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Saludos! = Greetings! Hola! = Hi, Hey! Que tal! = How is it going!

El Plan

Learn basic rules of grammar/sentence structure. Learn 10 Spanish words per week. Learn one question/phrase per week. Learn what cognates are and practice them during the week. Learn songs, stories and historical fact about Hispanic countries.

Pronunciacin - Pronunciation

A - amigo o amiga E - escuela I - idioma O - hora U - universidad R - rr Mas sabe el burro que t!


Words related in origin, in different languages, derived from the same root. A word related to another word in another language. Words written the same way or very similarly, having the same meaning, but pronounced differently.


Hospital Cafeteria Principal


All nouns in Spanish are either female or male therefore the word the has two forms in Spanish. La female - most nouns ending in A El male - most other nouns :=)

La Escuela

la escuela school la maestra, el maestro teacher

la principal, el principal la cafeteria el lapiz pencil

La escuela

la pluma pen el libro de texto textbook el cesto de basura garbage can el reloj clock la campana the school bell

The part of speech that expresses action, existence, or occurrence in most languages. Commands:

Silencio be quiet

Avanza hurry up

Semana prxima - Next Week

Aprendermos acerca de la tradicin de el Da de los Santos, celebrado en muchos pases hispanos. We will learn about the a Hispanic tradition

Semana prxima - Next Week

Aprendermos acerca de la tradicin de el Da de los Santos, celebrado en muchos pases hispanos. We will learn about the a Hispanic tradition

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