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w ww w

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1. The term frequency response means the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ response of a system to a sinusoidal input a. Transient b. steady state c. Impulse d. time

2. The transfer function G(s) =

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is an example of

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a. Non minimum phase function b. Minimum phase function c. All pass function d. Neither minimum, non minimum nor all pass function 3. The correlation between time response & frequency response exists for the range of '' given by a.

c. d. 4. Bandwidth & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are inversely proportional to each other a. Damping factor b. Undamped natural frequency c. Settling time d. Rise time 5. A linear system G(s) is subjected to a sinusoidal input 'r(t) = A the system output will be


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'. Under steady state

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a. b. c. d. 6. The frequency response test on a system can be performed by varying a. Input amplitude b. Input frequency c. Output amplitude d. Output frequency 7. The sinusoidal transfer function is obtained by replacing 's' by a. b. c.

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2 2

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d. - 8. In frequency response analysis the nature of input signal is

a. Step b. Ramp c. Parabolic d. Sinusoidal 9. Bandwidth is the frequency at which the magnitude drops to _ _ _ _ % of its zero frequency value a. b. c. d. 10. An a. 70.7 50 14.14 90 all pass system has

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Pole zero pattern antisymmetric about imaginary axis.

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b. All poles and zeros in the left half of s-plane. c. All poles and zeros in the right half of s-plane. d. Random pole-zero pattern in s-plane. 11. The magnitude of the pure time delay term is unity. This is true for

a. All frequencies b. Only low frequencies c. Only high frequencies d. For a particular frequency range which depends on the over all transfer function of the system 12. In the magnitude plot of a simple pole, a maximum error of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dBs occurs at corner frequency a. 1 b. 0 c. - 3 d. - 1.414 13. In the straight line approximation of magnitude plot the slope changes at corner frequencies by a value which is in multiples of _ _ _ _ _ dBs / decade a. b. c. d. 14. An 20 14.14 8 10 octave is the range of frequencies given by

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a. b. c. d. 15. Bode diagram consists of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ plots. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 16. dBs are units of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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a. b. c. d. 17. The frequency at which high frequency and low frequency magnitude plots intersect is called a. Resonant frequency b. Cut off frequency c. Corner frequency

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d. Gain cross over frequency 18. In magnitude plot of bode diagram the quantity taken on y-axis is a. b. c. d. 19. A decade is the range of frequencies given by a. b. c. d. 20. Corner frequency is also called as a. Resonant frequency b. Cut off frequency c. Break frequency

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d. Neper frequency 21. A unity feed back system has G(s) = asymptote is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dB/decade

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. The slope of the low frequency

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a. - 40 b. - 20 c. - 80 d. 80 22. The phase angle of transportation lag is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ degrees. a. - 57.3 b. - 17.3 c. d. 57.3 23. The log magnitude of a system with transfer function a. b. c. d. Unity - 20 - 46.05 0

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24. A unity feed back system has G(s) = is a. b. c. d. 180 0 90 - 90

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. The phase angle in degrees at zero frequency .The phase angle in degrees at zero frequency

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25. A unity feed back system has G(s) = is

a. - 90 b. 90 c. -180 d. 270 26. If a system consists of one zero and five poles the final slope of the magnitude plot is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dBs / decade. a. b. c. d. 80 - 80 - 60 60

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find the phase angle at

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27. Given loop transfer function G(s) = a. 270

b. c. d.

360 - 360 - 270

28. Given G(s) = a. b. c. d. 29. If a. b. c. d. 20 12.04 0.602 1 10 20 46 23

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. The magnitude in dBs at =1 is = 10 then the magnitude in dBs is

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30. A unity feed back system has G(j) = . The frequency in rad/sec at which the log magnitude plot intersects with 0-dB axis is a. 5.66 b. 32 c. 1024 d. 30.10 31. The magnitude plot of a system is shown below Figure(a) . The value of 1 is

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32. In the magnitude plot of a system, the slope changes by - 40dBs at

is positive. This indicates the presence of the factor of the form

a. b. c. d.

10 100 1 0.1

a. b. c.

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and the error

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d. 33. The magnitude plot of a system is shown below Figure(a) The open loop transfer function of the system is

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a. b. c. d.

