Research For Documentary Group 4

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Target Audience

Scheduling Type Style Content

Narrative Structure Methods


Research Undertaken

Camera work, lighting, mise en scene

Opening and ending

Educating Essex (Similar Topic) Adults: to see what really goes on in schools these days as they cannot see the truth any other way. Children: at secondary school age because they can relate to what goes on in the programme (not any younger as the programme was on after the watershed, see scheduling) Channel 4. 9pm contains strong language. Investigative/informative, educational. Fly on the wall, 65 fixed cameras placed all over the school. Montage at the beginning to summarise the different aspects of school life. (Played before the title at the beginning of every episode.) Voiceover narrating what is going on throughout the programme. No presenter. No found footage or graphics. Captions when someone new is first being interviewed. Linear chronological Narration is done by the voiceover. Interaction between students and staff are shown which intrigues the audience. Captions when someone is first being interviewed. Interviews ask teacher and student opinions on the matters addressed on the programme. Opinions given from both staff and students about each other. E.g. Mr Goddard gives his opinion on Vinni; Vinni gives his opinion on Mr Drew. Not many facts, statistical data. The evidence is clear to see, on the screen as everything is being filmed. Research on the individual pupils they spoke about on the programme e.g. Vinni, Charlotte. Research done into what the school has achieved. (Become an academy and been labelled outstanding by Ofsted. Interviews done in front of lockers, dark lighting. Medium close up. Natural settings as the cameras are ignored. Christmas songs played then sound fades into the room where a teacher is playing the song from their computer, shows time of year. Interviews done as a medium close up to show the expression on their faces, some interviews were done with more than 1 person so in order to get 2 pupils in the frame the shot went to a medium shot. Montage at the beginning, exposition tells us what is going to happen throughout the series, gives the viewer an insight into what is coming up. School bell rings at the end of the programme to tie in with the subject of the documentary but also finalise the programme.

Target Audience

Scheduling Type Style Content

Narrative Structure Methods


Research Undertaken

Camera work, lighting, mise en scene

Opening and ending

Lessons in hate and violence (Same Channel, Channel 4) Adults who mightve sent their children to the school documented. Government who passed this school be proceed with their teachings. Channel 4. 8pm contains scenes of violence. Investigative/informative, educational, cultural. Undercover Voiceover narrating the events. No interviews because it was undercover so interviews would make the subject aware of the investigation. Presenter is visible at some stages of the programme, not on screen constantly; she is also the voiceover with another male presenter. Subtitles on screen as the footage and voices of the people being investigated is unclear Linear chronological Narration is done by the voiceover. Undercover footage shows behaviour that isnt acceptable outside of the schools. Cameras being placed in schools, unethical approach to do their research but the documentary demonstrates that filming inside the school would never be allowed because of their extreme teachings. Facts spoken by the voiceover/presenters, not many of them and none of them are visually on screen. Evidence is the footage that was taken from the schools. Opinions of the way the schools are run from the presenters and people who have attended the school and left. Research of the programme producers to know how and where to investigate. For example they knew which schools to investigate in which area so some research must have taken place. Research into who has attended the school and doesnt agree with its teachings, hence the confidential interview. Research into who the teachers were shown in the undercover footage in order to investigate their life work and confront them. One interview was done with the woman hidden, she wanted to keep her identity confidential so she had her back to the camera while the female presenter faced the camera and asked her about her daughters experience at the school. Lighting was mostly high key as filming was done outside in the day, the undercover footage wasnt as light as the inside of the schools were dark. Exposition explained what the show was going to be investigating. Introduced the place the documentary would be filming which makes it more personal for the audience as they might know the area.

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