ElizabethI-1 Elyot-1 JamesIV-1 Rolls-1 ADWhite-1 Carey-3 OSitwell-1 Dole-1 LJohnson-2,6

MHalsey-2 Hazlitt-2 Hegel-2 Heine-1,2,9 Jefferson- fashion

foreigners foreign languages Foreign Office E M Forster Michel Foucault Fox George Fox France Franck Malcolm Fraser Frederick the Great free love verse will French

NMitford-1 Ehrenreich-2 RByron-4 Gosse-2 KMansfield-2 Nabokov-7 VWoolf-6 HFreeman-1 GeorgeIII-1 TMacaulay-125,126 see also French; Buckley-2 TCarlyle-3 Dryden-8 CJFox-5 SJohnson-28 Nicholls-1 Wellington-28 Gounod-1 Hawke-1 TMacaulay-104 Chesterton-12 JBarrymore-3 Chesterton-12 Frost-3,8 Born-1 see also France; Attlee-3 Buckley-2 Coward-9 28 DHLawrence-5 NMitford-1 RMorley-2 Nelson-7 Novello-24 Paglia-8 Parkman-1 Sschwarzkopf-2 Sherman-1 Smollett-5 Spencer-4 HWalpole-11 Wellington-4

George III George IV German Germany & Germans

Landor-15 1Anon-89,90 Landor-15 Wellington-25 TCarlyle-34 Porson-2 1Anon-189 Bullard-1 Chesterfield-12 WSChurchill13,76,77 Crowe-1 BElton-1 Fadiman-1 AHamilton-1 Kettle-2 NMitford-1 Nicholls-1 Nietzsche-9,37 Ossietsky-1 Swift-19 AJPTaylor-3 Truman-4 Twain65

George Gershwin Ira Gershwin Giants Causeway Edward Gibbon Andre Gide John Gielgud William Gifford W S Gilbert

Levant-6 Woolcott-2 SJohnson-41 Boswell-2 RByron-1 Gloucester-1 STWarner-1 Tynan-4 Hazlitt-42 Medawar-21,22 QuillerCouch-5 Attlee-4 RByron-1 BDisraeli-2,5,34 THHuxley-13 Labouchere-1 Victoria-9-10 Cernuda-1 see also Christian god; Breton-1 JCampbell-2 RChurchill-1 Diderot-3 Heinlein-11 Heller-1 Ingersoll-3 WJames-8 ArMarshall-1 Maugham-2 Mencken-18 Renard-8 Shelley-3 Strawson-1 VWoolf-11

BDisraeli-53 Dryden-3 Dyke-1 Hazlitt-56 SJohnson- W E Gladstone Glasgow god

French art French philosophy French revolution Sigmund Freud

Davy-1 Medawar-32 Schama-4,6 AWClare-2 Crews-2 Doctorow-3 Honderich-1 3 Wittgenstein-3,10 Youngson-2 Godowsky gold Oliver Goldsmith golf golfers goodness good resolutions good taste Maxim Gorky Jan Gossaert Gardner-1 NBevan-8 Tacitus-8 DHLawrence-34 Orwell-40 VWoolf-3 JRay-3 Shaw-78 WChurchill-32 Naidu-1 Hazlitt-66 1Anon-236 Greene-8 Goldsmith-4 KCox-1 JHFry-1 WChurchill-43 HMacmillan-21 Perot-2 CBarnett-1 Briand-1 Clemenceau-3 NFDavies-3 Kubrick-2 Landor-14 Orwell-67 Talleyrand-7 Truman-1 governments (modern) Kenneth Grahame U S Grant grant-aided students gratitude Thomas Gray Great Britain great men Greece Gounod government MerleauPonty-1 NMosley-1 Nabokov-3,11 Voyne- Goethe

Busoni-1 GDavenport-1 Tourneur-1 Garrick-2 WChurchill-12 APHerbert-3 JamesIV-1 Updike-19 Twain-13 GWLyttleton-1 JBarrymore-1 Wilde-81 Picasso-7 LTolstoy-16 JHale-1 RDavies-45 Shaw-68 1Anon-39 Bakunin-1 Beecher-1 Bentham-9 Berkman-1 Bierce-4,7 Cary-4 ACoolins-1 Crook-1 Dafoe-1 Drucker-3 Dryden-16 AFisher-1 Jefferson15,16 PJohnston-4 Kubrick-2 TMacaulay-32 Marquis-8 Marshall-1 O'Sullivan-1 Paine-4 Proudhon-3 Reagan-3,14,18 GRRobertson-1 ASmith-25 Swift-2 Tuchman-1 GJTucker-1 AYoung-1

friars Betty Friedan friendship Robert Frost Froude Stephen Fry Fuseli G Clark Gable Hugh Gaitskell Galba Galsworthy games Gandhi Thomas Gainsborough George Galloway Greta Garbo Garrick Gaugin de Gaulle Generral Motors generals

see clergymen MElliot-1 1Bible-17 3Bible-3 Bierce-37,38 Welles-2,4 Auden-49 Swinburne-3 HManning-1 Lavater-1

fundamentalist Christianity FKing-1

government interference Constant-1 Dicey-2 MFriedman-7 PJohnston-4 1Anon-162 MArnold-22 Maugham-37 Gibon-15 Stalin-3 SJohnson-126 CSmart-1 see Britain Delane-1 Forster-12 Fletcher-1

gentlemen George I George II

Chesterfield-30 Landor-15 Gilmour-2 Landor-15

Greeks Graham Greene Germaine Greer Grieg grocers Grossmith Grotius grouse guests guide H Rider Haggard Field Marshal Haig Lord Hailsham John Hampden Handel happiness Thomas Hardy Jean Harlow Lord Harmsworth de la Harpe harpsichord Frank Harris haste Warren Hastings Hatfield Charles Haughey Goldie Hawn Haydn Haydon William Hazlitt health food Heathrow Hegel Mrs Heine Lilian Hellman Hemingway

Mencken-9 Sherman-1 Virgil-7 JBanville-1 Brophy-8 Debussy-1 Shaw-108 FMFord-8 KAmis-6 Quincey-1 Goncourt-1 Laboulaye-1 1Bible-17


Austen-28 Bierce-19 Borne-1 HFord-2 SJohnson155 Maupassant-1 Shelley-5 AJPTaylor-5 LTolstoy2,22 Twain-100 Voltaire-100

Hitler Sir Samuel Hoare hoi polloi Holland Hollywood Homer homeopathy homo erectus

BRussell-32 Beaverbrook-2 see masses Petty-1 FAllen-9 EBarrymore-2 Clancy-1 Levant-2 MMonroe-1 MArnold-19 Shaw-7 1OWHolmes-15 Youngson-5 DBickerton-1 Cleaver-2 Liverpool-2 PRoibertson-1 Bierce-21 Congreve-7 Shaw-144 Acheson-5 LBJohnson-5 Baldry-1 IFleming-1 Mencken-37 LLee-3 see also parliament; JBarnes-10 Coleridge-16 Denning-3 Emerson-50 Hazlitt-71 KLivingstone-2 AMarr-3 Wilde-53 Wilkes-3

VSPritchett-5 JKStephen-2 NFDavies-6 LloydGeorge-10 Paget-2 1Clarendon-2 Christiansen-2 Greene-3 Chesterton-22 TSEliot-20 AAGill-7 Hardy-4 DHLawrence-11 Strachey-1 MAsquith-7 see Lord Northcliffe Chamfort-1 Beecham-4 SRaven-2 see hurry Burke-7 Thorne-2 CCOBrien-1 Tookey-1 Hadden-1 Weingartner-1 Shaw-28 CluttonBrock-2 Hewlett-1 Wordsworth-10 Muir-2 DPotter-1 NDavies-2 Quinton-1 Schopenhauer-1,2 Tolstoy-1 Heine-5 MMcCarthy-1 1Anon-27 Auden-30 MEastman-1 Faulkner-2 ZFitzgerald-2 RGordon-2 Nabokov-6 APowell-3 Vidal-11

homosexuality honesty honours J Edgar Hoover hope horses hot dogs hotels House of Commons