2/s 4/s 1.414/s 2 / s2

34. The magnitude plot of a system is shownFigure(a) .The loop transfer function of the system is

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a. b. c.

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d. 35. The magnitude plot of a system is shown in the figure(a) .The open loop transfer function of the system is

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a. b. c.

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0 1 2 3 the low frequency asymptote has a slope of - 20dB/decade then the factor present in

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d. 36. In the magnitude plot, the slope of the asymptote corresponding to low frequency region is - 40 dB/decade. The type of the system is a. b. c. d. 37. If

the transfer function is of the form

a. 1/ [1+ ( )]

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b. 1+ (j ) c. 1/ j d. j 38. In magnitude plot of a system the slope changed by + 20dBs at = 10 rad/sec. The corresponding factor in the loop transfer function is

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a. (1+0.1j ) b. 1/(1+0.1j ) c. 10/ j d. 10 j 39. The magnitude plot of a system is shown in Figure(a) . The open loop transfer function of the system is

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a. b. c.


10/ 3.16/j

d. 3.16/ 40. The magnitude plot of a system is shown in figure(a) .The log magnitude in dBs at = 1 is

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b. c. d.

40 6 -6

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is +ve. The

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41. The PM of a system with the open loop transfer function G(s) H(s) = GM (in dBs) of the system is

a. b. 0 c. - 6 d. 6 42. From the bode plot of a system the value of magnitude at phase cross over frequency is found to be -10dBs. The GM then is a. 10dBs b. - 10dBs c. 0.1dBs d. - 0.1dBs 43. From the bode plots it is observed that the gain cross over frequency is greater than phase cross over frequency. The system then is a. b. c. unstable stable critically stable

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can't be predicted from the given data.

44. The bode plots for a system are shown in the Figure(a) . The following observation can be made from the figure

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a. Both GM and PM are positive b. GM is positive and PM is negative c. Both GM and PM are negative d. GM is negative and PM is positive 45. From the Bode Plot of a given unstable system the GM is found to be +ve. The PM then is a. +ve b. - ve c. can't be predicted from the given data d. Depends on the transfer function of the system. 46. The frequency at which the magnitude plot crosses the 0 - dB axis is called a. b. c. Gain cross over frequency Phase cross over frequency Corner frequency

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d. Resonant frequency 47. for a critically stable system if the gain cross over frequency is 'X' and phase cross over frequency is 'Y' then a. X = Y b. X>Y c. X< Y d. X 48. From the bode plot of a system the value of found to be -150 0 .The PM of the system is

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at gain cross over frequency is

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a. 300 b. - 300 c. - 1500 d. 1500 49. If the phase cross over frequency is equal to gain cross over frequency then the system is

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a. Critically stable b. Stable c. Unstable d. Can't predict from the given data. 50. For a given system GM = 12 dBs and PM = 300.The system is a. b. c. d. Stable unstable limitedly stable Given data is insufficient to predict.

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51. A unity feed back system is G(s) = . For the inverse polar plot of this system, the magnitude and phase angle at zero frequency are a. b. c. d. 1,0 0.1,0

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. It is axis. The

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52. The open loop transfer function of a system is given by G(s) = observed that the polar plot of the system intersects with negative

magnitude and phase at this point of intersection are

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a. 0.287, 0.3162 b. 0.91,3162 c. 0.1, 0.091 d. 11, 0 53. Addition of a nonzero pole to a transfer function results in further rotation of the polar plot through an angle of -900 at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ frequency. a. b. both 0 & c. 0 d. neither 0 nor 54. Addition of a zero at origin to a transfer function results in rotation of the polar plot through an angle of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at both 0 & frequencies a. b. c. d. 900 - 900 0 0 180

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. The polar plot of this

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55. The loop transfer function of a system is system will intersect with a. b. c. +ve j & +ve real axis - ve real, +j, +ve real axes Only +ve imaginary axes

d. Only - ve imaginary axes 56. Polar plot is defined as the locus of tip of G(j) H(j) phasor as the input frequency is varied over a frequency range given by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ where are any two frequencies other than 0 and a. b. c. d. 57. With reference to a complex function P( a. b. c. d.

