INROADS 2012 The Personal Connection in Leadership

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Workplace Diversity:

A Personal Connection in Leadership



INROADS Then and Now

Career Continuum A Lifetime of Support The Success Factory INROADS Alumni Stories A Path Ahead Leadership Gap

Develop and Promote

Inclusive Communities

Make a Difference A Personal Connection

INROADS 2012 | 1/6/2012

INROADS History - Then and Now

1 Office


35 Offices


17 Corporate Sponsors
25 Interns

230 Corporate Sponsors

1700 Interns

INROADS 2012 | 1/6/2012

The Career Continuum to the C- Suite

Career Placement
College CORE
College Links students graduate to INROADS College Component
Corporate Partner hires On-boarding Careers ladders Jr Assoc Mid Level Mgr Sr Level Mgr INROADS Ambassador Fund Contributor

College Links High School College Core Career Placement Mid Alum Career Alum Job Posting

Alumni/Ambassador CORE

PreCollege CORE
Recruitment of high potential STEM and business students; Career pathing; successful graduation

C-Suite; Boardroom; Entrepreneur

Career Ladder INROADS Mentor INROADS Internal Corporate Partner INROADS Visiting faculty Advance Studies Donor
CEO/Partner Consultant INROADS & Mentor Donor

Training & Dev On-boarding Candidate Prep Sessions Successful Graduate Learning Summits EXTENDED College Seniors and STEM

Job Acceptance Rate

INROADS graduates had a conversion rate of 65% from internship to full-time employment with an INROADS Corporate Partner [2]

The national average graduate conversion rate is 7% lower than the INROADS conversion rate [5]

INROADS 2012 | 1/6/2012

The Path Ahead

Recruiting and retaining high-potential middle managers is the biggest concern for CEOs

INROADS 2012 | 1/6/2012

The Leadership Gap

If the CEOs of the Fortune 500 reflected the composition of the workforce, 55 would be Black, 70 would be Hispanic, 24 would be Asian and 233 would be women.
(Workforce Magazine, June 2009)

INROADS 2012 | 1/6/2012

A Personal Connection in Leadership

o o o o

Personal Resilience Ability to Dream Importance of Mission State of Corporate America

INROADS 2012 | 1/6/2012

A Personal Connection in Leadership

INROADS 2012 | 1/6/2012

Forest T. Harper, Jr. President & CEO


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