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Statement of Purpose

If Intellect can find the right question, learning and research help find the answer. I want to search for answers to all my questions for I believe Seek and thou shall find I dont have many goals in my life. We can easily count the number of goals I have. I want to do some productive work for our society and for our country without taking the help of any wrong means and I want to see my parents happy due to my work. Born to educated parents, my schooling started at the age of three. My father taught physics and mathematics in a high school. He taught me mathematics and physics till my secondary examination. He taught me that how can we solve the same problem with different approaches but following same basic rules. He taught me that how closely mathematics is associated with physics. Actually there can be at least three approaches to solve a problem. First one is the physical approach, second one is the mathematical approach and the third one is the combined approach of mathematics and physics. Obviously the third approach is the best approach among these three and I am very good in that due to the foundation I got from my parents. Due to my mathematical nature, I want to optimize the outcome of each and every thing which I have got till now. Thats why I want to optimize the output of the education I got till now. Obviously, there is no better field, where I can utilize my whole learning, than research. According to me, it needs some basic qualities to do research in CSIR-CEERI. e.g. knowledge of electronics, mathematics, physics etc. Along with it, it needs the right combination of logical and creative thinking. If I look at myself as a third person, I find each and every characteristics of a researcher in me. Implementation of this knowledge fulfills the human ambitions.

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