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1511/1 LTS Science 2007 FORM 4 Paper 1






FORM 4 CHAPTER 1 : BODY COORDINATION 2004 1 The diagram shows a neuron. X

What is labeled X? A B 2 Axon Dendrite C D Dendron Myelin sheath

The diagram shows a part of the human nervous system.

S What is lebelled S? A B 3 Cerebrum Cerebellum C D Spinal cord Medulla oblongata

The diagram shows the endocrine glands. Which of the following glands A, B, C or D is the pancreas?


2005 1 The diagram shows an impulse pathway.

Which of the following actions involves the impulse pathway? A B C D 2 Swallowing food Dancing with music Walking on a tight rope Blinking of the eyes to protect from dust

The diagram shows the structure of a human brain. Which part of the brain controls involuntary actions?

Deficiency of which element causes the thyroid gland to swell? A B C D Calcium Sodium Iron Iodine

2006 1 Diagram 5 shows a type of neurone.

DIAGRAM 5 The neurone carries an impulse from A B C D 2 the effector to the central nervous system the central nervous system to the effector the receptor to the central nervous system the central nervous system to the receptor

The following information shows the parts that are involved in a reflex arc.

Which of the following impulse pathways is correct? A B C D PQRST TSRPQ R P S Q T TSPRQ

Diagram 6 shows the structure of a human brain. Which of the parts A , B, C or D controls the body equilibrium?


FORM 4 CHAPTER 1 : BODY COORDINATION Answer 2004 1 B 2 D 3 B 2005 1 D 2 B 3 D 2006 1 C 2 B 3 C

CHAPTER 3 : HEREDITY AND VARIATION 2004 1 The process to produce gamete is A B 2 mutation mitosis C D meiosis fertilization

The figure shows the inheritance of height of pea plants Tall pea Parent Tt Tall pea





Which offspring has a correct pair of genes? A B C D 3 Offspring P Q R S Pair of genes Tt TT TT tt

The chromosomes present in the male skin cells are A B 22 + Y 22 + X C D 44 + XX 44 + XY

Ali and Ahmad are identical twins. Ali is brought up in Malaysia. Ahmad is brought up in England by his foster parents. They may be different in A B weight blood group C D type of earlobe the ability to roll tongue

The figure shows the breeding of two different type of papaya. Papaya P Has thick flesh Tastes sweet Small fruit X Papaya Q Slightly thick flesh Bigger fruit Ripens simultaneously Papaya R

The breeding of these papayas is to produce A B C D 2005 1 The diagram shows the different phases in cell division in mitosis. plenty of papaya R sweeter papaya R a papaya R tree that bears fruit earlier a papaya R tree that is resistant to disease

Which is the correct sequence in the mitosis? A B C D P, Q, R, S Q, R, P, S R, S, Q, P S, P, R, Q

The diagram shows a first generation of cross breeding of two cats.

H represents the dominant genes for black fur. h represents recessive genes for white fur. What are the genes for the parents? A B C D 3 Male HH HH Hh hh Female Hh hh hh Hh

The diagram shows how the sex of offspring is determined in humans.

Which chromosomes are found in gametes P and Q? A B C D P 22 + X 22 + Y 44 + X 44 + Y Q 22 + Y 22 + X 44 + Y 44 + X

Which of the following is an example of a discontinuous variation? A B C D Height Skin colour Body weight Blood group

2006 1. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the mitosis stages?



Diagram 7 shows the inheritance of height in a type of plant.

Diagram 7

What is the ratio of the number of tall young plants to the number of dwarf young plants in the filial generation? A1:0 B1:I C1:3 D3:1 3. Which of the following is caused by chromosome mutation? A Haemophilia B Colour blindness C Down's syndrome D Sickle-cell anaemia 4. Which of the following statements is correct about meiosis? A Involves all types of cells B Involved in growth C Halves the number of chromosomes D Genetic contents of daughter cells and parent cells are similar 5. Which of the following is an example of a continuous variation? A Height B Blood group C Type of ear lobe D Ability to roll the tongue

CHAPTER 3 : HEREDITY AND VARIATION Answer 2004 1 2 3 4 5 2005 1 2 3 4 2006 1 2 3 4 5 A D C C A B C B D C D D A C

CHAPTER 4 : MATTER AND SUBSTANCE 2004 1 Which of the following A, B, C or D represents the process of sublimation? A

The figure shows the structures of atoms P and Q. Keys Electron Neutron Proton P Q

What is the similarity between atom P and Q? A B C D 3 The number of neutrons. The nucleon number. The proton number The subatomic particles

The figure shows an incomplete periodic table. I II X Group III IV V VI VII VIII

Element X is a A metal B non-metal


semiconductor transition element

Which of the following elements are non-metal? A B C D Iron, sulphur, chlorine Carbon, sulphur, chlorine Carbon, iron, chlorine Iron, copper, lead

2005 1 Which of the following A, B, C or D represents gas particles?

