Eng 105 Research Proposal

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TO: Dr.

Dina Forkan FROM: Nazia Haider

Date: June 24, 2012 RE: Proposal to do a research paper on SME & Poverty alleviation

Introduction I propose to investigate the role of Small & Medium Enterprises, i.e. of SMEs to eradicate Poverty from Bangladesh. Although SME is quite a new prospect in a developing country like ours, but its continuous performances are turning to be a very well-measured weapon to alleviate poverty. The title and conclusions of one study by Md Mamunur Rashid, PROPOSED RESEARCH DIRECTION FOR SUSTAINABLE SMEs IN BANGLADESH (BANGLADESH RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS JOURNAL [January - February, 2012]: 6(3): 317-329. Retrieve from http://www.bdresearchpublications.com/admin/journal/upload/09290/09290.pdf)), stated that Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the single largest industrial sector of the Bangladesh economy. SMEs are renowned for vehicles of economic growth, labor intensive, poverty alleviation, enhancing the standard life. Realizing the importance of the functions that SME is performing to improve the poverty condition of Bangladesh-economy, is therefore, extremely necessary for the entrepreneurs, both new entrants as well as the old ones. I intend my paper to be a background report for these power-turners of our economy and hope that my research will help readers to recognize the role of SMEs and take measures to imply them to alleviate our poverty. Areas to Be Studied At this point in my research I have identified the following aspects I have to investigate: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) What are the definitions of SMEs in the context to Bangladesh? What are the significances of SME? What is the potentiality of SME in Bangladesh? What are the roles that SME are currently playing here? To review the prospects of SME to alleviate our poverty situation. To review the art of the business/SMEs model. A proposed method for SMEs solvency investigation.

I plan to segregate the body of my paper into several segments, exploring these above mentioned features. I will also provide an introduction charting the important roles of SME in our economy and business sectors and a conclusion summarizing the results of my research.

Hypothesis The role that SME can play in Bangladesh to alleviate the existing poverty situation is a perfect solution to improve our nation both economically as well as financially. As more and more people of our country are becoming business-oriented, SME is the easiest way for them to star their prospects & to gradually flourish in their respective aspects. Methods of Research I will search and analyze various literature reviews books and articles, journals online as well as the paper-documents that emphasize on the roles of SMEs in particular. I will try to combine the primary and secondary data to complete my research paper. That is, along with the data from different literature reviews, I will try to gather my required information from various surveys as well as interviews. By using the Internet, North South University Library, itll be adequate to access the online journals and the books on SME. While interviewing the people, I will try to choose those, who have already settled their business through SME, and also those who are willing to enter the entrepreneurship career with the help of SME. I will also interview few of my respected Faculty Members who have knowledge about SME. The SME Foundation will also be a great help for different required data. For survey, I will select the students of North South University to analyze their thoughts and opinions. Timetable I hope to finish my library research and reading by June 30th. From then by July 20th, I hope to work on drafting my paper. I plan to present a draft to you during the classes that will be held during the month of July and to submit the final copy on July 26th, the date of our Final exam. Request for Approval I request your permission to write my paper on the topic of The Role of SME to Alleviate Poverty from Bangladesh. I would welcome any suggestions you have about my selection of topic, organizing my paper and my identification of research materials and resource people.

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