Coarctation of Aorta - Patho

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Coarctation of Aorta

Predisposing Factors: >Unknown >Familial predisposition >Chromosomal anomaly > Single gene defect >Gender: Male

Precipitating Factors: >Exposure to radiation >weak Immune defenses >exposure to intrauterine infections (rubella) >intrauterine insult >alcohol intake > Exposure to inorganic solvents >Intake of ibufprofen

Mesoderm formation anomaly (specifically the heart)

Incomplete closure of heart chambers

Anomaly of the vessels

Persistence of fetal blood vessels

Acyanotic defects Deoxygenated blood from IVC and SVC

Cyanotic Defects


Tricuspid Valve


Pulmonic Valve

Echocardiography: Left Atrial Hypertrophy

Pulmonary artery


Increase pressure in the pulmonary circuit

Capillary beds of the lungs Blood Volume Pulmonary Veins LA Mitral valve

Inc. Pressure

Increase BP in Upper Extremities

Pulmonary congestion

Tachypnea Recurrent Respiratory Infection Diuretics Activation of baro receptors Stimulation of vasomotor regulatory center in the medulla LV

Inc. Blood Volume Inc. Pressure Echocardiography: Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Interventional angiography (using a balloon catheter) Dec. Blood flow to distal vessels

LSHF Digoxin

Aortic Valve

Narrowing of the aortic vessel Surgical repair

Increase BP

Blood vessels vasocontriction Inc. Cardiac output

Inc. sympathoadrenal activity

Inc. HR

Insufficient Systemic circulation

Dilates bronchi Decreases peristalsis and dec. gastric and salivary secretions

Dec. tissue perfusion to the kidneys

Inc. RR

Decrease BP in the Lower Peripheries

Failure to Thrive

Dec. food absorption Poor weight gain

RAAS Stimulation

Vasoconstriction and sodium and water reabsorption

Increase HR

Increase BP

Blood Back flow

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