The diagram shows the structure of an atom. Which of the following A, B, C or D is a proton?

The diagram shows an incomplete periodic table.

What type of element is in the shaded area? A B C D 4 Metal Inert gas Non-metal Semi-metal

Pure water can be produced from polluted water by A B C D evaporation boiling distillation crystallization

2006 1 Diagram L shows a change in the state of matter.

DIAGRAM 1 What is process X? A B C D melting boiling condensation sublimation

Diagram 2 shows the structure of an atom.

Which of the following A, B, C or D represents a proton? 3 Diagram 3 shows an incomplete periodic table.

What is element X? A B C D 4 Metal lnert gas Non-metal Semi-metal

The following information shows the characteristics and uses of material Y.

Light weight Shiny surface Used as food wrapper Good heat conductor

What is material Y? A B C D 5 zinc plastic carbon aluminium Diagram 4 shows a container used by a seller to keep ice creams.

DIAGRAM 4 What is the reason for putting common salt on top of the ice? A B C D to improve the taste of the ice cream to increase the melting point of the ice cream to slow down the freezing of the ice cream to prevent the ice cream from melting quickly

CHAPTER 4 : MATTER AND SUBSTANCE Answer 2004 1 D 2 C 3 A 4 B 2005 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 C 2006 1 2 3 4 5 C B A B D

CHAPTER 5 : ENERGY AND CHEMICAL CHANGES 2004 1 Which of the following is a physical change? A B C D 2 Boiling of water Heating of zinc carbonate Heating of iron and sulphur Putting a piece of calcium into water

The diagram shows a chemical reaction.

Dilute sulphuric acid Magnesium ribbon What is the gas released? A B 3 Nitrogen dioxide Carbon dioxide C D Hydrogen Oxygen

The diagram shows an electroplating of an iron ring.

Iron ring

Silver Solution X

What is solution X? A B 4 Aluminium nitrate Copper(II) sulphate C D Silver nitrate Iron(II) sulphate

What type of battery is used in a car? A B Alkaline battery Acid-lead battery C D Nickel-cadmium battery Silver oxide battery

2005 1 The diagram shows an experiment to study the heat change in a chemical reaction.

What type of reaction is involved? A B C D 2 Exothermic Endothermic Neutralization Decomposition

The diagram shows the position of metal X in the reactivity series of metals. Metal X Carbon Copper Reactivity increase

What is metal X? A B C D Zinc Iron Lead Magnesium

The diagram shows a process involved in a green plant.

Which of the following substances are produced in the above process? I II III A B C D 2006 1 Which of the following is a chemical change? A B C D 2 melting of ice dissolving sugar in water burning of magnesium ribbon extraction of salt from sea water Glucose Oxygen Nitrogen I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III

Diagram 8 shows a reaction between a metal and dilute acid. Gas X

Dilute acid

Magnesium DIAGRAM 8

What is gas X? A B C D 3 chlorine oxygen nitrogen hydrogen

Which metal can be extracted from its ore through the process of reduction using carbon? A B C D tin calcium aluminium magnesium

CHAPTER 5 : ENERGY AND CHEMICAL CHANGES Answer 2004 1 A 2 C 3 C 4 B 2005 1 A 2 A 3 A 2006 1 C 2 D 3 A

CHAPTER 6 : NUCLEAR ENERGY 2004 1 The figure shows radioactive radiation passing through an electric field. Positive plate Radioactive source Negative plate What is labeled Q? A B 2 X-ray Alpha ray C D Beta ray Gamma ray Q

The figure shows how radioactive rays penetrate through different materials. Paper X Y Aluminium Z Lead

Radioactive material What are rays X, Y and Z? A B C D 3 X Alpha Gamma Beta Alpha Y Beta Alpha Alpha Gamma Z Gamma Beta Gamma Beta

The figure shows a nuclear fission of uranium-235 bombarded by particle X. Krypton

Particle X


Particle X


What is particle X? A B 4 Proton Neutron C D Nucleon Electron

The diagram shows an experiment to study the absorption of fertilizer in a young banana tree. The absorption is studied by adding element X to the fertilizer.