Warren Gamaliel Harding McAdoo-1 Mencken-66

House of Lords housing in 19thC A E Housman Geoffrey Howe Howard Hughes Ted Hughes Victor Hugo humanity Hummel Hubert Humphrey Hungary & Hungarians Huns Holman Hunt hunting hurry husbands Aldous Huxley hypocrisy I Ibsen idealism idealists ideologies ignorance immortality imperialism Impressionism inanimate objects India Indians

Babbage-1 Bagehot-23 JChamberlain-1 LloydzGeorge-8 Stoppard-14 HGWells-24 ACBenson-2 Brophy-4 Healey-1 Holden-1 Ackroyd-7 Fussell-3 TCarlyle-8 RLStevenson-12 see mankind Shaw-66 HSThompson-2 1Anon-111 Barlow-1 Lithgow-1 Rouse-1 see Germans Januszczeak-1 ABalfour-3 SJohnson-92 Krutch-2 Chesterfield-15 Emerson-14 Balzac-8 Gay-3,7 Rowan-1 EBowen-3 Brophy-6 Carey-4 BRussell-62 Arendt-2

William Randolph Hearst DParker-15

Henry V Henry VIII Katherine Hepburn Heraclitus highbrow Hindemith Damien Hirst historians

Hazlitt-59 CDickens-42 Luther-6 Mackintosh-1 DParker-2 BRussell-32 Matthews-1 Shostakovich-1 AArmstrong-4 1Anon-237 TABailey-2 LBenson-1 Bierce-20 Franklin-35 SJohnson-91 Mencken-82 Repplier-2 LStrachey-8 WHThompson-1 LTolstoy-18 WWilson-11

1Anon-69 Piggott-1 Shaw-11 Yeats-11 Galsworthy-1 Sandburg-2 Jung-4 RBrowning-11 Mencken-24 Labouchere-3 GCDRossetti-1 Wilde-63 RBaker-1 FESmith-11 see also Bengalis; Woodruff-4



Indians (red) indignation indolence industry innocence innovation institutions insurance integrity Intelligence Corps intellectual interior decorators international sport interviews intolerance IQ tests Iran Ireland & Irish

PSheridan-2 Wells-5 Chesterfield-24 Southey-2 Wilde-37 GGreene-12 Hemingway-10 Burke-1 Santayana-15 Thoreau-4 Bierce-23 Juvenal-1 AGuinness-2 Auden-2 DBarry-1 see also athletics, exercise, golf, sport; Forster-20 Twain-41 Updike-16 Bierce-2 JDewey-1 Kissinger-21 RAdams-1 1Anon-188 Bismarck-8 Brigham-1 Buchan-4 EAFreeman-2,3 GeraldofWales-1 Gopaleen-1 Heppenstall-1 SJohnson-5 Joyce-2,6

L B Johnson Samuel Johnson Ben Jonson Jordan journalism/journalists

Acheson-4 FBurney-2 Hazlitt-72 Jenyns-1 TMacaulay-46 DPotter-1 Strachey-2 HWalpole-2 WDrummond-1 Dryden-26 OGoldsmith-16 Hazlitt14 Tennyson-19 BalfourPaul-1 see also editors, newspapers, newspaper owners, rock journalism; Agnew-1,2 1Anon-9,218 Appleyard-2 ABalfour-2 Becket-62 ArBennett-2,9 NBentley-2 CBernstein-2,3 CBlack-1,2 LdByron-13 JCameron-1,5 PCampbell-1 Chesterton-6 FForsyth-2 Gandhi-4 SGibbons-2 Goldacre-8 OGoldsmith-17 GGrene-20 Hecht-1,2 Hegel-1 MHogg-1 EHubbard1 Ibsen-9 Jefferson-3,6 SJohnson-8 Kierkegaard-1 KKraus-5 Longfellow-1 Msiler-7 Malcolm-1 Mencken-101,102 JSMill-43 DMurray-1 Nevin-1 Northcliffe-2 Osborne-2 Sinatra-1 SSmith-2 AStevenson-1 Stoppard-23,24 Twain-71,92 EWaugh-19 RWest-12 Wilde-7,12 Wolfe-1 Wotton1 Yeats-10 Aldington-2 Connolly-20,21 Cox-1 Bowles-2 Burgess-1 JDouglas-2 Forster-3 Gogarty-1 DHLawrence-2,9 Levin-15 Muggeridge-21 HNicolson-1 Priestley-3 FRichards-1 Stoppard-1 EWaugh-33 Wharton-4 Woolsey-1 VWoolf1,4,10,14

Littlewood-1 TMacaulay-76,130 Sherman-1 Strabo- James Joyce 1 Swift-37 JWilson-6 Irish MPs Luce Irigaray Sir Henry Irving Islam Italian Italian opera Italians Italy J Glenda Jackson Michael Jackson Mick Jagger James I James II Henry James AWaugh-6 CBrown-2 Ivins-2 Melly-1 TMacaulay-66 CharlesII-4 TBMacaulay-124 49 Edel-1 TSEliot-3 Faulkner-1 Higginson-1 HLaski-4 Maugham-35,41 Payne-1 TRoosevelt-1 Thurber-10 HGWells-6,7 Wilde-17 Yeats-8 M T James William James Japan Richard Jebb Thomas Jefferson Judge Jeffreys Jesuits Jesus Christ Jews Marchall Joffre jogging King John Andrew Johnson ACBenson-3 Santayana-12 Griffiths-1 WHThompson-1 Acton-1 JQAdams-5 CDickens-40 AHamilton-2 CharlesII-1 Maynard-1 TMacaulay-29,89,127 HHEllis-3 Shelley-2 Swinburne-6 Brigham-1 GEliot-7 HWEvans-1 Ewer-1 FMFord8,9 SFreud-2 KMarx-5 RWagner-6 Clemenceau-7 VWood-1 JRGreen-1 Paris-1 CSumner-1 Henry Kissinger James Kelman Kennedy family John Fitzgerald Kennedy Kerouac John Maynard Keynes Anthony Kimmins kindness kings of England Kinnock Kinsey report Rudyard Kipling K Immanuel Kant Gerald Kaufman Kavanagh QC Charles Kean Keats Gopaleen-3 Sokal-4,5 WSGilbert-12 Tocqueville-6 Tennyson-4 SJohnson-88 Faraday-5 Fry-1 Hartley-1 NMitford-1 Sherman-1 Vidal-25 juries justice judges

Aristotle-6 OWHolmesJr-3 JSMill-18 Mortimer-3 Wodehouse-1

Julius Caesars supporters LaneFox-1 Bierce-24 JSMill-18 Twain-117,118 GMoore-4

Medawar-33 Quinton-1 AAGill-8 BBlack-1 Lewes-1 STColeridge-9 LdByron-6,14 JCarlyle-1 TCarlyle-42 Clare-2 Hensher-3 FRLeavis-4 Lockhart-1 Yeats-2 1Anon-176 PJohnson-2 HMacmillan-15 ORourke-10 LBJohnson-7 HMacmillan-3 Capote-1 FKnight-2 BLevin-1 Quintilian-1 Diderot-12 CharlesX-1 Kinnock-1 RMurdoch-3 1Anon-132 Beerbohm-2,12 Orwell-30,39 SeymourSmith-2,3 JKStephen-2 Crossman-2 Galbraith-14 Isaacson-1 Lehrer-1 Podhoretz-1

CloverAdams-1 Appleyard-5 Auden-32 Chesterton- Edmund Kean

Kitchener kittens Paul Klee know thyself Ronald Knox Arthur Koestler Willem de Koonig Jeff Koons Koran Judith Krantz L

