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Citation:"Cagle Post Romney Beats Obama." Cagle Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2012.


The symbols represented in this cartoon are the big stick which represents Mitt Romneys fluent, smooth speaking which beats Obamas stuttering and over-thinking. I think that the cartoonist is showing how Mitt Romney was very prepared for the debate because he shows how Obama spoke softly (not very confident) versus Mitt Romney beating him with his debates. I know that when I heard the debate and saw that Mitt Romney was more confident than President Obama. This is the most accurate point-of-view out there! Even though I support Obama, I have to admit that Obama was not prepared for this debate. He sometimes had to really think for answers for what Romney said was wrong about his strategies. Obamas dumbfounded look in this cartoon represents how Obama weakly supported his own morals and how he didnt have very strengthening answers for Romneys questioning. This cartoonist really payed attention to the debate because he knows that Obama did not win the debate. Even though this cartoon was well thought out and well represented this debate, people should note that theres still more debates to come so that Obama can prove himself worthy of running this country. I think that this relates to the Area of Interaction of Community and Service. I think this because this Political cartoon might change a voters decision. This cartoon represents how outstanding Romney did in the debate and how it could have an impact on our community. It changes how our community views leaders and how they should vote for more prepared leaders. I think if Obama did better on the next debate, our community might see this as only luck.

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