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La sociedad demanda un comportamiento irrealista de las mujeres.

The dichotomic society which acts as the backdrop of this story delegates unequal roles for men and women. The females are expected to concern themselves with their house, their children and their husbands. The men are expected to provide for and protect their families. Women are expected to shun sexual relations outside marriage conversely men are allowed promiscuity. If men are allowed to be engage in sexual relations before marriage and even be promiscuous yet women are forbidden the same, then, assuming homosexuality is frowned upon, the women with whom the men have sexual relations - in allowing the males to avail themselves of their societal freedoms, have voided their own selves in the eyes of the society. In Crnica1 Los hombres fueron criados para ser hombres []; they are meant to be the stoic leaders and protectors of their families. While the women are expected to give up their lives for example Pura Vicario, a teacher before her marriage, readily gives up her job in favor of taking care of the household duties and children upon her marriage and desires for the sake of their husbands and their families. Women were brought up to be the tools of society they sido criadas para sufrir. Angela Vicario was expected to marry Bayardo San Romn because her family felt that una familia [como suya] tena derecho a despreciar aquel premio del destino[]. Even though Angela protested saying she did not love San Roman her mothers response was ,Tambin el amor se aprende. What is more the women were expected to marry young and only held value when attached to man as Santiago Nasar commented about Angela volva a verla ao tras ao [] cada vez pareca ms desvalida []. Single, women held no value in this society and even less when they are not virgins as was apparent when Bayardo San Romn returned Angela like a piece of damaged merchandise for want of purity.

Crnica de una muerte anunciada

La sociedad demanda un comportamiento irrealista de las mujeres.

In my opinion this society held women to unrealistic and unfair standards which marginilised and punished women simply for being female, destroying and rendering the lives of its women barely tolerable in the best cases and agonizing in the worst.

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