MAsquith-6 Nash-6 CAsquith-1 Gide-4 PParker-1 HBloom-2 Sewell-5 AArmstrong-4 RHughes-1 TCarlyle-22 CJames-5

Levantines John L Lewis Percy Wyndham Lewis Liberace Liberals liberals liberty Limerick Lincoln Liszt literacy literary men literary prizes literature litigation Liverpool Livy Lloyd George Andrew Lloyd-Webber logic London

1Anon-8 Truman-7 Hemingway-2 Sickert-4 Connor-3 Bagehot-13 Bierce-9 HBrown-1 RFrost-14 Orwell-3 Reagan-19 Lenin-1 WRogers-1 see Ireland HBAdams-6 1Anon-42 1Anon-88 Cardus-1 Hanslick-1 Northcott-1 Shaw-28 NVansittart-1 Kierkegaard-3 GSwift-1 JBPriestley-1 TWilder-5 see law Beecham-17 Burrow-7 MAsquith-1 SBaldwin-13 Beaverbrook-3 HCecil-1 Keynes-25 LStrachey-6 AJPTaylor-9 MWilliamson-1 2Anon-55 Krutch-1 Austen-16 WBlake-16 Bridie-5 TCarlyle-11 Conrad14 Dickens-35 Doyle-3 Gibbon-4 Hobbes-8 HJames19 SJohnson-130 DHLawrence-8 Richard-2 Shelley12 Smollett-2,10,12 Swift-24 HGWells-8,14

Labour government 1997-2009PJohnston-4 Jacques Lacan Charles Lamb Landseer Laos Philip Larkin Denys Lasdun Laud laughter law Sokal-1 TCarlyle-3 Lancaster-2 Landseer-1 Ruskin-15 Galbraith-19 Carey-7 LDurrell-6 Charles-4 TMacaulay-5 1Bible-11 Chesterfield-7,8 Congreve-6 Epictetus-8 OGoldsmith-23 GHerbert-14 Lavater-3 see also judges, lawyers; Ariosto-4 Aristotle-11 Bentham-2 Bierce-24 Brathwaite-1 Bruyere-1 GChapman-2 Cicero-10 Congreve-8 JohnCook-1 Cort-1 CDickens-38 BFranklin-16 Hegel-2

London government

Inwood-1 see water VWBrooks-2 Augustine-18 see House of Lords GCampbell-1 Chandler-3 Mencken-43,83 DParker-7 FLWright-1 JMiller-4 Petty-1 Hobsbawm-3 Dumouriez-1 1Anon-12 1Bible-9 Bierce-24 Blessington-1 Chamfort-2 Goldsmith-3 Greer-1 SJohnson-12 Mencken-19,20 DOsborne-1 Sade-2 Shaw-75 1Turgenev-1 Unamuno-1

TMacaulay-101 McIlvanney-1 Macklin-1 JSMill-18 London water Mortimer-8,9 Plautus-1 Pope-18 Pythagoras-1 Sales- Longfellow 1 Shenstone-3 Swift-2,18 Tacitus-3 too many lawns D H Lawrence Burke-2 Cicero-30 Confucius-2 Elphinstone-1 Landor-12 Lao-4 Montaigne-15 Tacitus-3 WHHudson-1 KAmis-27 Beach-1 Carey-6 Conrad-1 JDouglas-1 1,2 NMailer-10 APowell-1,2 Quennell-1 BRussell14,32,63 ESitwell-1 DJTaylor-3 T E Lawrence a lawyer (anon) lawyers Twain-102 2Bible-12 Bierce-13,24 BBlack-1 Brabazon-1 Brighouse-1 Brougham-4 Chekhov-3 CChurchill-1 Galbraith-11 Gildon-1 Giraudoux-1 Jefferson-39 SJohnson-10,13,130 Keats-2 TMacaulay-102 DavidMellor-1 Mencken-36 JSMill-18 Montesquieu-25 TMore-5 Mortimer-3,5 Shakespeare-40 SSmith-35 Swift-25 Twain-44 SWright-1 Edward Lear learning F R Leavis legislation Vivien Leigh Lord Leighton lending Lenin Leonardo da Vinci KAmis-7 2Bible-27 Hazlitt-69,70,71 Annan-1 Appleyard-5 JBPriestley-1 CDGRose-1 Tynan-2 Whistler-12 Ingulf-1 Trotsky-7 WChurchill-48 Januszczak-2 Renoir-1 Joseph McCarthy Ramsay Macdonald M Douglas MacArthur T Macaulay loves stories lower classes William Lowndes loyalty luck lust lying Tim Lott Louis XVI Louis XVIII Galsworthy-2,4 Graves-3 GGreene-8 Greer-5 CHart- lotteries long life lords Los Angeles

KAmis-10 Berners-1 HChannon-1 LowellThomas-1 love

Crowley-1 see working class Chesterfield-18 Mortimer-7 EarlWilson-1 JohnTaylor-2 Montaigne-33

Eisenhower-1 FDRoosevelt-5 Truman-2 Acton-1 MArnold-8 RCarlyle-56 CluttonBrook-2 Emerson-22 GHill-1 Melbourne-4 SSmith-4,13 AJPTaylor-1 Eisenhower-6 WChurchill-60 LloydGeorge-4

Macdonalds John McEnroe Ian McEwan McGonagall Niccolo Machiavelli Harold Macmillan James MacPherson macroeconomics magazines Magdalen College Gustav Mahler Norman Mailer Maine maintenance John Major majorities

TMacaulay-138 CJames-6 HHawkins-1 Daiches-1 BRussell-82 Bevan-2 Levin-11,16 Thorpe-1 SJohnson-154 Hayek-3 ORourke-19 DSimpson-1 LTolstoy-17 see Oxford Bulow-2 Copland-2 SJohnson-1,2,3 Walton-1 Vidal-23 EWaugh-28 FMFord-13 Wodehouse-1 MHastings-2 DPotter-2 1Anon-2 2SButler-17 JCampbell-1 Debs-1 Dryden27 Goethe-11 Heinlein-9 THughes-1 Ibsen-1,2 HMacmillan-1,8 JSMill-1 QuillerCouch-1 Roscommon-1 BRussell-35 Vian-1 Voltaire-2

martyrdom Chico Marx Groucho Marx Karl Marx Marx and Engels Marxism Masaccio masses

Shaw-50 GMarx-1 Pereleman-8 Crosland-1 Meadowcroft-1 IBerlin-5 Keynes-13 Leonardo-1 see also crowd, multitude; Alain-1 Chesterton-32 Dryden-12 Emerson-9,53 Herodotus-13 Horace-1 Landor-7 Livy-1

mass observation masturbation mathematician Matisse matrimony Louis B Mayer MBA media medicine medicines Melbourne David Mellor Herman Melville memory men

Medawar-26 BadenPowell-1 Dunn-1 Fowler-2,3 HunterDunne-1 DHLawrence-20 OwensAdair-1 Rush-1 DBernouilli-2 JHFry-1 PWLewis-1 Sickert-3 see marriage WCFields-5 Goldwyn-10 Buzzell-1 AHoffman-2 see also doctors; Chamfort-12 Garth-1 Moliere-7 Peacock-2 Proust-9 MHFischer-4 Moliere-10 Bygraves-1 CFreud-4 AGardner-2 Carman-1 1Anon-180 Conrad-16 WrightMorris-1 AAdams-1 Antrim-1 Astell-3 NAstor-2 Brownmiller-1 Connolly-8 Conrad-6 Cope-2 Dreiser-2 Dryden-10 PDunn-1 Duras-4 ADworkin1,2,4,5,7,15,16 Figes-1 MFrench-1 HJackson-2 Kipling-8 Loos-1 MariedeFrance-1 ADMiller-1 Nietzsche-5 AOakley-1 JMRoland-2 StJohns-2 Solanes-1,2,3 Steinem-1 Victoria-6 Whitton-1

