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Octo ober 10, 201 12

Lujan Grish ham Pos Strong Lead in Gen sts d neral Ele ection
Results from a Survey of Genera Voters in NM CD al D-1 To: s Interested Parties

berg Quinlan Rosner Research r h From Greenb m:

Less than a mont from Elec th ction Day, Michelle Lujan Grisham has a solid le over her n ead r opponent Janice Arnold-Jone In a surv of 407 g es. vey general elect tion voters c conducted Octob 8th to 9th1 she leads Arnold-Jone by 15 poin with just 5 percent un ber A es nts ndecided, a 2 7 point net increa since July . She is well positione to win in N ase w ed November.

Cond ducted by Gree enberg Quinlan Rosner Resea n arch October 8 2012 amo 407 likely v 8-9, ong voters, subject t to a marg of error of +/- 5 percentag points. gin + ge 2 July poll conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosn Research, J d g ner July 10-15, 201 among 502 likely voters, 12 subjec to a margin of error of +/- 4 ct o
Washington, DC W Seattle London Buenos Aires s om

New Mexico CD1: Results from a Survey of Ge M R eneral Recall E Election Voter rs

Importantly, when the elector n rate gets to know both c candidates b better, Lujan Grishams lead expands. In July, 69 pe n ercent of the voters could identify Lujjan Grisham and gave d m her a 4 point net positive rating; now 75 percent know her and give her a 13 point net p w positi rating. In contrast, Arnold Jones has seen h name ide ive n A s her entification e expand from 37 to 59 percent, but she only breaks eve on favora en ability.

2012 All Rights Re eserved Greenberg Quinlan Rosner R

Oct tober, 2012

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