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Reflection: Chemistry, as a subject is hard for me.

I actually hated it since high school because my teacher didnt teach it well making it the most difficult subject that time. Because of that, I didnt have good foundation in that particular subject. But organic chemistry seems easy. Its probably because of a good teacher that we have that we really understand most of the topics. I was really astonished by his techniques of how he can make it easy to understand for us. And I was also amazed by myself because I can really understand it. Before, looking at some structures gives me headache. But since we were taught of naming some compounds, I can easily name it as long as it is under the organic chemistry, of course. I can still remember the time when we were asked to memorize the functional groups. When I first think about it, I thought that it is really impossible for me. But by the grace of God, I actually did it. Alkanes, the easiest topic in our course, made chemistry fun for me. The topic is easy and I can really understand it. Next are the Alkenes. Slowly, my life is quite changing. I admit that I cant understand some of our lessons but I know that I managed to survive. We really didnt talk about Alkynes because it is quite similar with Alkenes. And when we moved to the Aromatic Compounds, I know that I have some difficulties understanding it knowing that pressure was really striking me. Stereochemistry of organic compounds, at first hand looks easy, but confusing. For me, nothing is easy and nothing is also hard. It just depends on the perspective and motivation of a person. If one will strive hard to reach the goal, by the Gods mercy, he will succeed. No one fails. Its just a matter of understanding on how you will view your life and everything thats happening around you. Every subject that we take must be passed---Organic chemistry, heat and thermodynamics, zoology---everything. Yes, it is hard to study but it will be easy if you will love it.

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