William Somerset Maugham Burgess-3 Maugham-1,6,53 EWilson-4

Malaya Andre Malraux Malthus man management Manchester Peter Mandelson Manet mankind

Suyin-1 Nabokov-12 Engels-3 KMarx-11 see also mankind; Twain-91 ScottAdams-1 RGBHeller-2 Mintzberg-1 MStevenson-1 Twain-37 SHoggart-1 Castagnani-1 Etienne-1 Hamerton-2 see also man; MArnold-1 LdByron-42 Cervantes-3 TSEliot-35 SFreud-4,10,13 Heber-1 HJackson-5 SJohnson-38 Kant-4 Keats-5 Kingsmill-2 Koestler-4 Layton-5 RMacaulay-3 Plautus-10 Roland-2 Swift-7 Twain-16,18,56,116 Weil-1

management consultants RTownsend-1

Katherine Mansfield manual labour manufacturing margerine Marie Antoinette market Marlowe marriage

TSEliot-40 Galbraith-1 see industry Gussow-1 Hobsbawm-3 Cyrus-1 Meredith merit Messiaen Cerf-1 Shaw-87 Astell-3 Aubrey-1 Augustine-16 Austen-19 Bacon24 2SButler-36 Byron-8 Camden-1 Cantor-1 1Cavendish-1 Chekhov-4 Chesterfield-5 Congreve1,14 Connolly-3 Dickens-2,11 Fielding-5 Franklin-5 Methodism MFrench-2 1TFuller-9 ZGabor-1 JGay-9 SGibbons- Mexicans 3 Hacker-1 THardy-14 Jerome-4 SJohnson-7,12,77 Jong-6 Keats-1 DHLawrence-3 Littre-1 CMorley-1 JGNathan-7 Pepys-7 Saki-3 Schopenhauer-28 Meyerbeer Miami Michelangelo Felix Mendelssohn Mensa menstruation merchants

Shaw-113,151 RWagner-6 Popper-35 Isidore-2 1Pliny-5 see also commerce; Baudelaire-3 Erasmus-3 Jefferson-1 StJerome-1 Nietzsche-2 PiusII-1 Chesterton-22 Pound-1 Wilde-46,60 1Anon-7 Stravinsky-1 see also philosophy; Aytoun-1 AJBalfour-12 CSCBowen-1 FHBradley-1 Hume-10 Krutch-1 Mencken-4,64 Voltaire-21 RMWeaver-1 Crabbe-2 Brann-9 Wagner-3 Bruce-1 Greco-1 Ruskin-59,62 ORourke-19 DeliaSmith-1 Levin-3 NFDavies4 AlbertEinstein-32 Smithers-1 Thackeray-18 HGWells-26

Duchess of Marlborough HWalpole-12

7,47 Beaumarchais-2 Beauvoir-3 AlBenett-5 Bierce- metaphysics

RScott-2 Shaw-49 Shelley-9 Swetnam-1 Tertullian-3 microeconomics ATrollope-5 Victoria-12,14,15,16 Vidor-1 SWebb-1 microwave cookers Wilde-28 Wilder-3 for love John Martin Cabell-4 JCampbell-3 RLStevenson-17 STColeridge-19 middle age military

John Stuart Mill John Everett Millais Millernnium Dome A A Milne John Milton

KMarx-14 Dickens-20 Meades-1 Wodehouse-10 Addison-2 Cobbett-2 Diekhoff-1 SJohnson48,110,153 Larkin-10 FRLeavis-5 Voltaire-55 EWaller-1 Winstanley-1

Rupert Murdoch J Middleton Murry music musicians music in restaurants musicologists N Vladimir Nabokov Napoleon Napoleon III nationalisation nationalism nations nature navies navy Negroes

SHoggart-2 CJames-4 DPotter-2 TSEliot-49 Cobbett-1 Collier-1 Galen-1 Herford-1 CLamb17,18 Berlioz-2 Gay-5 Chesterton-48 Beecham-1

ministers (government) missionaries mob moderation modern architecture art music modesty Modigliani Mohammed molecular biology Monaco monasteries money money-making General Monk monks Marilyn Monroe Montesquieu Robert Montgomery Henry de Montherlant 'moonshine' Dudley Moore G E Moore Thomas Moore moral indignation morality More Alessandro Moreschi J P Morgan William Morris Morrison mother in law Sir Oswald Mosley mountain climbing mountains Lord Mountbatten movies Mozart MPs muesli multitude Iris Murdoch

AKing-1 Gaugin-1 see crowd, masses, multitude LHunt-1 Wilde-44 KClark-6 Auty-1 Ciardi-1 Santayana-19 Sewell-10,11 Stoppard-10 Barbirolli-1 Heifetz-1 Hazlitt-26 SJohnson-31 JHFry-1 1Anon-65 Doughty-1 HALFisher-2 Burnet-1 Maugham-48 see also monks; GThomas-6 AlBennett-15 Chesterton-29 Schopenhauer-7 Sophocles-1 RLStevenson-8 Tourneur-1 Bacon-17 Wtering-1 Clarendon-4 Gibbon-12,36 CJames-1 Acton-1 TMacaulay-28 TBMacaulay-144 Tynan-7 Cobb-1 PVCook-2 Warnock-1 Hazlitt-28 HGWells-5 Bierce-22 Acton-1 Goodall-4 Fry-1 Sewell-6,7 Bevin-1 Juvenal-10 BWebb-3 Goethe-3 CLamb-19 MHastings-5 Templer-1 Ziegler-1 see cinema, film making NCoward-12 Goethe-27 JosephII-1 Keller-1 Weingartner-1 Babbage-1 WSGilbert-14 SPound-1 Stone-1 Muir-2 see also crowd, masses; TBrowne-12 L'Estrange-2 Roscommon-1 PParker-2 Normans Lord Northcliffe Norway and Norwegians nostalgia Isaac Newton New York New Yorkers New Zealand Niagara Nicaragua Nicholas II Anne Nichols Nigeria Richard Nixon Netherlands Cardinal Newman newspaper owners readers newspapers JOsborne-4 Acton-1 TCampbell-2 Jefferson-41 Kissinger-4 LTolstoy-29 Wellington-22 AJPTaylor-5 see state ownership Aldington-1 Gissing-3 Inge-17 Sade-10 NFDavies-1 WChurchill-17 SJohnson-40 see also Africa; 1Anon-64,138,139,140 HWEvans-1 EAFreeman-3 Hakluyt-1 Jefferson-18,26 AHStephens-1 see Holland Hart-Davis-1 RWBaker-4 FMFord-5 McCullin-1 WBarnes-1 CPScott-2 see also editors, journalism, Northcliffe, tabloids, Tory papers; Ade-1 1Anon-104 Baldwin-5 Baudelaire-2,5 Beecher-2 JBernard-2 Bevan-1 Browne-3 Bryce-1 2SButler-28 Chandler-19 Cobbett-8 JFCooper-1,2 GCrabbe-3 Dahlberg-1 Defoe-1 Dickens-9 GEliot-6 Flaubert-17 PFleming-7 PFoot-1 1TFuller-1 Goethe-1 Goldacre-9 Goncourt-3 Grace-1 CVFGreville-2 Jefferson-3,6,7,19 Johnson-1 Keillor-4 Lamb-1 FLasalle-1 Lecky-3 L'Estrange-2 Mailer-1 AMarr-4 Orwell-14 DPotter-2 Salisbury-5 RBSheridan-7 Sinden-1 Smollett-8 Stoppard-22 Thoreau-8 LTolstoy-17 Twain-104 Victoria-4 EWaugh-26 Wilde-91 AHuxley-29 Mencken-100 BNewton-1 Weiss-1 Wilde-5 DAdams-10 PAdams-1 Fields-9 Humphries-1 Wilde-25 Pinsent-1 WilliamII-1 HMarx-1 DHunt-1 Cousins-1 Dole-1 AHoffman-3 LBJohnson-4 Kissinger-24 Sahl-2,4 Truman-9,14 Emerson-55 HGWells-20 Carson-2 EWaugh-16 Steinbeck-5

