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This is America Once upon a time in a far off country a few decided to lead They risked their own

lives to protect their neighbor from harm Hence the militia was formed as the farmers fought to be freed Outgunned by impossible odds they gave their all even the farm They carried the flag with pride as a reminder we fight to be free Lincoln and the military freed the slaves because they fought too One man helping another man is what America I remember to be Neighbors watching out for each other especially children me n you Our flag is our patriotism only one president's wife said stupid flag The then president nodding in approval disrespecting WTC ceremony What has happened to respect and proud to be an American is a drag The atmosphere that we apologize for helping each other is not harmony Okay enough with the politics love of country trumps all as we the people I once thought my Dad had a crystal ball was the neighbors watching over me Love of country begins with us the people protecting each other like a sepal The sepal protects the bud of a flower as in patriotism my country tis of thee It doesn't mean you're a snitch or a tattle tale protecting each others lives We all need to get back to the caring as is common sense as the genus of Erica Like it or not we as Americans are in this together as family husbands n wives We need a strong and proud person to lead us with pride n dignity This is America 2012 I.M. Nobody In fairness Mr. Obama does pledge the allegiance when prompted by the crowd.

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