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) , which of the following is true? .The magnitude and

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Both magnitude and phase angle of P(j) are functions of frequency . Only magnitude of P(j) is a function of frequency . Only phase angle of P(j) is a function of frequency . Neither magnitude nor phase angle of P(j) are functions of frequency.

58. The loop transfer function of a system is G(s) H(s) = phase angle at infinite frequency are

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a. b. c. d. 0 , - /2 0, /2

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59. A system is characterized by G(s) H(s) = of G(j) H(j) at infinite frequency are a. b. c. d. 0, - 360 0, - 270

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. The magnitude and phase angle

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60. A unity feed back system is G(s) = . The polar plot of this system is observed to be asymptotic to the vertical line passing through (-x, j0). The value of 'x' is a. 15 b. 2.4 c. 0.167 d. 36 61. A given stable system has no open loop poles in the right half s-plane. For stability the

Nyquist plot should encircle the (-1+j0) point ,

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a. Zero times or zero net encirclement b. Once in CCW direction c. Once in CW direction d. Twice in CCW direction 62. Which of the following statements is true with respect to a function q(s) in the theory of complex variables? a. b. c. d. Every s-plane contour which does not pass through any singular point has a corresponding contour in the q(s) plane Every s-plane contour passing through singular points has a corresponding contour in the q(s) plane Only those contours of s-plane which lie in the LH plane have corresponding contours in the q(s) plane Any s-plane contour which does not pass through origin has a corresponding contour in the q(s) plane .The function is analytic at every point in the s-

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63. A function q(s) is given by q(s) = plane except at these points. a. b. c. d. 0 &2 0, 1 &2 1 0

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. It's value at s = (1+j) is

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64. A function is given by q(s) = a. b. c. d. 1- j2 1-j 0.2 + j0.4 0.2 - j0.4

65. A function F(s) is given by 1+G(s).If G(s) =

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a. 1.115 - j0.577 b. 1.115 + j0.577 c. 0.115 - j0.577 d. 0.115 + j0.577 66. The Nyquist stability criterion is based on a theorem of complex variables due to a scientist by name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. a. b. c. Cauchy Nyquist Bode

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, the value of F(1+j2) is

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d. Nichol

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67. A system has G(s) H(s) = .The corresponding Nyquist contour is found to encircle (-1+j0) point once in CCW direction. The no. of closed loop poles in right half of s-plane are a. 0 b. 2 c. 1 d. 3 68. Nyquist stability criterion is used to determine

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a. Only closed loop stability b. Only open loop stability c. Both open loop & closed loop stability d. Neither open loop nor closed loop stability 69. A system has 2 open loop poles & one closed loop pole in the right half s-plane. The Nyquist plot of this system will encircle the (-1+j0) point a. b. Once in CCW direction Once in CW direction c.

Thrice in CW direction

d. Thrice in CCW direction 70. Two poles & 3 zeros of a function q(s) are enclosed by an s-plane contour. The net encirclement of origin by the corresponding q(s)-plane contour will be

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a. Once in CW direction b. Once in CCW direction c. 5 times in CW direction d. 5 times in CCW direction 71. A minimum phase system has a single pole at the origin. The minimum effort required for the assessment of stability is by mapping

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a. Only that segment of Nyquist contour from = 0+ to b. The entire imaginary axis segment from - to + of Nyquist contour c. The entire Nyquist contour d. The entire Nyquist contour except the small semicircular indent around the origin. 72. The Nyquist plot of a type-1, 3rd order minimum phase system with an open loop gain K intersected the real axis at (-0.25,0). After a change in gain the plot intersected the real axis at (-0.75,0). The modified value of gain is a. b. c. d. 3K (1/3)K 9K (1/9)K

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. The Nyquist plot intersects the real

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73. A system has loop transfer function G(s) = axis at

a. (0,0) b. (- 5,0) c. (- 0.2,0) d. (- ,0) 74. The Nyquist plot of a type-1, 3rd order system intersects the - ve real axis at (- 0.2,0). If the open loop gain K is doubled the new point of intersection will be a. b. c. d. (- 0.4,0) (- 0.2,0) (- 0.1,0) (- 0.8,0)

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where varies from

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75. The open loop transfer function of a system is given by G(s)H(s) = . In the Nyquist contour selected the poles at origin are bypassed by a small semi circular indent represented by s =

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a. - 900 through 0 to 900 b. 900 through 0 to - 900 c. -1800 through 0 to 1800 d. 1800 through 0 to - 1800 76. A system has open loop poles present on true w.r.t. Nyquist Stability Criterion?