General Bernard MontgomeryWChurchill-44 EMarsh-2

North of England and northeners FMFord-13 Tinniswood-1

nouvelle cuisine novels Nozze di Figaro nuclear policy numbers nuns O obedience objective history objects O'Connell officials Ben Okri old age Old Testament Laurence Olivier onanism Yoko Ono opera

Child-1 HGWells-10 see Mozart JCameron-9 GCanning-2 Bierce-48 Gibbon-36

patience patriotism patron John Patten Pope Paul peace Thomas Love Peacock

Bierce-27 Bierce-42 Dryden-17 GJNathan-11 Shaw-76 Wilde31 SJohnson-47 RHarris-1 PJohnson-4 Bierce-28 ArBennett-3 Lovelock-2 see House of Lords ArnoldBaker-1 Curran-2 TMacaulay-9 Thorne-3 SLewis-1 StAldwyn-1 see masses Bias-1 KKraus-6 Wilde-79 WynneTyson-1 Lockhart-2 HNicolson-3 HMorgan-1 Strindberg-1 TMacaulay-21 Beecham-16 Dobie-1 Fields-3,9 Wilde-65 CBowen-1 Cicero-3 Descartes-1 Erasmus-13 Hobbes-10 WJames-15 Mencken-89 Popper-18 Pratchett-36 Warnock-2

Shaw-148 PHoward-2 see inanimate BDisraeli-37 SSmith-42 Adenauer-2 IKnight-1 see age Galbraith-53 Loon-3 CJames-2 see masturbation RNovak-1 JRivers-1 see also Italian opera; Addison-5 Beaumarchais-1 Chesterfield-32 Coward-2 WSMaugham-83 Mencken-21 HannahMore-6

peer review peers Robert Peel Penge penology pensions the people people people in power Samuel Pepys pet owners Petrarch Hans Pfitzner PhD theses Philadelphia philosophers

libretto optimism oratorio oratory ordinary origami ornament Orwell Harrison Gray Otis Wilfred Owen Oxford dons Oxford University P Tom Paine painting paintings Pakistan Palmerston Peter Pan paradise paranormal parents Paris Charlie Parker Dorothy Parker parliament

RDavies-43,44,45 HEllis-1 SSmith-28 WChurchill-10 Bierce-26 Levin-9 AdolfLoos-1,2 Ackroyd-1 KAmis-11 CConnolly-6 Gollancz-1 HJohnson-2 Yeats-6 HLaski-6 Gibbon-33,34,35 Hazlitt-71 Hobsbawm-4


see also metaphysics; Ayer-5 Bohr-6 Chamfort-12 Cicero-3 Emerson-13 SJones-1 Lichtenberg-2 TMacaulay-67,68,69,70,71,72 Medawar-4 Polkinghorne-1 BRussell-38 Strathern-2 Swift-22 AWaugh-3 Wittgenstein-2

photographers photography physician Picasso Pindar

Gandhi-4 Snowdon-1 Vidal-6 Alexander-3 Rolleston-1 Sickert-3 Picasso-3 Horace-26 Acton-1 WHPrescott-2 see town planners Shaw-22 Aristotle-9 Jefferson-1 TMacaulay-67,68,69,71,72 Montaigne-32 Popper-4,6,7,29,30,31,32 Wittgenstein-9

JAdams-4 Cobbett-6 Ciardi-2 HDavy-1 Botham-1 Salisbury-11 Hope-1 EWaugh-23 PCWDavies-1 HEBell-1 WMorris-2 Elms-1 Shaw-15 OSitwell-3 Larkin-11 WSMaugham-15 see also House of Commons, politicicians, politics;

Pitt Hernando Pizarro planners Planquette Plato

plays pleasure plebeians E A Poe poetry

see theatre RBaxter-1 see masses KAmis-8 Cerf-1 Twain-28 Woodward-2 Augustine-22 Bentham-17 Byron-2 1OWHolmes-2 Kipling-31 TMacaulay-85 Nietzsche-15 WDrummond-1 Wellington-8 Jarry-1 CherryGarrard-1 Behan-3 Crisp-6 Hollis-1 Bierce-29 JJordan-1 Eban-2

CharlesII-6 Herzen-1 Holt-1 LouisXIV-6 Salisbury-5 poets Stone-1 Wilde-57 parliamentary draftsmen CDRRose-1 parody Pascal Walter Pater Hemingway-4 Acton-1 Carey-11 Jenkyns-4 Poland polar exploration police politeness political leaders


see also parliament; 2Anon-178 Aristophanes-3 Barres-1 Beecher-1 Bierce-7,19 SCameron-1 TSEliot-19 Euripides-1 Galbraith-3 Gaulle-1 Gill-2 Kraus-3 Khruschev-2 Kubrick-2 Lippmann-2 96 JMiller-1 Murrow-2 ORourke-15 JEPowell-2 JGQuinton-1 ARich-1 TRoosevelt-4 Shaw-92 AStevenson-7 Su-1 Swift-22 Updike-16 Ustinov-8 AWaugh-5 Will-1

progress Prokofiev proof property Proust prudery psychiatry psychoanalysis

1Anon-36 HEllis-4 JGrenfell-1 AHuxley-8 EMoore-1 Rochefoucauld-3 1Anon-16 Brissot-1 Proudhon-1 Mencken-51 Forster-16 Humblot-1 EWaugh-9 Woolcott-3 Stendhal-1 1Anon-217 Burton-1 Vidal-24 JoeyAdams-1 Adorno-1 Becket-34 Crews-1 Kraus-2 JMarshall-1 Medawar-7,8,9,10,25,31 Nabokov-4 Pavese-1 Szasz-2 AJPTaylor-4 Youngson-2,4 Dewey-3 Haldane-2 Medewar-4 Mencken-88 Rosen1 GStorr-3 see also crowd, masses, multitude; Bohn-1 Hazlitt18,63 Acheson-2 Fabius-1 Graves-2 Wilde-34,79 Connolly-23 HFielding-10 Luckett-1 Merriman-1 Saki-6 AWaugh-10 EWaugh-8 Ayer-3 Bovee-1 TCampbell-2,3 Chandler-22 Connolly-9 Goethe-8 WJames-1 Shaw-77 Targ-1 Unseld-1

Comus-5 EECummings-2 CJDarling-4 CDickens-39 promises

KLivingstone-3 TMacaulay-80 Marquis-8 Mencken- Protestantism


HBAdams-1,12 Appleyard-2 JArbuthnot-2 Baruch-5 EBenn-1 LHowe-1 Ingham-1 EMcCarthy-1 TMann6 Marquis-12 Montomery-1 Morley-1 MOakeshott-1 psychology Orwell-45 TBReed-2 Rostand-3 CSagan-5 RLStevenson-24 Swain-1 Twain-61,93 Valery-3 public office opinion schools publishers

polls Pomaracio Alexander Pope popes popular music pornography Port Said positive post-impressionism post-modernism potato Ezra Pound poverty Anthony Powell power praise prayer Prayer book precedent prejudice Presbytarianism presidents of US press pride priests Prince Regent principles printed material printing prison professional football politicians professions professors profit programme notes

