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I am currently a student at Vanderbilt University.

As a Chancellors Scholar I am involved with campus wide efforts to promote both diversity and academic excellence. At the moment I am studying general sciences and such, but I hope to pursue a major in neuroscience and eventually a career in medical research. I plan to study abroad at least once, possibly twice, either in Denmark or Australia. I have many random interests including roller coasters, anime, illusionary arts, video games, and dining. Yes, I am a roller coaster enthusiast. My favorite roller coasters are Griffon, Diamondback, Wild Eagle, The Voyage, Apollo's Chariot, and Hulk at IOA. Spiderman and Harry Potter at IOA are quite amazing as well, just not roller coasters. I am into street magic and the like. Some of my favorite performers are (obviously) David Copperfield, as well as Lance Burton, Terry Evanswood, and several others... I like to eat... a lot. I am a big "foodie" with my favorite cuisines being Japanese, Thai, Korean, German, French, Indian, Cuban, and Italian. (I know that's a rather exhaustive list). Some of my favorite specific items are sushi rolls, chicken cordon bleu, Schnitzel, General Tso's Chicken, Curry, Tappas in general, lasagna, and ice cream. My favorite foods are Shrimp, Lobster, Cheddar Cheese, Chocolate, Sour Skittles, and Chicken. I don't really like steak other than fillet, but I love that once in a while. Some of my favorite TV shows are Dexter, Madmen, Game of Thrones, House, and Parks and Recreation. I have a lot of "favorite movies" so here is the shortlist: Crash, The Kinds Speech, The Shawshank Redemption, The Artist, Slumdog Millionaire, Schindler's List, Babel, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Memento, Up, The Prestige, The Avengers, Inception, Ratatouille, The Social Network, The Dark Knight, The Departed, Million Dollar Baby, Arsenic and Old Lace, and Wall-E. As far as Anime goes, I like most of the mainstream things as well as some lesser known material. Studio Ghibli is quite wonderful! My favorite movies by their directors are Spirited Away, and Laupin III: Castle of Cagliostro, Howl's Moving Castle, and Laputa. My other favorite films are Paprika, Perfect Blue, and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. My favorite series are Death Note, Full Metal Alchemist, Code Geass, Ghost in the Shell, and Cowboy BeeBop. Bleach is good too, just not all of the ridiculously repetitive side-arcs. Video Games! I really like what I like when it comes to gaming. My preferred genres are RPG/Adventure and Strategy games. My favorite series by far are Legend of Zelda and Kingdom Hearts. My favorite Zelda game is, perhaps a bit strangely, Majora's Mask. I love the game's quirkiness, darkness, and heaping amount of side quests. I also like Skyrim and the Elder Scrolls, where I play as an Altmer. Yay rude, magical elves... I like Blizzard as well, but not as much as the aforementioned games and things. I do not like Mario (sorry fans), but I am a fan of his 2 dimensional

variety. I prefer turn-based strategy games to real time strategy. I am really in to games like Civilization and Total War. I do not like FPS games either. I never have really enjoyed the idea of shooting things... Felecia Day is cool! If you know who she is, awesome, if you don't then ignore this little tidbit. Music isn't the most important thing in my life, but it plays a nice role. I play piano, trumpet, marimba, xylophone, Vibes, Bells, Chimes, guitar, drums, violin, French horn, and various other instruments. I am a rather eclectic person when it comes to my personal tastes. I enjoy a huge variety of music including genres such as Alternative, Classical, Metal, Pop, Indie, Punk, Rock, and various other styles. I do not have a favorite artist; there are way too many great ones to chose. My favorite composers are Dmitri Shostakovich, Frederic Chopin, Ludovico Einaudi, Hans Zimmer, Antonia Vivaldi, and Claude Debussy. Life without music would be like food with no flavor. I am an INTJ personality type, if you have any interest in MBTI and personality typing. Some other examples of INTJs are Bill Gates, John F. Kennedy, Augustus Caesar, Gandalf, Mr. Darcy, Hillary Clinton, C. S. Lewis, Lewis Carrol, Stephen Hawking, Neils Bohr, and Professor Moriarty. Politically, I am socially liberal, fiscally moderate. I am a fan of state sponsored health care, because our current system is not working very well at all. I am not a big fan of the American two party system, but I guess things could be worse. Well that is a little bit about me, well actually quite a bit I guess... If you want to know more you will have to get to know me better! :)

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