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Tia-Reisa Apaloo-Clarke 02086007876 35 craven Gardens, Ilford IG6 1PG Page1

FADE IN INT. BELLAS BATHROOM NIGHT A few consecutive shots of Bella sitting in the shower. DISSOLVE TO: INT. BELLAS BATHROOM - NIGHT VOICE OVER In every city, thousands of women live by themselves. But Bella is not alone. BELLA (20) An English, young and vulnerable brunette is sitting on the shower floor rocking forward and back. Water is pouring down her face while she shivers and hugs her knees. Shes been crying as her mascara is running, her face is bruised and her lips bloody. FLASHBACK VINCE (24) an ex serial killer who has been stalking BELLA for the past few days. VINCE is dressed all in black and wearing a balaclava. (Slams the front door opens.) BELLA (SCREAMING) AHHHHHHHHHHHH! BELLA runs up the stairs, looking frightened. Vince grabs Bellas leg. FLASHBACK VOICE OVER This Year Fear comes to your home. QUICK CUT: INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT VINCE throws BELLA on the bed and rips the top half of her clothes of (aggressively) Bella lets out a few cries. INTERCUT TO BATHROOM: BELLA (Lets out another scream crying} AHHHHHH! Page 2

CUT TO FLASHBACK BELLA is tied to her bed, screaming. Shes trying to break free. VINCE lets out a laugh with a wicked smile on his face. He starts to undo his belt. CUT TO INT. BELLAS BATHROOM - NIGHT BELLA rests her head in her knees, lets out sobs. VOICE OVER Now its time for revenge!

BELLA lifts up her head; she stays still and has a Look of anger in her face. Blackout

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