EBWhite-3 CDickens-44 RHughes-2 RBentley-1 Birrell-5 Cerf-1 Hervey-1 Lowell-3 MWMontagu-14 Wilde-22 Erasmus-10 LHunt-5 JSullivan-1 PJohnson-1 Kipling-6 Bierce-30 WSBlunt-1 Chomsky-5 RHughes-1 AdamSmith-50 GStein-4 WStevens-5 Gallup-1 Shaw-148 Carey-16 SinclairStevenson-1 Tyson-1 JCCollins-2 Medawar-1 AlBennett-20,21 Bentham-12 Bierce-31 CharlesII-2 Darrow-4 Wolsey-3 Aubrey-2 Bierce-17 Diderot-12 JHHolmes-1 StJohn-3 TMacaulay-54 Swift-1 TCWolfe-4 Brummell-1 Melbourne-11 LTolstoy-66 WBerkeley-1 Shaw-96,97 Wilde-18 BadenPowell-2 Gopaleen-3 SJohnson-105 Shaw-128 Auden-44 Dennett-1 Mencken-98 Fritze-1 Boothroyd-1 R Racine Raffles railways Raphael Ravel reading reading public Ronald Reagan reasonable people rebels Redhill John Reed reform regulation Lord Reith relatives Q quantum physics Dan Quayle quotation Puccini Puilly Fuisse punctuality punishment puritanism Thomas Pynchon pyramids

Kerman-1 Runciman-1 Shostakovich-2 KAmis-2 EWaugh-11 Bentham-15 Wilde-32 Mencken-48 Kakutani-1 Vidal-26 Raban-1

Einstein-7 Cleese-3 Groening-1 Colby-3 HannahMoore-2

TMacaulay-38 Sevigne-2 Sarraute-1 Barley-1 AJohnson-1 Sullivan-1 Chambray-1 Ruskin-13 Ravel-4 Stravinsky-4 Caron-1 Penn-3 Chandler-21 Groening-1 JonathanHunt-1 Sahl-4 RWilliams-1 Yeats-9 Luther-11 Thorne-4 SeymourSmith-4 Astbury-1 ASmith-49 ADent-3 Kingsmill-1 EWMumford-2

see also journalism, newspapers, newspaper owners; radio


Auden-29 Ayer-1 Becket-20 LBruce-2 Cioran-1 Crevecoeur-1 Diderot-8 HHEllis-3 SFreud-2,14 Goncourt-5 Guicciardini-6 Haldane-3 AHerzen-2 Holbach-2 Hume-10,19 Lucretius-1 GMarx-9 KMarx-10 Mencken-53 Montaigne-17 Moreau-1 NapoleonI-9 Potter-3 Sade-11 CSagan-5 Twain-73

Russian nobles Russians S Saigon saints Saint-Saens J D Salinger sandals San Francisco Herbert Samuel Sarasate sarcasm Sardou J-P Sartre Sasanian art Schiller scholars scholasticism Schonberg school

TMacaulay-122 THughes-4 O'Rourke-1 Bierce-34 Orwell-31 Ravel-2 Runciman-2 Shaw-16 Mailer-6 Caine-1 Bierce-47 LloydGeorge-18 Shaw-23 TCarlyle-60 Shaw-90,152 1Anon-177 Warnock-3 RByron-2 JGuinness-1 Penn-3 Hume-18 Abell-1 RStrauss-2 see also education; Becket-37 Boothby-1 Jerome-1 Mencken-22 RMorley-4 Mortimer-7 SSmith-25 Updike-10,15

religious fanaticism fundamentalists people toleration Rembrandt Reni Renoir reorganisation repentance reporters republics requiems research respectability Restoration theatre resurrection reviews revolution Burt Reynolds rhetoric Rhodes rich Richard II Samuel Richardson Diana Rigg rights rock journalism rock & roll Roman Catholicism

Darrow-10 Asimov-7 Nietzsche-34 Pascal-13 TEdwards-1 JohnHunt-1 Ruskin-6 Berenson-1 BurneJones-2 Manet-2 Petronius-1 Dryden-23 see journalism Dryden-15 Shaw-19 Jowett-6 BRussell-20 TMacaulay-95 DFStrauss-1 see critics Bierce-33 Shaw-51 Barbour-1 TMacaulay-79 Twain-4 Luther-10 Smollett-6 WSMaugham-58 MWMontagu-11 JSimon-1 Bentham-4 Coleridge-15 Zappa-1 1Anon-77 AlBennett-12 Coogan-1 Dawkins-2 GEliot-16 REllis-1 HWEvans-1 TMacaulay-25,90,91,126 Orwell-25,27 Spark-4 Wotton-2

renaissance landscape paintingRuskin-56

schoolmasters Schubert Schumann Schumpeter Albert Schweitzer science science fiction scientists Scientology Scots & Scotland

HPearson-3 Pratchett-29 Shaw-103 Wilde-59 1Anon-59 Lambert-1 FASchubert-1 Shaw-41,42,113 Weingartner-1 Shaw-113 Galbraith-4,5 JCameron-6 Boulding-2 JCook-2 Lovelock-2 Marat-2 Milton-13 Peacock-13 Rand-3 Twain-3 Dick-2 Perutz-1 JWatson-1 Brigstock-1 FBoyle-1 LdByron-32 TWHCrosland-2 Fawkes-1 FMFord-8 SJohnson-51,56 Lamb-4 TBMacaulay137 EMuir-1 Peacock-6 SSmith-22-23 RLStevenson-6

Arnold Schwarzenegger CJames-9

Romans F D Roosevelt T Roosevelt Lord Roseberry Rossetti Rossini Rothermere Rousseau Royal Academy royal commissions Rubens John Ruskin Bertrand Russell Ld John Russell Russia/Russians

Calgacus-1 NDavies-1 Tacitus-1 2OWHolmes-10 Mencken-104 Shaw-86 Shaw-83 2SButler-14 FMFord-12 Byron-1 Baldwin-5 GHill-1 Voltaire-39 JWesley-5 1Anon-129,130 Foot-1 LdByron-46 1 1Anon-5,61 BDisraeli-25 MArnold-6 Bismarck-14 Braithwaite-1 Brann-5 KMarx-4 Truman-4 Victoria-17 EWaugh-13

Sir Walter Scott scribes scripture secrecy secret ballot security seduction self-denial self-expression Peter Sellers senators (US) Serbia sermons service industries

JDAiken-1 Hazlitt-20,29 EMuir-1 HPearson-4 Shaw-7 Twain-54 Petrarch-1 see Bible LdActon-9 Palmerston-7 Webster-1 Bierce-19 see ascetic Auden-7 Boulting-1 Esher-1 EEHale-1 Mary-2 WilhelmII-3 Trollope-2 HFord-4

Cary-1 Jenkyns-4 Lancaster-3 Sickert-1 JMWhistler- Senate


WActon-1,2,3,5 1Anon-109 Augustine-5 2Bible-5 TBrowne-1 Chesterfield-3 NFCooke-1 ADworkin1,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 Hillingdon-1 Kramer-1 TELawrence-1 Luther-2 Millett-1 Milton-4 JRichardson-1 Schiele-1 Sophocles-7 JTaylor-1 Tertullian-2 EWaugh-12

sons sophistication South Africans Southampton Southey Spanish wine spectator sports speeches Oswald Spengler Spenser Spohr sport sportting contests Stalin Mme de Stael state ownership statesmen statistics Steele Gertrude Stein Stendhal Sterne R L Stevenson Geoffrey Steyne stockbrokers stockjobbers stock market Stoicism Sharon Stone Stoppard Lytton Strachey R Strauss Stravinsky string theory structuralism Stuarts suburbia Sullivan Sultan of Turkey Sunday Times sunglasses sunshine superstition Jonathan Swift Swinburne Switzerland Sydney

