A New Solution For Cancer

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A NEW SOLUTION FOR CANCER Yamanaka and Gurdon discovered that mature and specialized cells "can be (nervously

also?!) reprogrammed to become immature cells capable of developing into all tissues of the body," the Nobel Assembly at Sweden's Karolinska Institute said. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/nn20121009a1.html

That's (exactly like) the cancer, folks!


//garfield.library.upenn.edu/classics1985/A1985AEP1600002.pd http://garfield.library.upenn.edu/classics1985/A1985AEP1600002. http://garfield.library.upenn.edu/classics1985/A1985AEP1600002 . I

http://garfield.library.upenn.edu/classics1985/A1985AEP1600002.pdfSI L

In 1957, a physician researcher out of the National Cancer Institute, Richmond Prehn, M.D., published a landmark study co-authored with his laboratory assistant, Joan M. Main. Its findings turned conventional wisdom about cancer and the immune system on its head. What they discovered was that surgically removing tumors from sarcoma-ridden mice not only cured the mice of cancer the treated mice also were immune to all subsequent efforts to reinoculate them with the same sarcoma.

Prehn and Malin were revolutionary, Dr. Curti says. Before their 1957 study, even the suggestion that the immune system had a role to play in cancer treatment would have been regarded in many scientific circles with skepticism. Now the hope was that new cancer therapies and vaccines could be developed that would rival both chemotherapy and radiation in their effectiveness. But despite thousands of attempts to capitalize on Prehn and Mains success, that hope has gone largely unrealized. What we have learned is that a successful immune system response in humans depends on not just one event, but a series of events from the presentation of a foreign marker on the surface of the cancer cell to the homing behavior of killer T-cells to the tumor site, Dr. Curti says. These are like links in a chain, and any weak link can spell disaster for an effective immune system response. http://oregon.providence.org/patients/facilities/providence-portland-medicalcenter/Pages/formsandinformationlanding.aspx?&TemplateName=Bringing+out+the+big+guns+to+ki ll+cancer&TemplateType=FormsandInstructions In the past time, at this address, were also made references to this material. There is a similarity between the approach of Prehn and Main and surgical method of denervation of solid tumors (ablation and their quasi immediate inoculation to the same animal), theoretically fundamented as the treatment of the cancer in Gravitational Theory of Life. Based on this procedural similarities and on the recovery situation of Prehn and Main results (But despite thousands of attempts to capitalize on Prehn and Mains success, that hope has gone largely unrealized.) I used this material as a possible experimental prove of the validity of the

principle of denervation in curing solid tumors (together with the chemical method which follows the same principle contained also in the U.S. patent below, without that the denervation to be included among the claims):


Page. 16 of the patent (paragraph [0189]) shows that the author considers the "denervation" but that it is only noted not being the objective pursued (because the "denervation" it must be permanent, until the tumor death).

On page 17 (paragraph [0195]) there is surprisingly long therapeutic effect occurring by the denervation process. And so on. Why incumbent now on this subject? First to emphasize that this context was provided and published (11/25/2001, "Libertatea" newspaper, see posts from this address): "I was thinking and at the possibility of avoiding the surgery. Is possible the local injection of a substance that inhibits the nervous information flow in that area. Such kind of intervention may

simplify things", says surgeon Dorel Manu.

But mostly for that the logic of placement of immune system at the base of the processes highlighted by Prehn and Main (which I couldn't totally dismantle until now) is wrong. This is what finds also Dr. Curti in the above material: things are more complicated. There are relationships between different processes which appear to be like a closed chain. Under these conditions the positions of "cause" and "effect" are entirely relative: they keeps

changing. Proof on this behavior of processes is the Winn test:

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3018371/ It shows that, at a linear evolution of ratio of quantity of immune reactants / quantity of target" tissue, the growth process is nonlinear. I.e. the two values (the ratio and the growth) keeps changing the role of "cause" (as in the case of x and y in a second degree equation: both can take new values simultaneously and independently, so that may arise the situation in which at one y value may be assigned two distinct values of x). It result that this connection is not causal. So, it is controlled from the outside. And "outside" of the biochemical processes can be only the electric signals. Let's say it's just coincidence. But the most significant element passed unnoticed until now (at least for me):


