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topic: Introduction:


Rubrics are grading tools that explicitly represent the performance expectations for an assignment or piece of work. A rubric divides the assigned work into component parts and provides clear descriptions of the characteristics of the work associated with each component, at varying levels of mastery. A well-designed rubric can reduce instructor subjectivity, provide a guide to students as to what is expected, act as a learning tool, and reduce the time spent in marking! Content: This document covers the following topics: Adding the Rubrics and Competencies Tool Accessing the Rubrics Tool Creating a Rubric o Defining Achievement Levels and Criteria Managing Rubrics o Copying a Rubric o Editing a Rubric's Properties o Edit a Level, Criterion or Criteria Group o Add a Level, Criterion or Criteria Group o Reorder Levels or Criteria o Delete a Level, Criterion or Criteria Group o Delete a Rubric Using a Rubric to Mark a Dropbox Folder Using a Rubric to Mark a Discussion Topic

Centre for Academic & Faculty Enrichment

May, 2012

Adding the Rubrics and Competencies Tool

To add the Rubrics and Competencies tool: 1. Click on the 2. Click on Edit Course icon. Tools. Rubrics and Competencies tool and select the

3. Click the checkbox next to Set to Active State icon. 4. Click Save.

Note: It can take a few minutes for the Rubric tool to show up in your Course Navigation bar.

Accessing the Rubrics Tool

To access Rubrics: Click the Rubrics icon on the course navigation bar.

Creating a Rubric
To create a rubric: 1. Click New Rubric in the top tool menu of the Rubric List page. 2. Enter a Rubric Name 3. Select the Rubric Status Draft - This is the initial status for any new rubric. It means the rubric is not yet available for new associations. Published - This status means you can make associations with the rubric. Once a rubric has an association, you cannot change its name, description, levels and criteria. Archived - Archived rubrics do not appear in default search results and are not available for new associations. Existing associations with Archived rubrics remain functional. 4. Enter a Description (Optional) 5. Choose the Type of Rubric Analytic Rubrics - Most rubrics are analytic. An analytic rubric breaks performance into multiple criteria. You assess each criterion separately, resulting in an overall assessment score. Holistic Rubrics - Holistic rubrics do not break performance into separate criteria. Performance is assessed holistically, so that you consider several different criteria, but make only one overall assessment. 6. Choose the Number of Levels and the Number of Criteria you would like to have for your rubric. 7. Choose your Scoring Method Centre for Academic & Faculty Enrichment May, 2012 2

Text Only - Performance levels are expressed using only text. For example, three performance levels for a rubric could be Poor, Good, and Excellent. Points - Includes points to assess performance. For example, three performance levels for a rubric could be Poor (0 points), Good (1 point), and Excellent (2 points). Custom Points - Similar to the Points scoring method, but you can customize the points given for each criterion (row). For example, if performance levels are "Poor", "Good", and "Excellent", then the criterion "Spelling and Grammar" could be worth 0 points, 10 points, and 20 points for each level, but the criterion "Expression" could be worth 0 points, 30 points, and 60 points, making it worth 3 times the points for "Spelling and Grammar". Percentages - Percentages can be used only for Holistic type rubrics. Percentages is similar to Points, but measures performance in percentages instead of points 8. If you would like to attach a Rubric to a Discussion item, make sure the Competencies box is checked in the Advanced Availability section. 9. Click Save. Defining Achievement Levels and Criteria 1. Click on the Levels and Criterion tab. 2. In the Criteria drop-down menu select Edit Criteria Group. 3. Enter the name of the criteria as a whole, as well as the name of each level of assessment (ex. Excellent - Poor). 4. When finished, click Save. 5. Click the Actions context menu (drop-down) for a criterion and select Edit Criterion. 6. Enter a Criterion Name. 7. Add a Description at each criterion level, as well as Feedback if you wish. 8. Click Save. 9. Repeat for other levels. 10. In the Overall drop-down menu, select the Edit Levels option. 11. Give a name for each performance level and a minimum score to achieve for each level. 12. Click Save. 13. To be able to assign the rubric to any assessment it must first be Published. To publish your rubric go back into the Properties tab and select Published from the Status drop-down menu. Note: Once a rubric is published it cannot be edited so be sure everything is correct. 14. Click Save. 15. When creating an assessment simply click the Add Rubric button and select the rubric from the rubric list.