Chesterfield-22 Hampton-4 Schreiner-2 AHenley-1 TMacaulay-40 Porson-1 DHLawrence-37 BadenPowell-2 Galbraith-39 JBPriestley-1 EWaugh-10,17 Gopnik-5 Larkin-10 TMacaulay-36 Grieg-1 Shaw-21,67 see also athletics, exercise, international sport ; Mencken-42 Orwell-10 Liddle-1 Ascherson-1 RHarris-3 Trotsky-4 Talleyrand-2 1Anon-39 JSMill-32 Popper-8 see also politicians; Emerson-13 GArbuthnot-1 Belloc-11 TCarlyle-33 WChurchill-68 BDisraeli-28 Haavelmo-2 Moser-1 SSmith-41 TMacaulay-116 Swift-13 Borges-4 PWLewis-3 WSMaugham-68,70 SJohnson-15,82 HWalpole-8 GMoore-1 Broun-6 Wilde-20 Wodehouse-2 SJohnson-22 Cannadine-1 Keynes-6 TRoosevelt-2 Twain-14 Victoria-2 TMacaulay-70 KHepburn-1 Orton-1 RBlake-1 JBPriestley-1 Cui-2 Debussy-3 Hindemith-1 ENewman-1 Strauss1 KAmis-4 Shaw-33 Smolin-2 MBradbury-1 Carey-8 RWebster-1 Gilmour-4 Connolly-4 QDLeavis-2 BVaughan-1 Medawar-22 1Anon-101 McCullin-1 Caine-1 LPSmith-3 Bacon-50 Hazlitt-62 Laski-2 Thackeray-6 TCarlyle-23 Galton-1 SSmith-12 Wells-1 Wilde-26 CFreud-4 JMorris-3

Thomas Shadwell Shakespeare

Dryden-29 1Anon-4 Barzun-11 Bridie3 Brophy-1 LdByron-3 2 OGoldsmith-16 RGreene-1 Jeffrey-1 SJohnson112 Jonson-3 Landor-6 Pepys-1 Shaw-7,85,109 Sutherland-1,2 LTolstoy-9,14 Victoria-7 Voltaire1,28,49

RByron-54 Darwin-3 Empson-1 Evelyn-3 GeorgeIII- Stephen Spender

G B Shaw

JBarnes-17 Beerbohm-5,8,9 ArnBennett-4 HAJones1 Joyce-1 DHLawrence-11 Mencken-14,17,89 1 AJPTaylor-15 LTolstoy-10 BWebb-2 Wells-2 Wilde-80 Zangwill-2 GJNathan-5 JOsborne-1 Saki-1 Scruton-4 SSpender- spying

P B Shelley Thomas Sheridan shooting short people Sibelius Sicily Sickert Sir John Simon sin Frank Sinatra sincerity single single-mindedness Edith Sitwell slavery Slavs Slough smiling F E Smith Kate Smith smoking CPSnow socialism social justice studies

TCarlyle-17,48 SJohnson-23 Krutch-2 Aristotle-18 Adorno-2 Britten-4 VThomson-1 Tovey-1 1Anon-112 PWLewis-2 LloydGeorge-7,20 Jonson-4 AvaGardner-4 MLKing-2 see unmarried AHuxley-25 EBowen-1 Coward-6,21 Hassall-1 DThomas-1 HGWells-22 DLivingstone-1 Brann-5 Brigham-1 Betjeman-3 Chaucer-6 WCFields-6 CWheeler-1 Asquith-4 Bankhead-5 JamesI-2 JosephOConnor-2 Durant-1 Keynes-15 Palmer-1 Thatcher-11 AWaugh-2 Willkie-1 Hayek-4 see also psychoanalysis, psychology, sociology; Boulding-1 KFox-2 JMarshall-1 Ruthewrford-7 Sokal-2

Stratford Memorial Theatre PFleming-8

work sociology Socrates soldier solitude Solzhenitsyn song

Wootton-1,2,3 Gowers-1 Mencken-87 JHPoincare-5 Wootton-4 Blackburn-1 Erasmus-13 TMacaulay-13,145 Wittgenstein-9 see military Celine-4 Hoffer-6 SJohnson-30 Schopenhauer-14 Vidal-5 Beaumarchais-1

T tabloids Talleyrand Talmadge tanks Quentin Tarantino Tasmanians Tausig tax avoidance Tchaikovsky tea teachers Norman Tebbitt technology teetotalism Teilhard de Chardin Telemann telephone company television see also newspapers; Ascherson-2 Napoleon-17 Brann-10 Petain-2 FOToole-1 1Anon-64 Shaw-26 ASmith-34 Simon-1 1Anon-238 Cui-1 Haslick-2 Shaw-18 Cobbett-3 see schoolmasters MFoot-5 DAdams-30 AHuxley-8 Horace-18 DMartin-1 Medawar-13,20,34 Scholes-3 DAdams-22 Ace-1 FAllen-4 Auden-41 CBronte-9 JMBrown-1 Gill-1 Hitchcock-2 Kovacs-1 GMarx-5 Sarraute-1 FLWright-2 Sir William Temple tennis Tennyson Ellen Terry Texas textbook Thackeray Thailand Mrs Thatcher theatre theologians theology therapy Ambroise Thomas Dylan Thomas H D Thoreau thrillers The Times Tintoretto Titian titles tobacco J R R Tolkien Leo Tolstoy Tories Tory papers ToulouseLautrec tourism town planners trade TMacaulay-75 Bacon-39 1Anon-91 LadyCavendish-1 Chesterton-18 STColeridge-7 Emerson-4 Shaw-5 Beerbohm-3 HJames-10 PSheridan-1 PGeddes-1 Ruskin-8 AMare-1 Costello-1 Healey-4 JMiller-2 Mitterand-1 Waterhouse-1 StJohn-1 Prynne-1,2 MacNeice-1 ThomasWhite-1 Diderot-8 THHuxley-6 Mencken-89 Mencken-87 CFreud-12 BHunt-1 KAmis-3 Broyard-1 WStevens-4 AJPTaylor-12 HJames-3 Nathan-1 Hazlitt-22,44 Titian-1 Blake-3 Ruskin-16 Twain-53 see honours Calverley-1 JamesI-2 HDyson-1 Blanch-1 Chekhov-11 STolstoy-1,2 RWest-8 TMacaulay-56 Hazlitt-31 Degas-2 LdByron-9,35 Congreve-3 HJames-20 Kilvert-1 LLee-2 Thackeray-11 Nobbs-3 see commerce

trade unions tradition translations translators transvestism travel travellers travel writing Travers Treasury Beerbohm Tree Anthony Trollope Trudeau turbot Turks and Turkey turkey Turkish sultan J W M Turner Turner Prize Mark Twain 20th century two-tone shoes Kenneth Tynan William Tyndale U uncultivated unions United Nations United States universal suffrage universe university

Mencken-79 Chesterton-28 1Anon-25,56 Borrow-1 Chesterfield-33 Frost-2 Howell-1 JDenham-2 1Bible-46 Theroux-2 Emerson-58 TMacaulay-29 Muggeridge-1 Levin-1 HWilson-1 Gilbert-7,9 1Anon-224 TCarlyle-45 Foot-2 HJames-23,24 Layton-1 Welby-1 1Anon-113 Norman-1 Connor-2 Sirko-1 Schjeldahl-1 Twain-1 Gill-4 1Anon-210 Brophy-7 Peck-1 NStone-1 Caine-1 Capote-3 TMore-4 LPSmith-13 see trade unions Macmillan-2 see also Americans; 1Anon-267 Bingham-5,7 NFerguson-4 JAugustine-1 DAdams-8 see also education, school; 1FBacon-68,73 TBeer-1 Beerbohm-1 RDavies-2 AHoffman-1 McLuhan-2 Merriman-1 SSmith-21

people unmarried untermensch Uxbridge V de Valera Vanity Fair magazine Vatican Vaughan-Williams vegeterianism Verdi Verlaine Versailles Treaty vice-presidency Queen Victoria Vietnam war Vinci Virgil