What is this? They could be immunized but, as a researcher, you must don't have preconceived ideas: "In fact, the direct "observation" processes are completely ignored in an experiment. Experiments are only protocols that lead to "cause" to "effect". And the "cause" and the "effect" are arbitrarily chosen on the basis of "signals": the objects and phenomena do not inherently contain these principles, to be find by an outside "observer" only through observation. It is well-known the situation where objects and / or phenomena have changed arbitrarily their status: from "cause" to "effect" and vice versa, depending on the "theory" that it shape them. "Signals" perceived by many individuals (which generates "conventions") have a role in this process.(SUNT CIMPANZEU), posted in Romanian). And "immunization" must refers to a pathogen not to a process. I.e. the term can possibly refer to METILCOLANTREN not to a tumor (the disease itself). Don't remove the lung affected by tuberculosis for his reintroduction in the body but you must do the immunization of the body against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccin) In other words, there it was exclusively about the denervated tumors, now "visible" to the immune system. In this case the experiments of Prehn and Main are an incontestable proof of effectiveness of treatment by the method of denervation of solid tumors. By this way, I demand again the Ministry of Health to answer at my previous steps:

I created a theory which aims to establish a clear relationship between scientific formalism and how it is generated: by the organisms, in general, and by the "intelligent" organisms, in particular. From there it resulting a model of the genesis of cancer. It is suggested by "Franois Jacob, Logic of living, Romanian Encyclopedic Publishing House, Bucharest, 1972, pp.

Even if the injury (which produces cancer - my note) begins in the nucleus or cytoplasm, or its origins are in a somatic mutation, or in the presence of a virus or a circuit disturbance, everything that prevents cell to receiving a signal, can removing it outside of community. Understanding cancer involves the entering in the logic of the system which imposes for the cells the constraints of the body. And are motivated and some methods of treatment induced by this approach, which have been successfully tested (but illegally) on people in Romania. More information can be found at http://www.scribd.com/jfkusa. The system moves on" on this direction in a very hard way. If you are interested, I'm waiting for a feedback. Sincerely, Eng. Phys. Gabriel Pascu, phone: +40733846532

Methods for treating diverse cancers:

- Gerovital - By local administration of Lidocaine to or to the vicinity of the cancer (maintaining the continuous denervation until the death of the tumor).

There exists the Gravitational Theory of Life confirmation, in the cancer cure problem!
I just found (June, 3) an interesting material: http://ar.iiarjournals.org/content/24/2B/1003.full.pdf. I stressed the following regarding the role of the nervous system in cancer pathology and that this specific mechanism was not known at the time (2004):
Cancer survival decreases in patients experiencing various psychosocial stresses (1), suggesting a potential role for the central nervous system in progression of malignancy. Specifically, stress- induced changes in neuroendocrine and immune functions may contribute to cancer mortality (2). Stress not only alters the neuroendocrine system, but also modifies sensory nerve function. 1. Neurons sensitive to capsaicin mediate inflammatory pain and are important targets for management of chronic pain. These neurons also regulate local tissue homeostasis, inflammation, healing and development, especially under conditions of psychological stress. That is totally wrong! These people have not heard of Professor Daniel Danielopolu and "interstimulant antagonism. http://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196%2811%2961064-1/fulltext These neurons can't control homeostasis, etc..., only by themselves! But only with the motor neurons (motoneurons)! And this error will manifest in interpreting the data (see below). Stress contributes to increased cancer recurrence and metastasis through as yet undefined mechanisms. That is a statement which must to be noticed! Likewise, activity of capsaicin-sensitive neurons is altered by pathological conditions that may lead to metastatic growth (e.g. stress). Therefore, we examined effects of a treatment that induces sensory nerve denervation on breast cancer metastases. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that CSFs (capsaicinsensitive sensory nerve fibers) influence the capacity of cancer cells to metastasize.

Considering these observations, we expected diminished metastasis following denervation by capsaicin treatment. However, we observed the opposite: metastasis to vital organs increased.