Centre for Academic & Faculty Enrichment

May, 2012

Managing Rubrics
Copying a Rubric Copying a rubric creates a new rubric based on an existing rubric in the same org unit. The new rubric has the same properties, levels and criteria, and is shared with the same org units as the original rubric. To copy a rubric: 1. On the Rubric List page, click the Actions context menu (drop-down) for the rubric you want to copy. 2. Select Copy Rubric. Editing a Rubric's Properties 1. On the Rubric List page, click the rubric name. 2. Make the appropriate changes. 3. Click Save. Edit a Level, Criterion or Criteria Group 1. On the Rubric List page, click the rubrics name. 2. Select the Levels (holistic rubrics) or Levels and Criteria (analytic rubrics) tab. 3. Click the Actions context menu (drop-down) for the level, criterion or criteria group you want to edit and select Edit Level, Edit Criterion, Edit Criteria Group. 4. Make the appropriate changes. 5. Click Save. Add a Level, Criterion or Criteria Group 1. On the Rubric List page, click the rubrics name. 2. Select the Levels (holistic rubrics) or Levels and Criteria (analytic rubrics) tab. 3. Select Add Level, Add Criterion or Add Criteria Group in the action bar above the rubric table. 4. Fill in the appropriate fields. 5. Click Save. Reorder Levels or Criteria 1. On the Rubric List page, click the rubrics name. 2. Select the Levels (holistic rubrics) or Levels and Criteria (analytic rubrics) tab. 3. Select Reorder Criteria, Reverse Level Order or Reorder Levels in the action bar above the rubric table. 4. Make the appropriate changes. 5. Click Save. Delete a Level, Criterion or Criteria Group 1. On the Rubric List page, click the rubrics name. 2. Select the Levels (holistic rubrics) or Levels and Criteria (analytic rubrics) tab. 3. Click the Actions context menu (drop-down) for the level or criterion you want to delete and select Delete Level, Delete Criterion, or Delete Criteria Group. Delete a Rubric 1. On the Rubric List page, click the Actions context menu (drop-down) for the rubric you want to delete. 2. Select Delete. Centre for Academic & Faculty Enrichment May, 2012 4

Using a Rubric to Mark a Dropbox Folder

Adding a Rubric to a Dropbox Folder If you want students to be able to view the rubric from both the Dropbox and the Grades areas you need to do the following: 1. In the Dropbox Folder Properties select New Grade Item 2. Under Grading click Add Rubric 3. Click the checkbox next to the Rubric and click Add Selected 4. Ensure that the Max Points entered matches the Max Points for the Rubric 5. Click Save 6. Within the Folder Properties click the Add Rubric button (yes, you have to do this process twice) 7. Click the checkbox next to the Rubric and click Add Selected 8. Ensure that the Max Points entered matches the Max Points for the Rubric 9. Click Save Grading a Dropbox Item with a Rubric 1. In the list of submitted files, select Leave Feedback for a students submission. 2. On the Leave Feedback screen, under Evaluation, select the rubric. 3. Complete the rubric using the radio buttons. The rubric should automatically total the points. 4. Click Save or Save and Record to transfer the score to the dropbox/grades.

Using a Rubric to Mark a Discussion Topic

Adding a Rubric to a Discussion Topic 1. Click on the Assessment tab within your Discussion Topic. 2. Click on New Grade Item 3. Under Grading click Add Rubric 4. Click the checkbox next to the Rubric and click Add Selected 5. Ensure that the Max Points entered matches the Max Points for the Rubric 6. Click Save 7. Enter the Max Points for the Discussion Topic and ensure it matches the Max Points for the Rubric. 8. Click Save.

Centre for Academic & Faculty Enrichment May, 2012 5

Grading a Discussion Topic with a Rubric 1. It is suggested that you open two screens to make the process of marking a Discussion Topic easier: On screen #1 go to Discussions and click the click the Assess Topic icon for the topic you want to assess. Click the Assessments tab. On screen #2 go to Grades and select the Grade Item icon beside the grade item that you created for the discussion topic.

2. On screen #2 in the Grade Item area, select the the item. rubric icon. Complete the rubric for

3. On screen #1 enter the calculated rubric score into the Topic Score textbox, Click the checkbox beside Graded and click Save.

Centre for Academic & Faculty Enrichment

May, 2012

4. On screen #2 click Save, and close the rubric. 5. Refresh your browser and you should see the grade show up in the Grade column.

6. Click Save when you are finished entering the grades.

Centre for Academic & Faculty Enrichment

May, 2012

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