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Peta-Gaye Brown

Online Greenlight Review

Space & Environment: Cinematic Spaces

Contents The Extracts The Glass City Extract Synopsis Additional information Influence Map Key thumbnails Queen Coo-ee-oh & The Magic Isle Extract synopsis Additional information Influence Map Key thumbnails The City of Oz Extract Synopsis Additional information Influence Map Key thumbnails Visual Concept Influence Map Creative Partner archive Blog links

2.The Glass City: From Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz ,L.Frank Baum,1908 Synopsis Dorothy, Zeb, an old horse and a Cat plummet steadily through the centre of the earth because of an earthquake. They discover a world surrounded by six multicoloured suns and glass buildings. This world has properties similar to Earth such as mountains and Lakes, but its key feature is the beautiful light that surrounds them. The companions land on top of a glass house where they discover that whilst in the centre of the earth their animals can now speak and the laws of gravity can be altered. They slowly walk down in mid air from the top of the house they landed on and meet the civilisation that live there. The people there are extremely fascinated by the animals that accompany Dorothy, because there are no animals or children in this world. The glass buildings are all cracked because the earthquake that occurred on earth dropped rocks and rubble onto them but Dorothy and her friends are accused of causing all of the damage.

Contextual & social Information The Book has many social elements embedded in it , but Baum Said that the book is solely to please children of today It aspires to being a modernized

fairy tale, in which the wonderment and joy are retained and the heartaches and nightmares are left out.(L.Frank Baum). This extract is filled with wonderful scenes in an unknown world . Baum really is opening the minds of young children to a new type of fairy tale and adventure.

Existing Adaptations There are a few adaptations in of Dorothy and the Wizard in OZ. The 1939 version being one of the most memorable versions where many elements of the Story is left out. The 1939 version is called Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz and uses colour to really make Oz this very vibrant world compared to Kansas which is filmed in black and white.

There is also an animated version called Dorothy of Oz that is going to be released soon. The plot involves a jester who brings Dorothy back to the land of Oz where he wants to make her his puppet.

Oz the Great and Power is Due to be released next year which is a story about how the Wizard arrived in Oz and became the ruler.

The Glass City influence map shows a lot of contemporary glass sculptures that I want to base the buildings in my scene on. Ive also looked at Dale Chihuly for inspiration because he bends and moulds glass into extraordinary shapes that makes me think that my world can have no limits, in terns of the structures in them. The lighting in my image will be influenced by the effect of aurora borealis because it mixes light into an interesting display in the sky. I have also focussed on stalagmites and stalactites because this world is set inside of the Earth, I thought that these natural elements would make a great addition as the backdrop of this world.

Key thumbnails
Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Excerpt One: Chapter Two The Glass City The first extract follows Dorothy and her companions as they fall through the centre of the earth. The description depicts a world filled with beautifully illuminated colours casted off by the six multicoloured suns in this world. The scene that really interested me was the view of the landscape of hills and mountains and these very delicate glass houses. The lighting in this extract is key to the scene differing it from the Earth and making it a more mystical place. Image 1 The background of this image has the outlines of mountains and a foreground that starts to depict a very spiked and jagged cityscape. I like the idea of having this very delicate and sharp city because there are no children in the extract when the crowd gathers to see Dorothy and her companions. This means that I have a city that doesnt have to be child proofed. The foreground starts to show a lake and stalagmites in the sea. Image 2 Image 2 has a very sharp feel to it that I like, there is a sense of danger in this image that comes across when I think of Dorothy falling out of the sky and falling on the pointed edges of this sky line. The description in the extract speaks of tall buildings and sharp pointed spires, I think that this is captured in this image. I think that incorporating stalagmites and stalactites really frames the image well. Image 3 This thumbnail isnt as jagged as he others which I like it has elements of smooth buildings that I really like

I want to combine elements from all three to great the right landscape for this world. Glass has smooth and sharp properties that I want to be in this scene to have a coherent complimentary landscape. I think that I need smooth buildings to make the spiked builds appear sharper, I think the contrast will allow for a more dynamic scene. I want to build on Image 3 adding more stalagmites and elements from the other scenes that work well to make the final thumbnail.

Chapter Seven and Chapter Eight : Queen Co-ee-oh & The magic Isle Glinda of Oz, L.Frank Baum 1920 Synopsis


Dorothy and Ozma the good witch escape from the ruler of the flat heads to warn queen Co-ee-oh of his plans to start a war against her people. The pair find an island completely covered by a dome, and enter the dome by getting on a bridge that carries them inside of the structure. Once inside they see a village with colourful buildings and stained glass windows but the people are described as having expressions of, solemnity , or of nervous irritation. This is explained when we meet Queen Co-ee-oh who thinks very highly of her self and doesnt want peace between herself and the flat heads but also wants to fight. She is then insulted that Ozma, wants to dictate her authority over the queen. She then has them taken away to stay with one of her servants, until she figures out what she wants to do with them.