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axis. Which of the following statements is

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a. The Nyquist contour can be selected and stability analysis can be carried out. b. The Nyquist contour can be selected but stability analysis can't be carried out. c. The Nyquist contour can't be selected but stability analysis can be carried out. d. Neither Nyquist contour can be selected nor stability analysis be carried out. 77. When open loop transfer function has poles on axis, then for stability analysis a. b. c. d. The Nyquist contour The Nyquist contour is The Nyquist contour is The Nyquist contour is is suitably indented to bypass all the - axis poles. selected without any modifications. modified to account for only poles at origin. modified to account for only symmetrically placed poles on

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- axis . The Nyquist plot

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78. A system has an open loop transfer function G(s)H(s) = encircles the point (-1+j0) a. b. c. d.

Zero times Once in CCW direction Once in CW direction A definite number of times in CCW direction which depends on the value of open loop gain 'K' . The frequency in

79. The open loop transfer function of a system is G(s)H(s) = rad/sec at which the Nyquist plot intersects with - ve real axis is

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a. b. 0 c. 4 d. 2.5 80. The Nyquist plot of a stable system does not encircle the (-1+j0) point. The system is a. b. c. d. a minimum phase function a non min. phase function an all pass function

of a type which cant be predicted from the given data

81. The GM of a system G(s)H(s)= frac{1}{(s+1)3} is a. b. c. d. 8 2 4 16

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. The phase cross over frequency is

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82. A system is given by G(s)H(s) =

a. 0.707 b. 0.5 c. 1.732 d. 2 83. For a reasonably good degree of relative stability the values of GM (dBs) and PM (degrees) should be a. 6,30 b. 0,0 c. 60,80 d. 1,3 84. The polar plot of a system passes through the point (-1+j0). The GM is a. b. c. d. 0 dB -1 dB 1 dB < 1dB

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85. For a given system the damping ratio '' is 0.45. The approximate value of PM in degrees is

a. 45 b. 4.5 c. 0.45 d. Can't be determined from the given data 86. The Nyquist plot of a minimum phase system encloses the point (-1+j0) point. The GM of the system is a. < 0 b. 0 c. > 0 d. 87. Relative stability analysis from Nyquist plots can be carried out for a. b. c. d. 88. If Open loop stable systems only Open loop unstable systems only Both open loop stable & unstable systems Neither open loop stable nor open loop unstable systems the gain of an open loop system is doubled then the GM

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a. becomes half b. is not affected c. gets doubled d. becomes one fourth 89. A large GM or large PM indicates

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a. very much stable but very sluggish system b. reasonably stable and non sluggish system c. critically stable and sluggish system d. unstable system 90. A GM close to unity corresponds to a. b. c. d. a highly oscillatory system a critically stable system reasonably stable system an unstable system

91. A unity feed back system has G(s) = a result of this change

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.The real pole is moved from s = -2 to -10. As

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a. The shape of Nyquist plot is not affected at all b. The Nyquist plot is affected at 0 frequency only c. The Nyquist plot is affected at frequency only d. The Nyquist plot is affected at both zero and frequencies 92. An open loop transfer function of a system has only real poles. If a pole at origin is added to this system the shape of the Nyquist plot is affected in the following manner:

a. b. c. d.

