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Customer Perception towards FORBES TECHNOSYS LTD products




NAME OF THE BANK: ______________________________________ ADDRESS OF THE HEAD/ZONAL OFFICE: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT NO: ___________FAX NO: ____________

1) Do you use banking automation products? A) Yes B) No

2) Which Brand products you are using presently? A) FORBES D) Killburn B) KORES E) Godrej C) ALBERTSONS F) Other

3) What are the main factors you considered while purchasing Banking Automation Products? A) Price B) Maintenance contract C) Life Of Machine D) On time Service

4) What is the Age of Automation Products? C) 0-3 Year C) 5-10 Year B) 3-5 Year D) 10-Above

5) Do they give after sale services? A) Yes B) No

6) Are you satisfied with performance of the products? A) Very satisfied D) Dissatisfied B) Satisfied E) Very dissatisfied C) Neutral

7) What is your method of purchasing? A) Centralized B) Decentralized

8) How often have you experienced failure of your FTL products?

A) Often C) Not at all

B) Rarely D) Very often

9) Are you aware of about FORBES TECHNOSYS LTD? A) Yes B) No

10) Do you use all products of same brand? A) Yes B) No

11) Are you satisfied with the after sales service from Service Providers? A) Yes B) No

12) Are you planning for any future purchase of banking automation products? A) Yes B) No

13) Which Companys brands you will prefer for next purchase? A) FORBES D) Killburn B) KORES E) Godrej C) ALBERTSONS F) Other


14) Do you get after sales services? A) Yes B) No

15) Do you accept buyback offers offered by company? A) Yes B) No

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