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Decisions that Flow

Core Assumptions:


-We need to have hall council training -We cannot have it in October, and November is too late -We must pursue one of the following options

Option A: Hold GA as we

planned, on 9/27, with mostly instructional content but in the structure of an official General Assembly meeting.

Option B: Postpone the first

official General Assembly to 10/4 and use the time on the first Thursday (9/27) to do about 2 hours of training and presentations.

General Assembly to 10/4 and plan to hold training on the Saturday after elections, 9/29, in order to have more time for training and not overwhelm the first week with obligations.

Option C: Postpone the first official


Series of On- Off-Campus McFormal Campus Rooms

Hold a formal General Assembly complete with all constitutionally required segments.


Option 1:

Focus on large group-based activity, such as presentations, name games, and group challenges. Less focus on round-robin style

Option 2:

scattering of type of activity, ranging from large group presentations to round robins and small group activities

Option 3: Intentional

FOod 1
2 3

Whats our budget? $ What kind of food? What kind of food?

a member of your lives here! rha

Potential Door decs

hall council

welcome to


rHA 2012

r H Awesome

what can we say? were eally ot and


your potential

2 meeting times
Door Dec Construction


Retreat Curriculum

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