The Nyquist plot is affected at both zero and frequencies The Nyquist plot is affected at 0 frequency only The Nyquist plot is affected at frequency only The Nyquist plot is not affected at all

93. A unity feed back system has G(s) = . To this system a real pole at s = -10 and real zero at s = - 5 are added. For the new system a. The shape of Nyquist plot is not affected at all b. The Nyquist plot is affected at frequency only c. The Nyquist plot is affected at 0 frequency only d. The Nyquist plot is affected at both zero and frequencies 94. Adding a pole at s = 0 to a loop transfer function will a. b. c. reduce the stability of closed loop system increase the stability of closed loop system not affect the stability of closed loop system

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d. increase the stability of closed loop system under some specific conditions 95. A non zero pole is added to the loop transfer function of a system. The closed loop stability then

a. is reduced b. is improved c. is not affected d. is improved to an extent which depends on the loop transfer function. 96. Addition of zeros to the loop transfer function affects the closed loop stability in the following manner. a. b. c. d. It is improved It is reduced It is not affected The exact effect depends on the loop transfer function

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97. A system has G(s)H(s) = . A real pole at s = -2 is added to this system. Which of the following is true with respect to the new system a. b. The Nyquist plot is affected at frequency only The Nyquist plot is affected at both zero and frequencies


The Nyquist plot is affected at 0 frequency only

The Nyquist plot is not affected at all

98. A unity feed back system has G(s) = For this new system a. b. c. d.

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.A pole at origin is added to this system. . If the pole at origin is moved to s = -2, which of

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The Nyquist plot is affected at both zero and frequencies The Nyquist plot is affected at 0 frequency only The Nyquist plot is affected at frequency only The Nyquist plot is not affected at all

99. A unity feed back system has G(s) = the following is true? a. b. c. d. 100.

Both M & are not affected at frequency Only M is affected at frequency Only is affected at frequency Both M & are not affected at 0 frequency If a real pole is added to a loop transfer function then

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a. The Nyquist plot is affected at frequency only b. The Nyquist plot is affected at both zero and frequencies c. The Nyquist plot is affected at 0 frequency only d. The Nyquist plot is not affected at all 101. In the design process by Bode plots if the gain is changed from 3 to 6, the new magnitude plot can be obtained by shifting the original plot up by _ _ _ _ _ _ dBs a.

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b. c. d.

- 6.02 9.54 15.56


102. A unity feed back system with G(s) = of open loop gain that will yield a GM of 20 dBs is a. b. c. d. 103. a. b. c. d.

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4 2.5 16.67 10 In Control System design GM & PM are usually provided to account for the uncertainties in the system make the system respond fast reduce the overshoot in the step response reduce the steady state offset

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has a GM of 12dBs. The value

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ww . w ww w
a. b. c. d. 7.04 13.06 3.52 -2.5

ww . w ww w

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104. A unity feed back system has G(s) = . The gain is tripled in the design process by Bode plots. The new value of gain in dBs is

105. A unity feed back system has G(s) = . If the gain is increased by 2 the value of log magnitude in dBs at = 1 is 20 log k which is equal to a. 15.56 b. 36.39 c. 6 d. 12 106. In the frequency domain design if the open loop gain is increased the gain cross over frequency ( 1) & phase cross over frequency ( 2) on the Bode plots get affected in the following manner: a.

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1 moves to right while 2 remains constant

Both 1 2 move to right

c. Both 1 2 remain constant d. 1 is constant while 2 moves to right 107. A device inserted into the system for the purpose of satisfying the desired specifications is called a. b. c. d. 108. a. b. c. d. 109. a. b. c. d. 110. a. b. c.

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compensator moderator separator comparator In case of simple control systems the desired specifications can be met by adjusting the gain varying the frequency changing the input the signal modifying the basic structure of the system If the gain is increased the magnitude plot of Bode plot

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shifts up shifts down does not get affected gets totally changed & shifts down In frequency domain (Bode) design, with a change in gain only the magnitude plot will be affected both magnitude & phase angle plots will be affected only the phase angle plot will be affected

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d. 111.

neither magnitude nor phase angle plot are affected In a lead network the noise immunity is

a. low b. high c. very high d. infinite 112. To prevent the signal/noise ratio at the output of a load compresator from deteriorating excessively the value of '' should be a. b. c. d. not less than 0.07 less than 0.07 zero infinite

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Maximum phase lead in degrees for the compensator Gc(s) = is

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113. a.


