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Historical Background:
Historical studies show that people from early Paleolithic age inhabited Dharwad district. A few places of antiquarian interest and several sites of historical importance are found in the district. The district was ruled by various dynasties from the 5th century onwards. Important among them are Badami and Kalyan Chalukyas, Rastrakutas, Vijayanagar, Adilshahi, Mysore kingdom and Peshawas of Pune. Due to the rule of Peshwas, influence of Marathi is seen in the early decades of the 19th century. During the British rule, Dharwad became the divisional headquarter of educational administration and Kannada the vernacular language of the people gained prominence The major religions in the district are Hinduism, Islam, Jainism and Christianity. The majority of Hindus are found in both urban and rural areas. The population of the district is divided mainly into 3 categories, viz., main workers, marginal workers and non-workers. In the district, dry farming is the backbone of the agricultural economy. Agriculture is even now labour-intensive enterprise. Hence the district has an above average proportion of workers in its population and offers opportunities to seasonal workers. In 1962 the erstwhile towns of Dharwad and Hubli were amalgamated to constitute the Hubli Dharwad Municipal Corporation. Thus strictly speaking, the district takes its name from a portion of the pre-eminent town of the district. In 1830, the southern Maratha country was brought under Regulation VII and the territories were formed into one Collectorate called Dharwad District or Zilla. Before trifurcation of the district into Gadag and Haveri, the district consisted of 17 talukas.

Socio-Economic and Cultural Characteristics The district is a place for people belonging to various religions like Hinduism, Islam, Jainism and Christianity. Hindus, in particular, are spread across rural and urban areas. The widely spoken language in the district is Kannada, while a thin population is found using languages like Urdu, Marathi, Hindi, Telugu, Gujarati and Malayalam. Economy : The district falls in Tropical Region, which is largely affected by monsoons. This explains that the district is an agrobased economy, and also that agriculture is the main occupation in the whole of rural area of the district. The prestigious University of Agricultural Sciences at Dharwad has discovered new species of cotton and chilies, which is the first of its kind in the world. The existence of this prestigious institution has boosted the agro-based industries in the district. Therefore other activities of economy, i.e., trade and commerce are completely dependent on agriculture. As monsoon is highly uncertain in nature and as there is no major irrigation project or any hydel power generating station in the district, there is high degree of dry-land farming.

The mineral wealth is not quite impressive and forest wealth is equally unattractive. Manufacturing industry, particularly agro-based industry makes a significant contribution to the economy. Hubli-Dharwad are two of the major commercial centres in the State.
Of the total population, 39% makes up for working class. This consists of 26% of those engaged in agriculture sector. Till today, agriculture is a labour intensive enterprise. Many labourers largely depend on seasonal employment. The per capita income at current prices is Rs.14861 and at constant prices [93-94] it is Rs.10462. The State level per capita income at current prices is Rs.14909. The main kharif crops are cotton, chilies, sugarcane and groundnuts, and the main rabi crops are jowar, wheat, rice etc. Out of total cultivated land, only 12.10% is irrigated [as per the 4 th Economic Survey 1998]. On the industrial side, it is seen that there are 50602 industrial units existing in the district. The district has as many as 216 banks and 535 ration shops.

Transportation and Communication : Dharwad District has 156 kms of National, 163 kms of State and 599 kms of District Highways. Apart from this it has 777 village roads, 437 TDB roads, 32 Forest Roads and 189 other roads. There are 12 big bridges in the district. There are 151 kms of railway line, which has been converted into broad gauge. There are 21 railway stations on this line. There are 216 post offices, 167 telegraph and 73 telephone exchanges as means of communication for the general public. Public Health and Family Welfare : The public health infrastructure of Dharwad District consists of 26 Primary Health Centres, 3 SubHealth Units, 5 Govt. Hospitals, 27 Private Nursing Homes and Hospitals and 6 Family Welfare Centres with 185 sub-Family Welfare Units. Cultural Characteristics : The district receives a special recognition on the cultural map of the state. It has enriched the cultural fields like music, literature and art by producing famous and memorable names. The prestigious Jnanapeetha awardee Dr. D. R. Bendre of Dharwad, has contributed to the field of literature, to the extent of infinity. Renowned classical Hindustani singers like Kumar Gandaharva, Smt Gangubai Hangal, Mallikarjun Mansur, Pt. Bhimasen Joshi, Basavaraj Rajguru and Sangeeta Katti, have not only contributed to the field of music but have also made the district proud. The well known artist Halbhavi also belongs to Dharwad. On the religious front, the district being secular, has no. of holy places, like Muraghamath of Dharwad, Siddaroodhamatha and Moorsaviramath of Hubli, Amminbhavi Hiremath and Holy the Christ Church of Dharwad, which has celebrated its 150th year.



