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Carlos Mejia, Colin Parent & Eric Robles Invite you to a

Latinos for Bob Filner

Happy Hour Fundraiser
3926 30th St. (between University Ave & Lincoln Ave) San Diego, CA 92104 Neighborhood: North Park Suggested Contributions: Co-Host- $500 Jr. Co-Host- $250 Young Professional- $100 Activists & Young Dems- $50 Join us in helping Congressman Bob Filner become Mayor of San Diego so he may continue his ght for equality and justice in our great city. For more Information or to contribute online: Visit RSVP to Carlos Mejia,
Contributions are not tax deductible. Contributions are limited to $500 per person, per election, primary and general. Contributions from businesses, labor unions, PACs, and other types of organizations are prohibited. Spouses and domestic partners may each contribute the maximum ($1,000 per election per couple), as long as they both sign the check, credit card authorization form, or an accompanying letter. We may not deposit your check or credit card payment without your name, address, occupation and employer, and may not accept cash, cashiers checks, or money orders over $99. We may not accept contributions from foreign nationals. It is unlawful for a contributor to be reimbursed by any individual, organization, business, or similar entity for a contribution supporting or opposing a City candidate Paid for By Bob Filner for Mayor 2012 Campaign ID# 1339185

3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Sunday, October 14, 2012

1460 7th Avenue San Diego, Ca. 92101

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