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b. c. d. 0.82 39.28 50.7 114. For a system Gc(s) = maximum phase lead angle is a. b. c. d. 115. a. b. c. d. 116. a. 6.32 0.158 14.14 0.07

ww . w ww w
the frequency ' m' (in rad/sec) corresponding to

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The transfer function of a compensator is Gc(s) = . It represents a

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lead compensator lag compensator lag-lead compensator lead-lag compensator For a lead compensator the value of should be 0 1 0 1

c. d. 117. a. b. c. d. 118. a. b. c. d. 119. a. b. d.

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High pass filter Low pass filter Band pass filter Band stop filter With a lead compensator the rise time of the system will

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A lead compensator is a

decrease increase remain same increase to the extent which depends on the loop transfer function of the system A lead compensator speeds up transient response & increases the margin of stability speeds up transient response & decreases the margin of stability c. slows down transient response & increases the margin of stability slows down transient response & decreases the margin of stability

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. The maximum phase

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120. The transfer function of a compensator is Gc(s) = lead angle will occur at a frequency equal to a. b. 50 0.02

c. 20 d. 0.05 0 121. In a lag network the maximum phase lag is 30 . If the compensating pole is at s = -3 the compensating zero is at s = a. b. c. d. 122. -9 -1 - 30 - 0.3 In a lag compensator the sensitivity function is greater than unity. This is true for

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a. frequencies greater than Bandwidth b. entire frequency range c. frequencies lesser than Bandwidth d. frequency equal to Bandwidth 123. A network has a pole at s = -1 and a zero at s = -2. If this network is excited by a sinusoidal signal, the output at steady state will

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a. b. c. d. 124. a. b. c. d. 125. lag the input lead the input be in phase with the input decay exponentially to zero In the time domain, the phase lag control generally will increase rise time & settling time decrease rise time & settling time increase rise time & decrease settling time decrease rise time & increase settling time A lag compensator improves

ww . w ww w

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a. steady state response b. transient response c. both steady state & transient response d. neither steady state nor transient response 126. Which of the following represents a lag compensator a. b. c. d. 127. a. b. c. d. 128. a. b. c. d. 129. a. b. c. d. 130.

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A lag compensator is

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Low pass filter High pass filter Band pass filter Band stop filter The typical value of '' chosen in the design of a lag compensator is usually 10 0.1 0 With lag compensator the Bandwidth of the system will decrease increase remain constant increase under some specific conditions

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The transfer function of a compensator is Gc(s) = . It represents a

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a. lag compensator b. lead compensator

c. d.

lag-lead compensator lead-lag compensator

131. With respect to the polar plot of a lag lead compensator G property is valid a. b. c. d. Gc(j0) = G G G

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the following =0 The

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132. The transfer function of a lag lead network is given by Gc(s) = constants are related by a. b. c.

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ww . w ww w
a. b. c. d. low & high low & low high & high high & low

ww . w ww w

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d. 133. When a sinusoidal signal is applied to a lag lead network, phase lag & phase lead occur in the output in _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ _ _ _ frquency regions.

134. a. b. c. d.

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lead-lag compensator lag-lead compensator lag compensator lead compensator

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The transfer function of a compensator is Gc(s) = It represents a The transfer function of a compensator is Gc(s) = It represents a

135. a. b. c.

lead-lag compensator lag-lead compensator lag compensator


lead compensator

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a. increase by two b. increase by one c. remain same d. become doubled 137. The phase lead portion of a lead lag compensator is used for achieving _ _ _ _ _ rise time & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bandwidth. a. b. c. d. 138. a. b. c. d. 139. smaller, higher smaller, smaller higher, higher higher, smaller A lag lead compensator has _ _ _ _ _ _ poles & _ _ _ _ _ 2 & 2 2 & 0 0 & 2 0& 0 The pole zero plot shown in Figure(a) is that of a

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By using lag lead compensation the order of the system will

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a. b. c. d. 140.

lag-lead compensator lead-lag compensator lead compensator lag compensator The pole zero plot shown in Figure(a) is that of a

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a. b.

