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What is international law basis of international law relationship between international law
Custom, Treaties Sources of International Law Recognition of states, Recognition of governments De facto and De jure Recognition Types of Recognition: Implied Recognition, Conditional Recognition, Collective Recognition; Withdrawal of Recognition, The legal effects of recognition State Jurisdiction: Basics of Jurisdiction, Principles of Jurisdiction Exemption from Jurisdiction: Diplomatic Immunities Exemption from Jurisdiction : Armed Forces, Public Ships Law of the Sea: : First and Second Law of the Sea Conventions :Third Law of the Sea Convention {UNCLOS III (Moduleed Nations Convention on the Law of The Sea) Maritime Zones : Territorial Waters Contiguous Zone Exclusive Economic Zone Continental Shelf

High Seas : Sea Bed Authority 20. Deep Sea Bed Mining and International Sea Bed Area. Modes of Settlement of Disputes: Peaceful means, Modes of Settlement of Disputes: Peaceful means: Modes of Settlement of Disputes: Peaceful means Modes of Settlement of Disputes :Coercive means Modes of Settlement of Disputes :Coercive means War: Laws of War, War: Laws of War War: Laws of War Humanitarian Laws: Rules of neutrality. Rules of neutrality. Rules of neutrality

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