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Ron Gardiner Title: Internet Key word searches Introduction: Students will learn to use carefully chosen key

words when doing research on the Internet Grade Level: 3rd-5th Objectives: Students will improve the results of Internet research by using specific keywords Standards addressed: AASL Standards 1.1.8 Demonstrate mastery of technology tools for accessing information and pursuing inquiry. 1.3.2 Seek divergent perspectives during information gathering and assessment. National Educational Technology Standards 3b locate, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media (Murray, 2008) Relative Advantage: Many advantages exist for using the Internet as a research tool. Included in the reasons are a near ubiquitous access to information in all forms from web pages and blogs to the Library of Congress archives. Cost is another advantage. Much information can be obtained freely or through nominally priced subscription services. Whereas a school media center has a limited number of books and periodicals, the Internet is a vast resource of information of all types.. Despite the advantages, Internet researchers must proceed with caution. The Internet is an unfiltered data source. According to ("How much information?," ) there are 550 billion web-connected documents, on the Internet. Not all of which are credible, factual, reliable, or appropriate for students. Timeline: One 45 minute sessions Materials: Display computer with Internet access, projector, Interactive whiteboard or screen for whole group demonstration. Computer per student or pair with Internet access for practice. Videos 1) 2) 3) Search Results recording sheet Grouping Strategies: The computer lab will be booked giving students the opportunity to work individually or in in pairs on a computer. Learning Activities 1) Introduce the lesson: Today we will see how using specific language when searching the internet will help you get better search results. Also we will see how using one, two, three and more search terms, also called keywords, will may you a more efficient Internet researcher.

2) Show introduction video: Search Engines (Techplug1) ( 3) Teacher directs students to computer where they log in; open the Internet Explorer (default) browser and the Google search engine. 4) Students type in the word Gordon 5) Using the recording sheet, students keep track of the top result as well as the number of results produced. 6) Using Keywords in Word Search (Tech Plug 2) ( 7) Discuss how using more than one search term could help in getting more accurate results and fewer hits. 8) Students return to computer. For a second search they type in the keywords Gordon school and record the title of the top result and the number of total results. 9) Discuss what is happening to the results and the number of results given. Possible comments may include, As we use more and specific keywords the closer we are to fining what want. 10) Ask students to predict what web page we are looking for. Answers should be the school home page. 11) Ask students to suggest a third key word that could land us on the school home page. We are already using Gordon school. Suggestions might be Gary, home or DDESS. 12) At this point students select a third search term, recording the top result and the total number of results. 13) Students continue this process of adding a search term and recording the top result and number of results until their top result is the school home page. Assessment: Ongoing assessment through observation and discussion. Also, students complete the reflection portion of the recording sheet. This is a paper and pencil exercise to facilitate the sharing of ideas and discussion about what students learned. Adaptations: Students with special needs may participate in this lesson by using assistive technology (i.e. input devices) screen readers, speech to text software, partnering with another student, or working with school assigned instructional aides. References:

How much information?. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Knowledgechannelorg. (2011, November 17). Using keywords in word search (tech plug 2). Retrieved October 14, 2012 from Knowledgechannelorg. (2011, November 17). Search engines (tech plug 1). Retrieved October 14, 2012 from

Lesson plan: Research skills. (n.d.). Retrieved from LessonPlan 091304.pdf
Murray, J. (2008). applying big6 skills, aasl standards and iste nets to internet . Retrieved from

Teachingchannel. (n.d.) Improving research skills with effective keywords. Retrieved October, 14 2012, from

Wading through the web. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Wsuinst (2007, July, 20). Using keywords to search. Retrieved October 14, 2012, from

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