lead-lag compensator lag-lead compensator

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ww . w ww w
c. d. 141. a. b. c. d. 142. a. b. c. d. 143. a. b. c. d. 144. a. b. c. d. 145. a. b. c. d. 146. a. b. c. d. 147. a. b. c. d. 148. a. b. lag compensator lead compensator The value of capacitor in the PI OPAMP circuit is inversely proportional to KI & independent of KP directly proportional to KI & independent of KP independent of both KI & KP directly proportional to both KI & KP PD control will have effect on steady state error only if the error varies with time error remains constant error is large & remains constant error is small & remains constant A PD controller

ww . w ww w

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increases BW & reduces rise time increases both BW & rise time decreases both BW & rise time decreases BW & increases rise time A PI controller

increases rise time & decreases BW increases both BW & rise time decreases both BW & rise time decreases rise time & increases BW The controller used for improving transient response is

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PD PI P neither P,PD nor PI The controller employed to improve steady state performance is PI P PD neither P, PD nor PI A PD controller is a High pass filter Low pass filter Band pass filter Band stop filter A PI controller is a Low pass filter High pass filter

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c. d. 149. a. b. c. d. 150.

Band pass filter Band stop filter The PI controller increases the type of the system by 1 2 0 3

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A PID controller

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a. improves both steady state & transient response b. improves steady state but transient response is not affected c. improves transient response but steady state is not affected d. does not affect either steady state or transient response 151. Which of the following is a valid statement in State Space Analysis? a.

State model is not unique & can be applied to linear or non linear systems

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ww . w ww w
b. State model is c. State model is d. State model is 152. For an n axes are the _ _ a. b. c. d. n n+1 2 n-1

ww . w ww w

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not unique & can be applied to only linear systems unique & can be applied to non linear systems unique & can be applied to linear systems order system, "state space" is defined as the space whose coordinate _ _ state variables.

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153. The output equation of a system is The number of inputs & outputs are a. b. c. d. 3 & 2 2 & 3 2 & 4 4& 2

154. The state equation of a system is number of inputs & the order of the system are

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a. 2 & 3 b. 3 & 2 c. 3 & 3 d. 1 & 3 155. The output equation of an n order system is y(t) = Cx(t) + Du(t) If m & p are number of inputs & outputs the order of 'C' matrix is a. b. c. d. 156. a. b. c. d. 157. a. b. p X n p X m n X m nX n State space analysis is a

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time domain approach and applicable to systems with zero or non zero initial conditions time domain approach and applicable to systems with zero initial conditions only frequency domain approach and applicable to systems with non zero initial conditions frequency domain approach and applicable to systems with zero initial conditions The no. of state variables for a system G(s) = is

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3 1

c. 2 d. 4 158. The state equation of an n order system is mathop x limits. = Ax+Bu. If m & p are number of inputs & outputs the order of 'A' matrix is a. b. c. d. 159. a. b. c. d. n n n p Xn Xm X1 Xn The number of state variables for an n

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order system is

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n n+1 n-1 2n-1

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ww . w ww w
160. a. b. c. d. 161. 'C' a. b. c. d. The system matrix is given by A =

ww . w ww w
The order of the system is

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4 3 5 2

In diagonal canonical form if the input matrix 'B' has all 1s then the output matrix contains residues of system poles All 1s All zeros except last element which is a 1. All zeros

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The closed loop transfer function of a system is . In the state

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model using canonical variables if B = a. b. c. d.

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the values of A & C are

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163. The closed loop transfer function of a system is . If the state model of this system is obtained by using phase variables, the values of A,B,C &D are

a. -2, 0.5, 1, 0 b. -2, 0.5, 0, 1 c. 0.5, -2, 1, 0 d. 0.5, -2, 0, 1 164. The state equation & output equation of a linear time invariant system are given by mathop X limits.(t)= Ax+Bu & Y(t)= Cx+Du .The closed loop transfer function of the system is a. b. c. C(sI-A) B+D C(sI-A) B C(sI-A)B+D

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d. C(sI-A)B 165. The characteristic equation of a system is s2 + 3s +2 = 0 The system matrix using phase variables is

a. b. c. d. 166. a.

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Physical variables are

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measurable & can be utilized for feed back

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ww . w ww w
b. c. d. measurable but can't be utilized for feed back not measurable but can be utilized for feed back neither measurable nor can be utilized for feed back 167. The transfer function of system is variables is

ww . w ww w
. The matrix 'A' using phase

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d. 168.

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Which of the following is said to be in Bush Companion form?