TSEliot-47 SJohnson-45 see masses Arabin-1

LloydGeorge-6 Trillin-2 Burgess-5 Copland-1 RHutchinson-1 1Anon-45,71,72 Boito-1 DParker-3 LloydGeorge-15 Garner-1 Shaw-149 NFDavies-13 see Leonardo Cobbett-4

virginity virtue virtuous visitors Voltaire W Wagner

Voltaire-32 Moliere-2 Asmith-38 Thackeray-19 Franklin-6 Plautus-3 Faguet-1

Harold Wilson the Windsor family wine Spanish Wittgenstein wives

BulmerThomas-1 McFaden-1 Macmillan-4 Whitelaw-1 EdwardVIII-3 Ray-3 Smollet-1 DHLawrence-37 Levin-6 Strathern-1 1Anon-9 Agate-3 1Anon-141,142,147 Aubrey-1 Bacon-7 1Bible-17 RCampbell-1 Coubertin-2 Darling-2 THardy-12 Plutarch-6 Wycherley-3

MArnold-9 Baudelaire-1 Berlioz-1 Cui-3 Huneker-2 JLKlein-1 Merimee-1 Nietzsche-1 Nye-1 HPrevost-1 Randolph-1 Rossini-1,2 Ruskin-2,5 SaintVictor-1 HSmart-1 LTolstoy-6,7 Twain-6,9,47 Wilde-75 P G Wodehouse Mary Wollstonecraft women

AlanBennett-35 HWalpole-16 Addison-6 Aeschylos-1 GAllen-1 KAmis-13 1Anon13,35,56,95,102,103,151 Aquinas-2 Aristotle4,8,10,24,27 NAstor-7 Aurevilly-1 Balzac-1 Beaumont-1 TBell-1 Bellow-11 JBernard-1,2,3 Bhartiari-1 2Bible-6,7 3Bible-1,7 Bierce-5,39,40 Boethius-1 Bon-1 CBooth-1 Boucicault-1 RobtBurton-12 SButler-4,9 Cabell-2 RCampbell-1 Campion-1 Cartland-6 1Cato-3,6 Chesterfield-2,5 Christina-1 Clement-1 WWCollins-1 Confucius-14 Connolly-8 Cooke-1 Cowley-1 Darwin-1,5 Das-1 Dekker-12 Dryden-11 2Dumas-3 Edison-6 SEllis-1 WCFields-1 Fitchen-1 Fitzgerald-1 FMFord-7 FrancisI-2 Friedenthal-1 Gilbert-6 Goethe-2 Gorky-1 Granville-1 Greg-1 Hegel-5 Herold-2 Hesiod-1 Hipponax-1 JHome-1 Homer-4,5 EHubbard-8 LRHubbard-1 Hugo-3 StJerome-2 StJohn-2 JohnPaulII-1 Justinian-4 Juvenal-8 Keats-1 Kierkegaard-7 Kipling-8,11,19 Knox-1 Kraus-1 Labouchere-2 DHLawrence-4,19 Leacock-2 JLee-1 Luther-5 Mackenzie-1 Mailer-3 Menander-5 Mencken-10,30,32,40,52 Meredith-3 Michelet-1 Milton-4 MWMontagu-1 Montherlant-1 Napoleon-2 Nietzsche-3,4,5,22,37 Nightingale-2 Orwell-19 Ouida-1 Paglia-1 Pizzey-1 Plato-4,11 Poitiers-2 Pope-15 Proudhon-4 Pythagoras-2 Rampling-1 JRay-3 MRobinson-1 Rochester-2 Romanes-1 Rousseau-1 Rowland-3 BRussell-15 Sade-2,3,4,5 Sagan-1 StJohns-1 Schopenhauer-9,11,27 WScott4,11 Shadwell-1 Shakespeare-3,4 RBSheridan-4 SSmith-8 Sophocles-3,8 Stael-2 Swetnam-1 Tasso-1 JTaylor-1 Tennyson-6,7 Tertullian-1,2 Thackeray3,5 Tennyson-1 Tertullian-1 JTodd-1 LTolstoy-11 Tourneur-1 1Turgenev-1 Valery-1 Virgil-1,10 Vito-1 EWallace-1 AWaugh-4 Wieck-1 Wodehouse-4 AEWright-1

walking Wallace Wall Street war Andy Warhol Warner Brothers War Office Washington DC George Washington water Lyall Watson A Waugh Evelyn Waugh wealth weather forecasters Weber Daniel Webster Noah Webster Websters dictionary III H G Wells Welsh Labour councillors John Wesley Mae West Westbury (Wilts) Westerners Weston Alan Whicker J M Whistler white race Whitgift Walt Whitman Widnes Wilberforce Oscar Wilde Tennessee Williams wills

Congreve-10 CWatson-1 JBrooks-1 Franklin-4 RELee-3 WSherman-1 Sherman-3 SSmith-27 Twain-78 AArmstrong-4 Mizner-6 Shaw-91 VFoster-2 Galbraith-17 JFKennedy-15 CLee-1 Wilde-65 Paine-13 WCFields-2 SSmith-47 Naughton-1 1Anon-106 Carey-13 CJames-7 Muggeridge-19 RWest-2 Bearing-1 1Bible-13 Pope-11 Smollett-11 Swift-14 Walther-1 Wells-16 RMurdoch-2 Weingartner-1 TCarlyle-40 Bryson-1 Follett-1 Belloc-1 Chesterton-9 Lenin-6 VWoolf-3 1Anon-198,212,245 Landor-1 GThomas-3 EWaugh25 RRichards-1 JButler-1 GHarding-1 Cobbett-13 Gandhi-1 Mao-1 Edith Wharton Auchincloss-1 CartierBresson-14 PHoggart-1 Ruskin-14 Wilde-50 DGregory-1 TMacaulay-64 RDavis-1 Hearn-1 HJames-13 DHLawrence-32 Swinburne-1 AJPTaylor-14 THHuxley-5 Bierce-46,54 Gallienne-3 Orwell-35 Swinburne-5 EWaugh-14 JWhistler-9 Bankhead-4 Voltaire-12

preaching writers womens subjugation Virginia Woolf

SJohnson-71 Hawthorne-4,5 MGLewis-1 MBeard-1 Amidon-1 Beerbohm-7 AlBennett-6 Carey-17 Hensher-1,2 HLasli-7 OManning-1 APowell-8 JBPriestley-1 ESitwell-2 MWall-1 BWebb-1 EdmundWilson-2

William Wordsworth

LdByron-41 TCarlyle-2 Emerson-5 FJeffrey-2 Keats-15 TMacaulay-103 WSMaugham-76 EPound13 BRussell-31 JKStephen-1


see also art writing; Belloc-4 LdByron-15 GFisher-1 SJohnson-129 Plato-13 Shaw-57 Simenon-1 Socrates-10


3Bible-4 Burke-32 TCarlyle-1 Ehrenreich-2 Esar-1 6 Lincoln-6 Melville-2 Mencken-25 Peel-1 Twain23 Wilde-37 Wordsworth-2 Y

film scripts

Perelman-6 TMacaulay-1

Getty-1 Hawthorne-1 AHuxley-7 Kirkland-1 Larkin- Wycherley

working class world World War 1 Sir Christopher Wren writers

Lenin-2 Parsons-1 BWebb-5 Beecham-9 AHuxley-12 NFDavies-4 3Shaftesbury-1 Abelard-1 Cerf-1 Condon-1 Dickens-10 GeorgeV-3 Gibbon-19 Luther-1 TMacaulay-23,24 WSMaugham-38 Montesquieu-11 Orwell-6 RRichardson-2 Shaw-52

Yeats young men You and Yours youth Z Zangwill zeal Zola

Auden-49 TCarlyle-46 BAppleyard-1 Bierce-8 Burgess-15 BDisraeli-15

Tree-1 RHBenson-1 2OWHolmes-5 Wilde-36

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