Total Population
















The percentage of urban population to the total population is 54.98, i.e., urban population is more than rural population. As per 1991 census, it is 52.53%. As per 2001 census, Hubli-Dharwad twin cities stand 2nd in the State having the highest population next to the capital city, Bangalore. The HDMC population works out to 6.53% of the Class I cities as per 2001 census.

SC Population (2001) Approx.

ST Population (2001) Approx.


Total Population (2001) Total SC

% of SC population to total Population



Total ST

% of ST population to total Population













Hubli Dharwad cities form 49.00% of the total population of the district. If we exclude these two cities, then there will not be any urban area in Hubli Taluka. These two cities have floating population and consists of children of elementary education. These points insist on having separate BRC for these educational blocks. The percentage of residents in urban area is more than that in Rural area i.e., 54.98%. The size of Male Population is more in both Urban and Rural areas. The size of Male Population in Rural areas is [51.42%] and that of Female Population in Urban Areas is [48.72%].

Density Sl. No Taluka 1991 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dharwad Hubli Kalghatagi Kundagol Navalgund HDMC District Total 187 178 177 212 149 3394 333 2001 216 203 200 242 163 4136 376

Year Sex Ratio

1971 928

1981 938

1991 935

2001 948

** Source :Census 1991, 2001 census.

City Statistics
Total Area Constructed Area Road Length Total Villages Included Rainfall & Temperature Average rainfall Temperature Height from sea level Solid Waste Management Total Amount of SWG per day(in tonnes) 400 tonnes/day 818 mm Max- 39oC Min- 16oC 2580 feet 202.28 Sq.Km 72.78 Sq.Km 595 Kms 45

Total Amount of MSW collected per day(in 256 tonnes/day tones)

Streetlight details Tube Light Sodium Vapour lamps Mercury vapour Lamps High Mast Installation Others Total 22,292 6,989 3092 67 2917 35,357

From 1947 Aug 15 to 1956 Oct 31, the district of Dharwad was in the Bombay province as the British Govt. divided it. On the 1st Nov 1956, after the state reorganization based on the language, Dharwad became part of Karnataka State. Important Events in Dharwad's history 1818 Dharwad came under complete British rule. General Munroe starts civil rule. 1820 Post office and District Collector's offices are established. 1820 Civil Magistrate's courthouse is built 1821 Collector Thackeray commences land survey 1824 Thackeray killed in the battle of Kittur by Rani Chennamma's forces 1826 First Marathi school 1830 Formation of the district of Dharwad

Shrukravarpet, Dharwad

Location: This is a one of the earliest erstwhile settlements in Dharwad. Majority of the residents in this locality are orthodox Brahmins and a few recent buildings belong to people of other communities.

The settlement has numerous temples As a part of olden tradition, many households have private temples of their own within the houses. Teakwood is used extensively on for construction on the interiors and exteriors. And the wood

There are two lakes in the surrounding areas and almost every household has a well. Community wells are also plenty only few are well maintained and still in use.
Some of the community wells are polluted with debris and the yearly immersion of idols.

Some houses are rented out to tenants. And many others have been modified according to the latest requirements. Some houses are partly renovated due to the decaying of the structure over the years. Many families have divided over the years and the house is split accordingly.

Owners settled in blore

Has 7 partitions rented out.

Conclusions: Majority of the houses are ill maintained. But otherwise the woodwork is in very good condition. The blithe areas are pulled down and new houses are built in the same area.

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