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CASE STUDY: Charles Martin in Uganda

Ammara Abrar Noor-ul-Esha Sohaib Safwan

Charles Martin was sent to Uganda for a major dam project by a US based company Hydro Generation.

Charles Martins Assignments

He gained support and necessary permissions from the Ugandan governmental authorities and affected villagers for the dam construction and builds an operating structure and facility, with people responsible for local purchases and hiring, customs, immigration affairs, logistics of materials and record keeping, he helped foreign visitors and HG Expatriates to become accommodated and oriented when arriving at Uganda.

Problems with Charles Martin

Some of martins practices were concerning James Green , the Vice President of Hydro Generation (HG) Such as,
Independent lifestyle Participation in tribal rituals, Way of achieving results, Unethical practices Payments which might be illegal under U.S. law, Martins distance from the expatriate community.

Describe Ugandan cultural attributes that might affect the operations of a foreign company operating there.

Would you describe Greens and Martins attitudes as being ethnocentric, polycentric or geocentric? What factors do you think influenced their attitudes?

was right, Green or Martin, about the controversial actions Martin took in the Ugandan operations? What might have been the result if he had not taken those actions?

In HGs next phase, the dam construction, should it employ someone whose main function is to be a liaison between HGs corporate culture and the culture of Uganda? If so, should Martin be the person for the job?

The entry of Sun Life Financials, a leading international financial services organization into the Indian insurance market is analyzed in this case study and also the attractiveness of Insurance markets in India and China is discussed, followed by recommendations to the respective governments on how to attract more FDI.

How is the insurance market in India changing? Why is India an attractive market for investment?

Why did Sun Life Financials enter the Indian Market?

What was the entry mode in India for Sun Financials and Why?

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