Please Use The Following Guidelines! Marks Will Be Deducted For Failure To Follow Any of The Require-Ments!

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Bonus 2 300: Hollywood or Herodotus?

The popular movie 300 is based on the historical battle of Thermopylae which took place in 480 BCE in northern Greece. Our primary source of information is the first historian, Herodotus, who wrote about the battle a generation after the fact. Your assignment is to read the abridged account (4.5 pages) from Book 7 of Herodotus (see Herodotus on Virtual Campus) and compare it with the movie. You will see that each section is given a number to which you will refer when stating your evidence. In a one page paper, identify and discuss three instances in which the movie differs from Herodotus. Do you think the movie gives a good account of what Herodotus says about the battle? Do NOT quote lines from the text but state the evidence from Herodotus in your own words followed by a citation placed in brackets. For example, There were hot springs in the pass at Thermopylae (Hdt. 7.176).

Please use the following guidelines! Marks will be deducted for failure to follow any of the requirements!
1. Do NOT use a cover page. Instead, place your name, student number, course code (CLA 1101) and date (single spaced, each on a separate line in the order given using 12 point Times New Roman font) in the upper right hand side. 2. Use 12 point Times New Roman font with 1.5 line spacing in your discussion. 3. Maximum: 1 page. 4. Pay careful attention to the organization of your paper as well as spelling, grammar and punctuation. 5. Re-read and edit your paper BEFORE submitting! Avoid losing marks for carelessness!

6. You are reminded that ALL work MUST be your own. I am interested in YOUR opinions, expressed in your own words. 7. Submit your hardcopy in class on October 15 (OR BEFORE). 8. PLEASE do not use plastic covers or any other type of cover.

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