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10/11/12 6:36 PM


am currently a student in Seoul and my future goal is to show my creativity and artistic skills by drawing and to teach those who would like to become an artist. College I would be attending a prestigious art college in the United States such as RISD (Rhode Island School of Design). This will be my dream college, because it is one of the best in America. This school would give me opportunities and experience on how to become a better artist. FirstJobs After having experience in small workshops, I would like to take a step further to draw for art exhibitions. I do not mind getting paid during the beginning of my career because I believe that at first, I should learn from other people, and I believe that art should not have a price, but should show the artists thought and mind. Development in Jobs & Positions After drawing for several exhibition and art museums, I would like to travel around the world to show different types of art. I want to have a face to face experience so that I can know what it I'd want to get hands on experience so I know what it's like to draw in the day and night. I would also like to show my art pieces to people who do not have the opportunities like me. Capstone of Career When I am an adult and am older, and have had experience with different types


First Jobs

Development in Jobs & Positions


of art, I would like to set up my own mini-school or a place like art-hagwon so that I can also give children the same opportunity that I had. After several years of my own business, I would like to retire, but I would still like to travel around the globe to draw different pieces of art.

18 21-22 23 24 31 36 42

Highschool Degree College Degree in Arts Intern Artist Work under the professionals Mini workshop artist Small museum art Own school, Exhibition Art

Qualities to Succeed Creativity Emotion Thought

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