Very interesting: this approach is probably among the few in the world (yet I do not know some others) which refers strictly to the denervation principle. Even in the U.S. patent, on the use of botulinum toxin (mentioned above) the denervation is just a collateral phenomenon to which it refers. These expectations, very specific, maybe follows the publication, in Romania, of materials relating to the Gravitational Ttheory of Life, first time in 2001. The time will answer this question. Although, apparently, the experiment had negative results, below I will demonstrate that, at least this experiment is an undeniable proof of the validity of methods of cancer treatment based on the principle of denervation (resulting from Gravitational Theory of Life). I get back to what I said above (Cancers secrets) in relation to the mechanism of formal removal of a structure from the general context of the body (which is equivalent with a physical damage for it): So, is reached the inaccurate situation in which "THE PART leads on "THE WHOLE"! This is also the essence of the process of "learning": subjecting the "body" of a single type of stimulus, exclusively and repeated, with higher frequency than that at which body can return, every time, at the initial state (and, thus, to maintaining the global state of homeostasis, relative to normal environmental conditions). Forcing him to react only with the structures imposed by the nature of that stimulus, is generated the pulling out of these specific structures from the general context of functioning of the body (which means a really physical "aggression"). The nuance which should be emphasized is that the process of "learning" is identical to any other process carried out by repetition and which, by default, generates stress. And stress is a physical assault even though, by its nature (purely formal) cannot be described as the effect of a physical causes, narrowly defined in time and space. It is produced by repetition, with a frequency value over a certain limit, of any kind of stimulus that generate only repeated partial reactions, initially by conditioned reflex mechanisms (rational), and after that, only by reflex mechanisms (e.g. riding a bicycle). I described above the model of the Gravitational Theory of Life relative to that type of stimulus, and his role in the evolution of the processes that lead to cancer. On the basis of that "unexpected" results, in part of discussions", it says that denervation process with capsaicin did not directly intensified in metastasis. As I stated above,

These kinds of reactions, generated by the system, are covered by the experiment in question. If the tumor grows and the system which must check the growth (the sensitive system) is removed from his function at what can we expect? It makes sense that the tumor(s) will grow easier. Then why there were some different expectations (such as that this kind of treatment has to lead at the stop of tumor evolution)?

Through interstimulant antagonism mechanism, the activity of the parasympathetic autonomous system, responsible for malignant processes (and, thus, for the replacing of healthy tissue) from the stroma, according to the experimental protocol, should be intensified. And this is what it happened! In short, in this experiment was performed the denervation of the "system not of the tumor (it was operated at the sensitive, sympathetic level of autonomic nervous system). So the tumor was free to grow and "roam" at will until a certain time when they felt the effects of atropine. Atropine (It is a competitive antagonist for the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. It is classified as year anticholinergic drug (parasympatholytic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atropine) was used for technical" reasons, and obviously at the parasympathetic levels (effectors cells Atropine (5 mg / kg, ip) administered was immediately before capsaicin injection to prevent acute effects of cardiopulmonary sensory mediators released excessively). In accordance with the model from above (see Cancers secrets), the results of this experiment are perfectly explicable: the mechanism is accelerating, then is modulating (due to the interstimulant antagonism"), the process of metastasis. The tumor is an effecting structure! At this level you had to act (see U.S. Patent)! The fact that all phenomena described in this experiment are entirely modeled by Gravitational Theory of Life it is one (at least) indisputable proof of the validity of the conclusions of this theory! Lidocaine is a potential cancer treatment solution for treating diverse cancers by local administration (to or to the vicinity of the cancer) in a manner which will maintain a constant state of local denervation, until the death of the tumor. That complies with the principles set forth above, and which, most probably, has not been used as such, nowhere in the world. Its time for it! See also: US patent U.S. 2005/0031648 A1, Pub Date: February. 10, 2005 http://www.google.com/patents?id=4lWVAAAAEBAJ&printsec=abstract&zoom=4&hl=ro#v =onepage&q&f=false And now the surprise: the Gerovital! http://www.realgerovital.com/gh3-gerovital-procaine-articles2.htm By certain methylation processes together with "base exchange" reactions, the ethanol amine enters the synthesis cycle of choline and then acetylcholine as a next step. After injecting 99mTc-DEAE to rats, radioactive marker was found in the ethanol amine and acetylcholine extracted from brain and blood homogenates. I wonder (!?) if increasing the dose of Gerovital (after it have taken the measures in the above material, to avoid allergies and other problems that may occur) would not get good results? The sign of question is to protect myself... Read and in Romanian language (this is a material published in a Romanian newspaper: LIBERTATEA (on line). The solution is verified and practically (but illegally) used on people, for many years, in Romania. It means: broke any kind of connections between tumor and the vegetative nervous system. Because the cancer is a "soft" generated by vegetative nervous system at the solid tumor level (the individual malign cells are destroyed by immunologic system). So, the immunologic system can't "see the tumor because she is "smart".

