Employ The Twin Sisters

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Jesus, it just didnt work out! I prayed for it and set the money aside for it...


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When something doesnt turn out the way you had prayed it would, it doesnt mean that your faith has not met the challenge or the occasion. One of the fundamentals in using the power of prayer is in allowing Me the freedom to work as I know is best for you and your situation. Remember, I see waaaayyy out in front of you, so I have the big picture in mind. And when you ask for My help and activate your faith by showing that you trust Me, I guarantee that the outcome will be for the besteven if its somewhat different than what you expected.

I wanted it SO BAD!

Please help me to have faith and trust...



My friend invited me to go on a mission trip with her to Africa for two weeks!

I can pay my own fare which I already have the money for!


Thank You, Jesus, for coming through for me, even if it was different than I had expected!

I often go contrary to natural expectations, while still holding true to the promises that I have given in My Word. You may have decided that the outcome of your goal or desires should be delivered a certain way, and thats understandable. But while you may be visualizing your needs, for example, supplied in a certain manner, My eyes see way beyond the supply of just that need. I may even take you on a roundabout path in answering your prayers, but you can know that that path is for a very special purpose and reason. This is when faiths twin sister steps on the stage: trust. Faith and trust walk hand in hand, and very seldom do they walk alone. So when you get one of those unexpected answers and you know youve prayed in faith and met the conditions Ive shown you in My Word, you can almost always know that I have something thats better for you.One of those cool answers that you know only I could have possibly engineered and brought to pass. And what do those type of answers do? They engender even more faith. So its a win-win situation.
Originally published December 2006; adapted. Illustrated by Rain. Design by Stefan Merour. Copyright 2012 by The Family International

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