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Lower urinary tract lithiasis is among the oldest of known human maladies, with an often dubious and barbaric

legacy spanning the full course of recorded human history. Notable sufferers of lower urinary tract lithiasis include Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, Francis Bacon, John Marshall, Peter the Great, Louis XIV, George IV, Boerhaave, Scarpa, and Napoleon Bonaparte and his descendants (Ellis, 1969; Khai-Linh and Segura, 2006). Ellis, 1969. Ellis H: A history of bladder stone. Oxford, Blackwell, 1969. Khai-Linh, Segura, 2006. Khai-Linh H, Segura JW: Lower urinary tract calculi. In: Wein AJ, Kavoussi LR, Novick AC, et al ed. Campbell-Walsh urology, 9th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2006:2663-2674.

In 1905, Shattock described what may be the earliest known case of lower urinary tract stone disease, when excavation of gravesites in Egypt revealed a 6.5-cm bladder calculus within the pelvis of the body of a 16-year-old boy, dating back to approximately 4800 BC. Given that the methods of burial diverged from Egyptian tradition, little else about the background of the remains could be surmised (Shattock, 1905). Shattock, 1905. Shattock SG: A prehistoric or predynastic Egyptian calculus. Trans Pathol Soc Lond 1905; 56:275.

Bibliographic information

Title Author Publisher Length Subjects

A Prehistoric Or Predynastic Egyptian Calculus Transactions of the Pathological Society. [Offprint] S. G. Shattock Adlard and Son, 1905 290 pages Egypt

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