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1. EXT.

A SHRINE OUTSIDE A RECORDING STUDIO AFTERNOON A small, unprofessional shrine surrounded by many bunches of flowers and written tributes. There are a few teenagers around the memorial, displaying more flowers. A piece of music plays as prominent non-diegetic sound. Some of the people there may be whispering but there is no specific dialogue and these characters are not established. 2. INT. ZACKS BEDROOM MORNING A small bedroom with many records, CDs, music posters, etc. Crane shot shows ZACK 24 picking up his jacket and some belongings and leaves the room. 3. INT. OUTSIDE RECORDING STUDIO AFTERNOON A set of stairs where going up them, ZACK passes DANIEL 23, carrying a guitar. The stop halfway up the stairs upon seeing each other. Zack seems surprised to see Daniel here. ZACK (confused yet friendly tone) Hey man, what you doin here? DANIEL (hesitantly) J- just picking my guitar up. Left it in the studio um, yesterday. ZACK (unconvinced by Daniels speech) Okay? DANIEL (quickly changing the subject) You meeting us at the park later? ZACK Yeah, just finishing off a few things. Meet you in about 20 minutes? DANIEL Kay catch you later. ZACK continues walking up the stairs as DANIEL walks down and outside. 4. INT. RECORDING STUDIO AFTERNOON

Small recording studio with glass sound-proof section. The shot follows ZACK walk through the studio and put on some headphones. CARLOS 48 is seen through the glass and camera cuts to a POV shot of his view of ZACK. CARLOS clearly has authority and the audience are aware he is ZACKs manager. CARLOS gets up and walks into where ZACK is singing into the recording equipment. ZACK is annoyed for his recording being interrupted. CARLOS (sternly) Okay thats fine. ZACK (confused) Ive not finished this section yCARLOS (still stern) Its done, Zack. Thats a wrap. CARLOS walks out of the room. ZACK fiddles with the recording equipment and sits down away from the microphone. The door opens again and CARLOS storms in. CARLOS (angrily) You can leave now, this is costing me. ZACK looks down at his hands, feeling inferior to his manager. CARLOS watches ZACK leave. 5. EXT. A PARK AFTERNOON A wide open space where 3 band members are sat on a bench in a beer garden, including DANIEL. ZACK walks over and sits with them. DANIEL (to ZACK) Oh, that was quick. BAND MEMBER 1 (laughing lightly) Oh, old Carlos didnt want you?

DANIEL Yeah, its cause hes too good! Its already perfect man. Its released this afternoon. BAND MEMBER 1 You look like you need a drink, I'll go get you one. ZACK smiles. BAND MEMBER 2 (excited tone) How we celebrating? DANIEL Youre all coming back to mine! BAND MEMBER 1 Here's your drink. ZACK Thanks man. ZACK sits down with them. 6. INT. DANIELS HOUSE EVENING An average sized house, student-accommodation-style. The front room is decorated with balloons, banners, silly string, party poppers, confetti, food and drink. There are many people there, of the same age as the band members. EVERYONE Surprise! Party poppers go off and everyone cheers as balloons fly around the room. BAND MEMBER 2 (to DANIEL) Did you organise this? DANIEL Yeah, Carlos and I did! CARLOS walks in with a drink in his hand.

CARLOS Does anyone want a drink? DANIEL Yeah, lets get this party started! ALL GUESTS Wooohooo This scene cuts to a montage sequence of the events of the party, where loud music is playing throughout. One of the shots is in the kitchen, of a hand turning on a gas hob. Montage sequence ends and continuity is restored as it cuts to a shot of some guests. GUEST 1 Sorry, Ive just got a banging headache. Thanks for the party; Ill listen to the single tomorrow when Im feelin a bit better! ZACK Are all of you leaving? GUEST 2 Yeah, sorry man, bad head too. DANIEL Okay, thanks for coming! CHORUS OF GUESTS Bye! They approach the door, about to leave. GUEST 3 (to GUEST 2) Weird weve all got headaches! GUEST 2 Opens the front door. Ugh I can actually breathe out here! GUEST 1 It did smell a bit odd in there.

A few other guests follow him and close the door behind them. This cuts to a shot of CARLOS. CARLOS This is it guys! Its 9 oclock! He switches the radio on. RADIO PRESENTER (voice-over) You will have defiantly heard these new comers if you were at a festival this summer. They played at almost every fest across the UK on the "New music we trust" stages. And here we have it! The new band Confusion with the debut of their first ever single! The party is quiet so all that is heard is the diegetic sound of the song being played on the radio. The shot keeps cutting from the radio to a close up of Zack, and back to the radio, then back to Zack. His expression gradually drops to a state of confusion. ZACK (confused) That- thats not me. You put the wrong version out! (to CARLOS) (furiously) Whats going on? Did you do this on purpose? CARLOS (casually) Zack, you have the image. Daniel has the voice. I had to do it! Everyones shocked expressions turn to DANIEL. DANIEL (hesitantly and guiltily) Z- I- Im sorry! Zack, it wasnt my idea. ZACK (to DANIEL) But how could you go ahead with this? DANIEL

Cant you see were both victims here?! Carlos has been nothing but poison to this band.

CARLOS (angrily) How dare you say that! I have put my neck on the line for you! DANIEL But all for your own damn sake! You dont care about this band, you care about the money you get out of us, nothing else. BAND MEMBER 2 Begins to cough violently. He covers his mouth with his hand, and when he brings it into view it is covered in blood. BAND MEMBER 1 (worried and confused) Whats wrong with you? Cuts to shot of gas hob, where hissing is heard, on top of the sound of the radio still playing in the other room. This then cuts to the confrontation between CARLOS, ZACK and the band members. ZACK Suddenly faints and everyone crowds around him. This shot fades to white. The frame remains white while ambulance sirens are heard, and unfamiliar voices are calling ZACKs name frantically. 7. INT. A HOSTIPAL ROOM NIGHT A white room with a bed in the centre and 2 nurses, 1 at either side of the bed. They are dressed in white, with accessories that make it clear to the audience that they are nurses. There is diegetic sound of monitors beeping. NURSE 1 Have you got the readings there? NURSE 2 Yeah got them here.

She hands over a piece of paper for NURSE 1 to see. Her face drops as she studies it. NURSE 1 Oh this is Zack, from that band. NURSE 2 What band? NURSE 1 The one whose debut was on the radio, just a few hours ago. They must have had a house party in celebration, he has carbon monoxide poisoning. NURSE 2 (sympathetically) Oh, not another! A few came in earlier, but Zack here got the worst of it. Shame, itd be such a loss of great young talent. Cases this severe dont normally end well. NURSE 1 Well hell get the fame he wanted. The diegetic sound of the beeping monitor stops and one long beep is heard.8. EXT. A SHRINE OUTSIDE A RECORDING STUDIO AFTERNOON The same location and time period as at the beginning of the film. CARLOS walks towards the shrine with a LP with the words Zack on and places it with the bunches of flowers. The shot fades to white, and then the credits appear over this.

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