HR Practice

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HR Practice About

HR Planning
Does it consider Political belief, Religious belief, Race, Sex / Gender, Color, Impairment to gauge the qualifications of a candidate? Yes No Work hour per weekOvertime policyTransfer policy-

Promotion policy-

Disciplinary policy-


A. Sources i. Internalii. Employee referrals iii. External Advertising Public employment agencies Private employment agencies Campus Recruitment Walk- ins and write-ins Open House Head- hunting Recruiting via the internet Unsolicited applicants (Walk-ins) iv. Alternatives Temporary help services Employee leasing Independent contractors B. Selection Process i. initial screening interview ii. completion of the application form iii. employment tests iv. comprehensive interview v. background investigation vi. conditional job offer vii. medical/physical exam viii. permanent job offer Selection process of MT`s

Allocation of jobs

Training and Development

MethodsJob rotation Simulation Understudy assignments Outdoor training Classroom lectures Films and videos

Performance Management
A. Performance appraisal Who appraises The immediate supervisor Peers Rating committees Self-ratings Subordinates 360-Degree feedback B. Appraisal Methods Essay Appraisal


Critical Incident Appraisal Checklist Appraisal Alternation ranking method Paired Comparison Performance rating

Employee Relation
A. Employee safety- any ISO certification? B. Employee healthC. Employee working condition-

A. Pay scale-

B. Provident fund and other funds-

C. Increment-

Benefits and Reward packages

A. Bonuses-

B. Worker Profit Participation Fund-

C. Medical facilitiesD. Compensation-

E. Discretionary benefit- e.g. pays for time not worked.

Key HR personnel-

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