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theSun | WEDNESDAY JANUARY 21 2009 7

news without borders

by Giam Say Khoon

KUALA LUMPUR: The MIC disciplinary

committee queried former party vice-
president Datuk M. Muthuppalaniap-
pan yesterday over alleged detrimental
MIC panel to meet
on Muthu’s fate
statements he had made on the party
and will meet soon to decide his fate.
Committee chairman Tan Sri G.
Vadiveloo, who chaired the 45-minute Raja Nazrin Shah
inquiry, said a show-cause letter was (right) and Tawfik
sent to Muthuppalaniappan on Dec 23, at the launching
over a press statement to Makkal Osai He (Muthuppalaniappan) said he has designed to stop him from taking part of Malaya’s
on Nov 11 in which he was quoted as not seen the statement in Makkal in the party election, Vadiveloo said it First Year at the
saying: “I will not announce my deci- Osai and he should have been given a was just his speculation. United Nations
sion to contest (in the party election) copy of the statement,” Vadiveloo told During the inquiry, Muthuppalaniap- yesterday.
because as soon as I announce, Samy reporters. “You made a statement to pan had wanted the inquiry to be held
Vellu will close all my (supporters’) the paper and your picture (and story) for another three days so that he could
branches and remove my supporters.”
Muthuppalaniappan had, on Nov 12,
came out the next day. You cannot say
‘I do not know about it’.”
bring witnesses. He also demanded the
disciplinary board produce the news- Book on Ismail’s letters from the UN
stated his intention to bid for the presi- As for the second statement, Vadi- paper cuttings which quoted him. The by Hemananthani Sivanandam beyond race and ideology because of
dency in the party polls later in the year. veloo said, although Muthuppalaniap- committee rejected the requests. urbanisation.
Vadiveloo said another state- pan did not deny the statement, he Met outside the MIC headquarters, “In the end, common sense is a core
ment was made to Malaysiakini in told the panel he did not think it was Muthuppalaniappan said he had writ- KUALA LUMPUR: A book on the late value that we need. We have to realise
an interview dated Dec 17, in which detrimental to the party. ten four letters to the committee, party Tun Dr Ismail’s letters from the United that we live with each other,” he said.
Muthuppalaniappan was quoted Vadiveloo said the committee will secretary-general Datuk Dr S. Subra- Nations was launched here yesterday. The book, co-edited by Tawfik and Dr
as saying “they (MIC) just form the meet to decide whether Muthuppalani- maniam and party election committee “Malaya’s First Year at the United Ooi Kee Beng, covers the first of a series
branches overnight, just one or two appan should be warned, suspended or chairman Datuk K. Vijayanathan after Nations” is a compilation of Ismail’s of primary documents left by Ismail. It
nights before the elections … they expelled from the party, if found guilty. receiving the show-cause letter but he letters to the first prime minister, Tunku was launched by US ambassador James
come and vote”. Asked about Muthuppalaniap- did not receive any reply and was only Abdul Rahman, from September 1957 to Keith and witnessed by the Raja Muda
“So what do the statements imply? pan’s allegation that the inquiry was asked to attend the one-day inquiry. June 1959. of Perak, Raja Nazrin Shah, Institute of
Ismail was Malaya’s first permanent South East Asian Studies (Iseas) director
representative to the United Nations K. Kesavapany, and Asian Strategy and
Sugar price may go up after CNY Billboards not under 4As’ purview and ambassador to the United States in Leadership Institute (Asli) deputy chair-
BUTTERWORTH: Sugar may cost more after the Chinese IN yesterday’s report headlined “More billboards to 1957. He was subsequently appointed man Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam.
New Year celebration following the hike in price in the come down in PJ”, theSun quoted extensively from the home affairs minister and then the Tawfik said the book provides an
international market, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs a letter from the Petaling Jaya City Council to the deputy prime minister. insight into leadership models after
Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad said yesterday. president of the Association of Accredited Advertising At the launching, Ismail’s son Tawfik independence. “There are lessons to be
“Eighty to 90% of our sugar supply comes from over- Agents Malaysia (4As), Datuk Vincent Lee. said young Malaysians now realise that learned in terms of where we deviate from
seas. Our supply contract ended last year. The report may have given the impression that democracy is being practised and the the original goals of the nation,” he said.
This year we have a new contract and the price is billboards come under its purview. world is no longer divided by ideology Navaratnam described the book as
higher,” he told reporters after launching a campaign on The billboards are constructed and managed by or racialism. invaluable.
“Health and the dangers of sugar” here. outdoor advertising companies. “Boundaries exist in each race be- “It gives us an insight into his (Ismail’s)
Shahrir said if the retail price were to remain at RM1.45 Members of the 4As and media specialists buy cause we create it. We breed prejudices thinking, values and aspirations, the
per kg, the government would have to pay a subsidy. sites from these companies but do not own any sites on our own,” he said. challenges that were facing as a young,
However, he gave an assurance that if there was an per se. Tawfik said he believes the younger independent country, and its unique
increase, it would be done gradually. – Bernama The letter was sent to the 4As as a mere advisory. generation now have the sense to see leaders back then,” he said.

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