Final Capstone Presentation Mcjrotc Lesson Plan Revision

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Global Destiny

Personal Insight Bullying was brought to my attention while teaching at Lincoln High Schools Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (MCJROTC) program in 2010.

Facts From Oct, 2011- Department of Justice Study Titled School Bullying and Cyberbullying One out of three children are bullied at school, or in their neighborhood, or online. Children bully others.
Terry Jessip Capstone Proposal

Global Destiny

Department of Justice Study

Oct 2011 study had four major conclusions Teenagers say revenge is the strongest motivation for school shootings. 87% said shootings are motivated by a desire to "get back at those who have hurt them." 86% said, "other kids picking on them, making fun of them or bullying them." This causes teenagers to turn to lethal violence in the schools.

Terry Jessip Capstone Proposal

Global Destiny

Statistics on Bullying
National Education Association report-2011.
75% of school-shootings are linked to harassment and bullying.

Cyber-bullying statistics are rapidly approaching similar numbers 43% experiencing cyber-bullying.

Students say their schools are not safe.

Terry Jessip Capstone Proposal

Global Destiny

Bullying at School and Online does not need to happen!

Terry Jessip Capstone Proposal

Global Destiny

Bullying Defined
The purpose of creating or resulting in an intimidating, hostile, or offensive academic environment; or Affect substantially or unreasonably interfering with a student's academic performance, which deprives the student access to educational opportunities!

Terry Jessip Capstone Proposal

Global Destiny

Bullying Defined
Bullying fosters a climate of Fear and disrespect. Physical and psychological health of its victims. Creates conditions that negatively affect learning. Thereby undermining the ability of students to achieve their full potential.

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What Does Bullying Look Like?

Actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. Verbal bullying is saying or writing mean things both in person and electronically.

Terry Jessip Capstone Proposal

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What Impact Does It Have On Victims?

Student's jaw broken when dorm mates wrapped him in A carpet and beat him.

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Bullying Impacts Teens

Anxiety Loneliness Low selfesteem

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Bullying Impacts Teens

Poor social selfcompetence Depression

Psychosomatic symptoms
Social withdrawal Physical health complaints

Terry Jessip Capstone Proposal


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Bullying Impacts Teens

Running away from home Alcohol and drug use Suicide

Terry Jessip Capstone Proposal


Global Destiny

Purpose of this Proposal

Revise current lesson plan taught at Lincoln High Schools MCJROTC program.

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Why Revise Lesson Plan?

Current plan is outdated . . . Last revised Feb 2002. Students come from a diverse backgrounds. Students are Multi-tasked, or overloaded.

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Focus of Effort
Update Lesson Plan titled In All Fairness. Increase students/cadets awareness on this serious topic. [Bullying]. Provide information on how bullying impacts children in Lincoln High School.

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Missing the term Bullying. Definitions need to be stated.

Should outline actions to take when someone is bullied.

Rules for Teachers/Adult involvement. Informational training to Parents and Guardians and Grandparents.

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Suggested Changes
Incorporate bullying definitions.
Add Local School Districts Policies. Include State Anti-Bullying law.

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Terry Jessip Capstone Proposal


Global Destiny

Department of Defense JROTC

Our nation has an invested interest into this term Bullying. There are 3,000 JROTC programs, 200 are MCJRTOC. It is my intent to ensure our JROTC program at Lincoln High School makes changes to the current lesson plan and teach bullying with our current course. Every student deserves to attend high school in safe an fair environment. I propose TECOM adopt this lesson plan for all MCJROTC programs nationwide.

Terry Jessip Capstone Proposal

Global Destiny

Department of Defense JROTC

Our nation has an invested interest into this term Bullying. There are 3,000 JROTC programs, 200 are MCJRTOC. It is my intent to ensure our JROTC program at Lincoln High School makes changes to the current lesson plan and teach bullying with our current course. Every student deserves to attend high school in safe an fair environment. I propose TECOM adopt this lesson plan for all MCJROTC programs nationwide.

Terry Jessip Capstone Proposal

Global Destiny

Bully Police USA. Executive Summary, High School Bullying Prevention Program Report Sioux Falls School District. 2010-11. Web. 27 Jul. 2012. Lohmann, Raychelle. Weblog comments. Surviving Bullying. Psychology Today. Sep 1, 2012. The National Education Association (NEA) Schools.html. Web. Sept. 2012.

Terry Jessip Capstone Proposal

Global Destiny

Stop Web. Sept. 2012. Teens, Bullying is a Big Problem. problems/bullies.html. Web 5 Aug. 2012. Violence Prevention Works. Web 23 Aug. 2012. public/

Terry Jessip Capstone Proposal

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