Contextual & social Information This would have been published after the war and in many ways you can say that Queen Co-ee-oh is a manifestation of the countries that aligned together to start controversy, that didnt want to have peace but just wanted to fight and not think or talk things through rationally.

Queen Co-ee-oh is a woman who thinks highly of herself and because the description the dome isnt very vivid. I looked at the description of queen Co-eeoh and her personality to depict her island and her dome. I wanted to have elements from the classical era in her architecture because all great rulers who want to depict power and strength draw from the classical period to do this. I have also been looking at different domes and Islands so that I could be inspired by these different elements.

Key thumbnails
Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

Excerpt two: Chapter seven & Chapter eight The Magic Isle & Queen Coo-ee-oh Dorothy and Ozma escape from Sudic and go to warn Queen Coo-ee-oh of his plans. The description of her Island points to this very fascinating dome being the key focal point of the scene. It lacks a lot of detail which means that I have a lot of freedom to construct her Island. Therefore I want to use the description of queen Coo-ee-oh and her personality to set the atmosphere and the design of this scene. Image 1 I think that the colour used I this scene works really well and Ive got a good use of depth in this image, but I think its still missing some thing. Image 2 I like the overall layout of this image but I think that if I use the Island and dome from image 1 would make it a more powerful image. I think that Image 2 really captures the Island and its surroundings well. Image 3 This is the shape of my Dome and its base Image 4 These are columns that will be incorporated in the end design of he Island to gain that classical element that it needs.

The Wonderful City of Oz Synopsis Dorothy ,Scarecrow, Lion and the Tin man go to meet the wizard of Oz they walk through a green city. Everything is green including the sky and the people there even have a green tint to their skin. The companion enter the Palace where Oz is and stay the night in separate rooms where they all wait patiently to meet him. Seprately they meet him but he takes on different forms so all of the friends have different descriptions of him. The wizard tells them all to do the same thing which is to kill the wicked witch.

Contextual & social Information It is said that the tin man represents the working man the scarecrow the farmers and Dorothy is the ordinary person and Oz is referred to as the government. Who uses tricks and allusions to keep his people in line.

I want the emerald city to be inspired by crystals and rough precious stones. I also want it to have the appeal of Vegas in the sense of its bright lights .I have also been looking at behind the scene images when you can see the green screen and the actor performing and it made me think about Oz. Hes really a phony I want that to reflect in the city but in an understated way. I thought about maybe adding loose wires behind buildings or hiding stage lights behind trees. I want

these elements to be barely noticeable and hard to spot because it is a reflection of Oz himself a man who is just putting on a performance. Key thumbnails
Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Excerpt Three: Chapter Eleven-The Wonderful City of OZ This scene is very epic because it already has a norm that people expect and I want to divert from that expectation of what this world looks like and create a new interpretation. The scene that I want to focus on is the view of the emerald city with the big palace in the background. The city isnt described in a lot of detail but I think I want to reflect the fakery in the Wizard of OZ within the scenery. Image 1 I really like the foreground in this image and I can see the potential of interesting buildings starting to form.

Image 2 I like the composition of this thumbnail and I want to combine it with image 3 there are elements in both of these images that I think work really well. Image three I think that the perspective from that angle works really well.

Visual Concept influence map The wizard on oz books are based in different alternate worlds just like Narnia , Alice in wonderland and The Matrix. The concept art from these films are similar to the overall feel that all three of my images will have.

Creative partners Archive

Samantha8 October 2012 12:01 Wow, these looks interesting! Simple skyline and there's so much to look at! Samantha6 October 2012 10:44 You are absolutely right! Composition in here is great and feels like a movie screenshot. If I were you, I would think about adding few more details to liven it all a little bit more : )) Can't wait to see more from you, as it seems you are speeding up! : ) Peta-gaye Brown6 October 2012 11:50 I agree with you samantha i'm gonna push this image and add some more detail to it Samantha4 October 2012 07:49 I somehow like everything that's on the page number 4. There's something really interesting in the way you put gray on it, though ideas themselves are great as well. I can't wait to see more from you : ) Samantha4 October 2012 08:00 I think by having these - you could easy start building the certain building, or even the whole view of the place : ) Don't be afraid and go for it! Samantha4 October 2012 08:03 *easly And what my drawing tutor used to say: "Even if you think that right now it's not a good time to start drawing - do it. Produce 100 ugly pictures and be sure, that 101 is going to be epic"
Peta-gaye Brown10 padziernika 2012 05:55 I really like the rock formation in the first image and the lighting in the second, these look really good :) Peta-gaye Brown6 padziernika 2012 07:34 Hi samantha, I really like your first two concepts of the cavern, I love the grainy texture that the first drawing has. The use of lighting is very strong in the second drawing, and i think that the atmosphere that the lighting creates is really interesting. I can't wait to see how you push these concepts. Peta-gaye Brown4 padziernika 2012 13:07 hi samantha your work is amazing i really love the layouts in set 7 especially the green one, but i'm really drawn to the colour palette in set 2

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Life drawing

Bibliography L.Frank Baum

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