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169. The closed loop transfer function of a system is model is obtained using phase variables the B matrix is

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. If the state

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A system is characterized by the transfer function . If the state

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model is obtained by phase variables the system matrix is


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ww . w ww w
b. c. d. 171.

ww . w ww w

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The solution of the time invariant state equation is given by x(t) =

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a. b. c.

d. 172. If initial time is 't 0' then the solution of non homogeneous state equation is given by x(t) =

a. b. c. d.

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173. The state equation of a system is The similarity transformation matrix P for diagonalisation is


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d. 174. The eigen values of a system are -1, -2, -3. The eigen values of the system after applying similarity transformation are a. b. c. d. 175.

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-1, -2, -3 1, 2, 3 1, 4, 9 1, -2, 9 Solution of non homogeneous state equation with non-zero initial state represents

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a. Both free response & forced response b. Only free response c. Only forced response d. Neither free response nor forced response

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ww . w ww w
a. b. c. d. P AP PAP AP P B

ww . w ww w

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176. A system is characterized by is to be diagonalised by using the similarity transformation x = Pz .The system matrix of transformed system is

177. A system is characterized by transformation then the input matrix is

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a. P B b. PB c. P AP d. PAP 178. The solution of non homogeneous state equation with zero initial state is given by x(t) =

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. If x = Pz is the similarity

a. b.

c. d. 0 179. The technique of transforming a given state model with distinct eigen values into _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ canonical form is known as diagonalisation. a. b. c. d. Diagonal observable controllable Jordan

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180. A system is characterized by is to be diagonalised by using the similarity transformation z = Px . The system matrix of transformed system is a. b. c. d. 181. P-1AP PAP-1 AP P-1B A system is described by

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. The transfer

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function of the system is

a. b. c. d.

182. A control system is represented as the closed loop poles is at s = -2, then k = a. b. c. d. -5 1 2 5

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If one of The transfer

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183. A system is described by function of the system is

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ww . w ww w
a. b. c. d.

ww . w ww w

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184. a. b. c. d. 185.

-4, -5 -1, -9 -1, -20 -9, -20

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If the system matrix A = then the closed poles are at A system is characterized by the transfer function If the state then C=

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model of this system has A = a. b. c. d.

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The eigen values if the system matrix A = are

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186. a. b. c. d.

-1, 1, -j, j 1, 1, 1, 1 -1, -1, -1, -1 1, 0, -1, 0

187. a. b. c. d.

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Given A = , the characteristic equation of the system is . The system matrix in diagonal

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188. The characteristic equation of a system is form is

a. b. c. d.

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If the system matrix is A = , then the closed poles are at

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189. a. b. c.

-2, -5 -1, -7 -1, -10

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ww . w ww w
d. -7, -10 190. a. b. c. d. If A = the eigen values of the system are

ww . w ww w

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2, 2, 1 -2, -2, -1 2, 3, 1 2, 2, 3

191. State transition matrix is defined as a matrix that satisfies the equation equation is a a. b. c. d. 192. linear homogeneous equation linear non homogeneous equation non linear homogeneous equation non linear non homogeneous equation Resolvant matrix is given by

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. This

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a. b. c.

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Which of the following is a valid state transition matrix?

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d. 193.

a. b. c. d.

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, where e represents the

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194. The state transition matrix is expressed as e power series given by


b. c.

d. 195.

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a. initial conditions only b. initial conditions & input signals c. input signals only d. neither initial conditions nor input signals

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The state transition matrix governs the response of the system that is excited by The solution of a linear homogeneous equation with initial state 'x0' is


x(t) = e^{At} x0 where the matrix exponential e

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is known as

ww . w ww w
a. State transition matrix b. Input matrix c. System matrix d. output matrix

ww . w ww w

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a. b. c. d.

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The state transition matrix for the system with initial state x(0) is x(0) =

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a. b. c. d.

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a. b.

c. d. 200. a. b. c.

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State transition matrix is

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d. solution of non homogeneous state equation & represents forced response of the system

solution of homogeneous state equation & represents free response of the system solution of homogeneous state equation & represents forced response of the system solution of non homogeneous state equation & represents free response of the system

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