See US patent "US 2005/0031648 A1 Feb. 10, 2005" Mail: pascu_gabriel2002@yahoo.com, Phone: +40733846532
PANORAMA tirea urmtoare: Un chirurg si un fizician din Bucureti pregtesc leacul cancerului Metoda de combatere a maladiei mortale ar putea fi izolarea nervoasa a tumorii. In lumea medicala circula anecdota cum ca fostul preedinte american Bill Clinton ar fi ordonat ca pn la sfritul anului 2000 sa se gseasc leacul mpotriva cancerului. Nu a fost sa fie. Pana acum, despre cercetrile in domeniu, cercetri care beneficiaz de fonduri de miliarde de dolari, se spune ca "s-ar putea" sa aib succes. Este vorba despre gsirea unui vaccin anticancer care, deocamdat, funcioneaz doar la gini. Aceasta in SUA. n Romania, un fizician si un medic chirurg au pus si ei gnd ru cancerului, dar cu fonduri personale si dup o idee mai originala. Dac teoria lor funcioneaz, pn la sfritul primverii viitoare cancerul nu va mai fi sinonim cu "moartea sigura". Organismul viu este format din miliarde de celule difereniate pe funcii foarte bine stabilite. In momentul in care unul din organe nu mai funcioneaz, organismul, n ntregul su, se apropie de colaps. Una din bolile care scot din funciune organe vitale este cancerul, boala pe care unii medici o definesc ca fiind "personificarea diavolului". nc nu se tie care este cauza care l declaneaz, dar este cert faptul ca tumora propriu-zisa pornete de la o mutaie genetica a unei celule. Aceasta se divide si da natere unor celule canceroase, adic celule de tip embrionar, nedifereniat, care nu mai respecta rolul pe care ar trebui s-l joace n organism, celule care ncep sa se nmuleasc foarte repede si s distrug esuturile din vecintate, n condiiile unui consum de energie imens care slbete foarte repede organismul. Aceasta este tumora canceroasa, maligna, un esut care se comporta ca un invadator si un distrugtor pentru celelalte celule din jur. In scurt timp, organul atacat este scos din funciune. Ciudat este faptul ca sistemul imunitar nu reacioneaz n nici un fel mpotriva esutului canceros care pericliteaz viaa organismului. Pur si simplu nu l recunoate ca fiind un inamic. Cauzele au rmas necunoscute pana acum. Mai mult, in mod absolut paradoxal, organismul ajuta dezvoltarea tumorii, ca ntr-un fel de sinucidere. Spre deosebire de tumora maligna, cea benigna nu creste aa de repede si, mai ales, nu ataca esuturile nvecinate. Nici la tumora benigna nu sunt nsa cunoscute cauzele apariiei. Momentan, lupta contra cancerului se duce cu citostatice, adic substane care ncetinesc diviziunea celulara, oprind astfel dezvoltarea esutului canceros, iradierea cu cobalt a zonelor canceroase si extirparea chirurgicala a tumorilor. In cazul operaiei, procentul de supravieuire dup 5 ani, conform unui sondaj oficial, este de 10-16%, n funcie de poziionarea tumorii n organism. O observaie interesanta a medicilor este ca cele mai multe cazuri reuite sunt pe pacieni care sunt hotrai sa lupte cu boala. Cei resemnai nu au aproape nici o ansa. n cazul citostaticelor, unul dintre cele mai mari inconveniente este cderea unghiilor si a parului. Specialitii spun ca aceste metode clasice, chiar in cazul unor reuite, nu elimina din organism factorul care determina apariia cancerului. Tumora poate sa-si reia dezvoltarea maligna. In afara de aceste metode "clasice", la aceasta ora cercettorii americani spera sa gseasc o substana care sa stimuleze organismul sa produc anticorpi mpotriva celulei canceroase. In urma cu ase ani, fizicianului Gabriel Pascu i-a venit o idee nstrunica. El a plecat de la un lucru banal, respectiv de la faptul ca sistemul imunitar se declaneaz imediat ce in corp a aprut un "invadator". Or, informaia ca acel invadator a aprut n organism nu o poate da dect sistemul nervos. Respectiv, faptul ca o entitate e "prieten" sau "duman" al organismului este o decizie a sistemului nervos central. Plecnd de aici, Pascu a dezvoltat o teorie pe care a