Soil + fertilizer containing element X Element X is A B 2005 1 Which element is used as a source of energy in a nuclear reactor? A B C D 2 Cobalt Carbon Radium Uranium iodine-131 cobalt-60 C D carbon-14 phosphorus-32

Which of the following are the uses of radioactive substances? I II III A B C D To detect the leakage of underground pipes To sterilize pests To kill microorganisms on surgical instruments I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III

2006 1 What are the charges of alpha rays, beta rays and gamma rays? Alpha rays A Positive B Positive C Negative D Neutral 2 Beta rays Negative Neutral Neutral Positive Gamma rays Neutral Negative Positive Negative

A group of archeologists found a human skeleton which was believed to be buried thousands of years ago. They want to estimate the age of the skeleton. What is the radioactive material they would use? A B C D lodine-131 Cobalt-60 Carbon-14 Uranium-235

CHAPTER 6 : NUCLEAR ENERGY Answer 2004 1 D 2 A 3 B 4 D 2005 1 2 D D

2006 1 A 2 C

CHAPTER 7 : LIGHT, COLOUR AND SIGHT 2004 1 Which of the following is a characteristic of the image of an object formed by a plane mirror? A B 2 Real Inverted C D Laterally inverted Bigger than the object

A student uses a convex lens to check the internal components of a wrist watch. What is the distance between the lens and the watch in order to see a larger image? A B C D Twice the focal length The same as the focal length Less than the focal length More than twice the focal length

When a certain coloured light is shined onto a red object, the object appears black. The colour of the light is A B white green C D yellow magenta

2005 1 The diagram shows an object which is placed in front of a plane mirror.

Which image appears in the plane mirror?

Plane mirror

The diagram shows the position of an object Q in front of a convex lens. At which of the following positions A, B, C or D is the image of object Q formed?

The diagram shows the dispersion of white light using a glass prism.

What are the colours at R and S? A B C D 4 R Violet Red Red Orange S Red Violet Blue Violet

The diagram shows an observer looking at the sky at noon.

Which colour of the sunlight dispersed the most? A B C D 5 Blue White Green Yellow

The diagram shows overlapping coloured lights.

The colour of light in the shaded area is A B C D 2006 1 Diagram 9 shows the colours of a flower and a leaf seen under different colours of light. white green red yellow



Green Seen under white light DIAGRAM 9 What is the colour of light X? A B C D 2 Blue Green Red Yellow Seen under light X


Which of the following optical instruments uses plane mirrors? A B C D Camera Periscope Telescope Microscope

If a white shirt is to be turned to an orange colour, which colour dyes must be used? A B C D Blue and green Red and blue Green and red Yellow and red

CHAPTER 7 : LIGHT, COLOUR AND SIGHT Answer 2004 1 C 2 C 3 B 2005 1 2 3 4 5 2006 1 2 3 B B D B C B A D

CHAPTER 8 : CHEMICAL IN INDUSTRY 2004 1 Which of the following are uses off an alloy? I To make ornaments II To produce superconductors III To build the bodies of air craft A B 2 I and II only I and III only C D II and III only I, II and III

The information shows a word equation of the Haber process. Iron catalyst 200 atm 450 500 OC

Nitrogen + Hydrogen


What happens when the temperature is decreased to 200 OC? I Less ammonia is produced II The reaction becomes slow III Solid ammonia is produced A B 3 I and II only I and III only C D II and III only I, II and III

The surrounding area of a factory is polluted when the factory A B C D uses air-conditioning uses a low smoke chimney uses electricity to operate burns waste materials in an enclosed incinerator

2005 1 Which of the following processes increases the hardness of a metal? A B C D 2 Purification Alloying Plating Polymerization

The word equation below shows the reaction to produce a type of fertilizer. Ammonia + sulphuric acid Fertilizer X

Fertilizer X is A B C D 2006 1 What is the main metal used in the formation of pewter? A B C D 2 Iron Nickel Tin Antimony ammonium nitrate ammonium sulphate ammonium chloride ammonium carbonate

Choose the correct match between industrial wastes and the method of controlling them. A B C D Industrial wastes Radioactive wastes Toxic wastes Oil palm wastes Soot and dust Methods of controlling Recycle Flow out to the river Open burning Electrostatic precipitator

CHAPTER 8 : CHEMICAL IN INDUSTRY Answer 2004 1 B 2 A 3 B 2005 1 2 2006 1 2 C D B B

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