numit-o "Teoria gravitaionala a vieii", prin care demonstreaz ca esutul canceros nu este atacat de ctre sistemul imunitar deoarece celulele nervoase il considera "prieten". Mai clar, n msura n care celule canceroase sunt nscute de organism, acestea nu pot fi reperate drept inamici. Pascu propune izolarea nervoasa a esutului cancerigen pe cale chirurgicala, respectiv tierea legturilor cu reeaua nervoasa vegetativa, lucru care ar duce la "deteptarea" sistemului imunitar si atacarea tumorii. Vindecarea s-ar produce astfel in mod natural. Trebuie menionat ca metoda izolrii nervoase a unui organ prin metode chirurgicale a mai fost folosita in 1923 de ctre medicul roman Toma Ionescu, dar nu pentru cazuri de cancer.

"Nu am spus nimnui nimic pana nu m-am documentat temeinic. Voiam s fiu sigur c ceea ce susin eu nu este o nebunie. Apoi a trebuit s caut un medic care s fi avut tangen cu aceast boal si, totodat, s aib bunvoina de a lucra alturi de mine", spune Gabriel Pascu. n cursul acestui an, Gabriel Pascu a contactat un medic primar ORL-ist, chirurgul Dorel Manu de la Spitalul Titan, care opereaz tumori canceroase maligne de peste 20 de ani. Medicul a rmas surprins de teoria fizicianului si a pornit la verificarea ipotezei de lucru. "Informaiile sunt absolut noi si de o simplitate uluitoare. Dup opinia mea, ansele de succes sunt de 60 la sut, pn acum. Oricum, convingerea mea rmne ca leacul mpotriva cancerului trebuie s fie ceva extrem de simplu. In cazul de fa, peste cteva sptmni vom porni experimentele pe cobai, apoi vom vedea. Pn atunci vom forma o echipa de specialiti pe mai multe domenii pentru a ti exact in ce moment trebuie izolat tumora din punct de vedere nervos, astfel ca fenomenul de cretere a esutului malign sa fie stopat, iar organismul s nceap lupta cu tumora. Eu cred ca aceasta intervenie va trebui s se produc in faza incipienta. Oricum acest lucru se va releva in experiene pe animale. Dac totul merge bine, si cred ca va merge, pn la mijlocul anului viitor metoda va putea fi aplicata la om. M gndesc si la posibilitatea evitrii interveniei chirurgicale. Exist posibilitatea injectrii locale a unei substane care stopeaz circulaia informaiei nervoase in acea zon. O asemenea intervenie simplific si mai mult lucrurile", spune chirurgul Dorel Manu. La aceasta or, o copie a manuscrisului "Teoria gravitaionala a vieii" se afl

la profesorul universitar fizician Valer Toa, care urmeaz s o duc in Japonia si s o propun spre studiere si grupului multidisciplinar de lucru de pe lng Institutul National de Tehnologie al Japoniei. Specialitii japonezi au dat publicitii informaia conform creia organismul uman nvinge, pn la vrsta de 7 ani, aproximativ 20 de cancere in faza incipient. De ce nu i poate organismul pstra aceasta capacitate de lupt, nu se tie deocamdat. "n ceea ce privete metoda lor, trebuie s spun c sunt cam pesimist". "Nu tiu ce sa spun. Este adevrat c sistemul imunitar este influenat intr-o oarecare msura de ctre sistemul nervos, dar izolarea nervoas a tumorii cancerigene este o operaie mult prea delicat. Pe plan mondial se ncearc acum vaccinurile, care se pare c vor avea viitor, respectiv injectarea unor substane care au drept int celulele canceroase. n ceea ce privete metoda izolrii nervoase, trebuie s spun ca sunt cam pesimist", ne-a declarat Ion Blnescu, directorul Institutului Oncologic "Alexandru Trestioreanu" din Bucureti. tirea urmtoare COMENTARII Momentan nu sunt comentarii la acest articol. Adauga comentariul tau

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